Friday, November 17, 2017

The Whole Of The Qur’aan Is About Tawheed

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The Whole Of The Qur’aan Is About Tawheed
Shamsuddeen Muhammad Bin Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim Aj-Jawzeeyah [D. 751 A.H.] [رحمه الله] said:
❝Every Soorah in the Qur’aan embodies the two types of Tawheed and we will mention a comprehensive statement: Indeed every Ayaah in the Qur’aan comprises Tawheed, testifying to Tawheed and calling to it.
The Qur’aan is information about Allaah and His Names, His Characteristics and His actions, so this Tawheed is knowledge based information.
Or the Qur’aan calls to His worship Alone, not associating partners with Him, rejecting and casting off everything that is worshipped other than them. So this Tawheed is [Tawheed al-Ebaadah] required by Allaah and intended by the worshippers, and it is also the worship that the worshippers direct to Allaah.
Furthermore, the Qur’aan is either commands or prohibitions and adhering to Allaah’s obedience regarding those commands and prohibitions. They are the rights of Tawheed and that which completes Tawheed.
Or the Qur’aan is information about Allaah honouring the people of Tawheed and His Obedience and what He did to them in the Dunya and what He will honour them within the Hereafter, which is the reward of His Tawheed.
Or it is information about the people of Shirk, what Allaah did to them in the Dunya from exemplary punishment and what befell them and the consequences of punishment, then that is information about what is contrary to Tawheed.
Therefore, the whole of the Qur’aan is Tawheed, the rights and rewards of Tawheed, and it is about matters of Shirk, its people and their punishment.❞
[Mudarij As-Salikeen, (3/450) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]

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