Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Stories of New Muslimah

TAKPEER how many one will say Allah WA AKBAR km one here says Allahu Akbar Brothers and sisters lets welcome our sister (HEATHER FAITH SALES) from TEXAS USA convert to islam since July 2013 and only today she decide 28/12/2014 decided to share her story with us (Stories on new Muslims) I found my way to Islam and it would be a blessing if my words helped one person to do the same or at least see Islam with a non judgemental heart.  Salam alikom.  I pray that this message finds you saying alhamdulilah for another breath from Allah.  I want to share about how Islam has changed my life.  To begin naming all the ways is to start a long and wonderful list.  I will just address one at a time.  The first way that Islam changed my life is that it lifted the weight of my worries off my shoulders.  Before I converted, I felt that everything in my life was completely up to me.  This was compounded by the fact that I am a single mother.  I worried about my job, having enough money to pay bills, raising my children, pleasing my parents, and keeping everything together.  I felt that every single aspect of my life was soley MY responsibility.  Sometimes this stress left me feeling tired and depressed.  I could not sleep or I slept too long.  I had come to believe that this was an acceptable way of life, after all, people around me were feeling the same.  After I began to pray daily, I took the time to offer supplications as a part of my prayer to thank Allah for everything in my life from waking up in the morning to helping me be a good mom.  Thanking Allah for all he has given me helped me see my life in a more positive way.  I began to see issues not as problems, but as a test from Allah to pass.  I tackled each of them by first, thanking Allah for the test and then asking him for help.  Every time I did this, I felt as if a weight was being lifted from me.  When my mind began to obsess about something, I would tell myself to offer this up to Allah and wait patiently for an answer.  I can not say that I have no worries, but I can say that I do not have to carry them alone anymore and that feeling gives me such peace.  I sleep better, I feel better and that filters out into every aspect of my life.  I am also more humble now, because listing my blessings in prayer helps me realize that with Allah, I HAVE NOTHING!  Alhamdulilah, for Islam because I will never be alone again.  My brothers and sisters let us welcome Pachtna delivered a HEATHER FAITH SALES of Texas USA Peace be upon you.  I pray that this letter finds you say thank God for another breath of God.  I want to share about how Islam has changed my life.  To start naming all the roads is scheduled to begin a long and impressive list.  I will address only one at a time.  The first way that Islam is my life is that it is raising the weight of my fears from my shoulders.  Before converted, and I felt that everything in my life was completely up to me.  This has increased from the fact that I am a single mother.  I worried about my job, and having enough money to pay the bills, and raise my kids, to please my parents, and keeping everything together.  I felt that every single aspect of my life was Sully's responsibility.  Sometimes this stress left me feeling tired and depressed.  I could not sleep or you sleep too long.  I had come to believe that this was an acceptable way of life, after all, and the people around me were feeling the same thing.  After that began to pray daily, and I took the time to offer prayers as part of my prayer to thank God for everything in my life than waking up in the morning to help me be a good mother.  Thanking God for all that he gave me helped me see my life in a positive way.  I began to see issues not as problems, but as a test from God to pass.  I dealt with all of them by first, thanked God for the test and then asked him for help.  Each time I did, I felt as if it was being lifted by weight of me.  When my mind began to acquire something, I would tell myself to present this matter to God and wait patiently for an answer.  I can not say that I do not have any concerns, but I can say that I do not have to implement it alone anymore, and this gives me this feeling of peace.  I sleep better, I feel better and that filters into every aspect of my life.  I am also more modest now, because my blessings listed in prayer helps me realize that with God, I do not have anything!  Praise be to Allah, Islam, because I will not be alone again.

TAKPEER how many one will say Allah WA AKBAR km one here says Allahu Akbar
Brothers and sisters lets welcome our sister (HEATHER FAITH SALES) from TEXAS USA
convert to islam Since July in 2013 and only today she Decide 28.12.2014 Decided to share her story with us (Stories on new Muslims)
I found my way to Islam and it would be a blessing if my words Helped one person to do the same or at Least see Islam with a non Judgemental heart.
Salam alikom. I pray that this message finds you saying alhamdulilah for another breath from Allah. I want to share about how Islam has changed my life. To begin naming all the ways is to start a long and wonderful list. I will just address one at a time. The first way that Islam changed my life is that it lifted the weight of my worries off my shoulders. Before I converted, I felt that everything in my life was completely up to me. This was compounded by the fact that I am a single mother. I worried about my job, having enough money to pay bills, raising my children, pleasing my parents, and keeping everything together. I felt that every single aspect of my life was soley MY responsibility. Sometimes this stress left me feeling tired and depressed. I could not sleep or I slept too long. I had come to believe that this was an acceptable way of life, after all, people around me were feeling the same.
After I began to pray daily, I took the time to offer supplications as a part of my prayer to thank Allah for everything in my life from waking up in the morning to helping me be a good mom. Thanking Allah for all he has given me helped me see my life in a more positive way. I began to see issues not as problems, but as a test from Allah to pass. I tackled each of them by first, thanking Allah for the test and then asking him for help. Every time I did this, I felt as if a weight was being lifted from me. When my mind began to obsess about something, I would tell myself to offer this up to Allah and wait patiently for an answer. I can not say that I have no worries, but I can say that I do not have to carry them alone anymore and that feeling gives me such peace. I sleep better, I feel better and that filters out into every aspect of my life. I am also more humble now, because listing my blessings in prayer helps me realize that with Allah, I HAVE NOTHING! Alhamdulilah, for Islam because I will never be alone again.
my brothers and sisters let us welcome Pachtna delivered a HEATHER FAITH SALES of Texas USA
Peace be upon you. I pray that this letter finds you say thank God for another breath of God. I want to share about how Islam has changed my life. To start naming all the roads is scheduled to begin a long and impressive list. I will address only one at a time. The first way that Islam is my life is that it is raising the weight of my fears from my shoulders. Before converted, and I felt that everything in my life was completely up to me. This has increased from the fact that I am a single mother. I worried about my job, and having enough money to pay the bills, and raise my kids, to please my parents, and keeping everything together. I felt that every single aspect of my life was Sully's responsibility. Sometimes this stress left me feeling tired and depressed. I could not sleep or you sleep too long. I had come to believe that this was an acceptable way of life, after all, and the people around me were feeling the same thing.
After that began to pray daily, and I took the time to offer prayers as part of my prayer to thank God for everything in my life than waking up in the morning to help me be a good mother. Thanking God for all that he gave me helped me see my life in a positive way. I began to see issues not as problems, but as a test from God to pass. I dealt with all of them by first, thanked God for the test and then asked him for help. Each time I did, I felt as if it was being lifted by weight of me. When my mind began to acquire something, I would tell myself to present this matter to God and wait patiently for an answer. I can not say that I do not have any concerns, but I can say that I do not have to implement it alone anymore, and this gives me this feeling of peace. I sleep better, I feel better and that filters into every aspect of my life. I am also more modest now, because the narrative handed to me in prayer helps me realize that with God, I do not have any u

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