Thursday, April 24, 2014

Benefits of Ginger That You Didn’t Know About

Benefits of Ginger That You Didn’t Know About

“O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah if it is (indeed) He whom ye worship” (Qur’an 2:172).

Ginger is a rhizome that is widely used as a culinary herb. The light yellow herb has a fiery, pungent taste that adds zest to any food. It has a host of minerals and a few vitamins. These include calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium and sodium. Vitamins C, E and B6 are found in the rhizome. It also contains protein, fiber and essential oils. Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for several centuries. This is because of the potent compounds it contains which assure several benefits.

But why ginger?

Ginger is grown as a root and is a flexible ingredient that can be consumed in drinks or in cooking. It can be used to make foods spicy and even as a food preservative.

Here ‘s a list of some of the amazing benefits of ginger that you may not aware of. Although some of these are still being debated, you could do your own research if you want to use ginger for medicinal purposes.

The Benefits of Ginger:

1. Maintains Normal Blood Circulation:

Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help to improve blood flow, as well as help prevent chills, fever, and excessive sweat.

2. Remedies Motion Sickness:

Ginger is a known effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness. The exact reason is unknown, but in a study of naval cadets, those given ginger powder suffered less.

3. Improves absorption:

Ginger improves the absorption and stimulation of essential nutrients in the body. It does this by stimulating gastric and pancreatic enzyme secretion.

4. Cold and Flu Prevention:

Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural treatment for colds and flu around Asia. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that to treat cold and flu symptoms in adults, steep 2 tbsp. of freshly shredded or chopped ginger root in hot water, two to three times a day

5. Combats Stomach Discomfort:

Ginger is ideal in assisting digestion, thereby improving food absorption and avoiding possible stomach ache. Ginger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to aspirin and ibuprofen

6. Colon Cancer Prevention:

A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

7. Reduce Pain and Inflammation:

Ginger contains some of the most potent anti-inflammatory fighting substances known and is a natural powerful painkiller.

8. Fights Common Respiratory Problems:

If you’re suffering from common respiratory diseases such as a cough, ginger aids in expanding your lungs and loosening up phlegm because it is a natural expectorant that breaks down and removes mucus.. That way you can quickly recover from difficulty in breathing.

9. Ovarian Cancer Treatment:

Ginger powder induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells.

10. Strengthens Immunity:

Ginger helps improve the immune system. Consuming a little bit ginger a day can help foil potential risk of a stroke by inhibiting fatty deposits from the arteries. It also decreases bacterial infections in the stomach, and helps battle a bad cough and throat irritation.

11. Combats Morning Sickness:

Ginger has demonstrated a success rate of 75 percent in curing morning sickness and stomach flu.

How Much?

These are some of the health benefits to ginger. How it can be taken is up to you, some people will say that 2 tablespoons of shredded ginger in a cup 2-3 times a day is ideal when you are feeling under the weather. A lot of people will mix ginger and honey to help soothe a cold and drink it many times a day. Naturally, it’s used in cooking and candy, so it’s difficult to measure to say exactly how much you should consume,

But with all these benefits, and with it so readily available, it’s really something we shouldn’t even try to avoid. In fact you could even mix it up with other ingredients such as Green Tea.

10 Terrific Benefits of Ginger:

1. Haven’t been feeling hungry? Eat fresh ginger just before lunch to stoke a dull appetite and fire up the digestive juices.

2. Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body.

3. Ginger clears the ‘microcirculatory channels’ of the body, including the pesky sinuses that tend to flare up from time to time.

4. Feeling airsick or nauseous? Chew on ginger, preferably tossed in a little honey.

5. Can’t stop the toot-a-thon? Gas—oops—guess what?! Ginger helps reduce flatulence!

6. Tummy moaning and groaning under cramps? Munch on ginger.

7. Reeling under joint pain? Ginger, with its anti-inflammatory properties—can bring relief. Float some ginger essential oil in your bath to help aching muscles and joints.

8. Just had surgery? Chewing ginger post-operation can help overcome nausea.

9. Stir up some ginger tea to get rid of throat and nose congestion. And when there’s a nip in the air, the warming benefits of this tasty tea are even greater!

10. Bedroom blues? Try adding a gingery punch to a bowl of soup.

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