Sunday, February 22, 2015

Terror Has No Colour

'Terror Has No Colour 

After 9/11 and more recently, after the Mumbai attacks, people who know I am a Muslim often tell me that they feel all Muslims are not terrorists. I am glad they feel that way.

However I do not need to be reassured about it repeatedly. For a person committing a heinous crime like shooting innocent people definitely cannot be a true Muslim.

Islam is a religion of PEACE. It doesn't teach us to kill unlike other religions. Muslims start their greetings with “As-salaam-wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh”, which means in English “May GOD’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.”

Allah states : “Whoever kills a human being [unjustly]… then it is as though he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a human life it is as though he had saved all mankind.”

No one probably ever heard of such a stunning message of peace, which considers killing just one person (be it innocent or not) tantamount to killing the entire humanity? The doubters should not have any more skepticism about Muslim’s claim that “Islam is a religion of peace”. The unjustified criticisms of and spitting venom's at Islam by the hateful Islam-bashers got to stop now.

Terrorists do not have a religion. They use it as a mantle to do what their religion forbids. At its heart is the desire to meet their own narrow agenda. A person who burns churches, mosques or temples with the purpose of safeguarding religious beliefs is not worthy of belonging to any religion. Let’s not communicate terror. It has no green or saffron shade to it.'

Terror Has No Colour
After 9/11 and more recently, after the Mumbai attacks, people who know I am a Muslim often tell me that they feel all Muslims are not terrorists. I am glad they feel that way.
However I do not need to be reassured about it repeatedly. For a person committing a heinous crime like shooting innocent people definitely cannot be a true Muslim.
Islam is a religion of PEACE. It doesn't teach us to kill unlike other religions. Muslims start their greetings with “As-salaam-wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh”, which means in English “May GOD’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.”
Allah states : “Whoever kills a human being [unjustly]… then it is as though he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a human life it is as though he had saved all mankind.”
No one probably ever heard of such a stunning message of peace, which considers killing just one person (be it innocent or not) tantamount to killing the entire humanity? The doubters should not have any more skepticism about Muslim’s claim that “Islam is a religion of peace”. The unjustified criticisms of and spitting venom's at Islam by the hateful Islam-bashers got to stop now.
Terrorists do not have a religion. They use it as a mantle to do what their religion forbids. At its heart is the desire to meet their own narrow agenda. A person who burns churches, mosques or temples with the purpose of safeguarding religious beliefs is not worthy of belonging to any religion. Let’s not communicate terror. It has no green or saffron shade to it.

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