Friday, November 17, 2017

Dua to remove worries, anxiety , sorrow and fulfil debts

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📌Dua to remove worries, anxiety , sorrow and fulfill debts
🏷Feeling #down and #sad?
🏷Feeling #stressed out?
🏷Feeling #lazy?
🏷Feeling #worried about your #debts?
✔️Sayyiduna Abu Sa'eed al-Khudriy (Radhiallaahu Anhu) reports that once 
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) entered the Masjid and found an 
Ansaari Sahaabi by the name of Abu Umaamah (Radhiallaahu Anhu). Rasulullah 
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) enquired of him, 'Why do I see you in the 
Musjid at a time when there is no Salaat?' He replied, 'Oh Messenger of 
Allah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)! I have a lot of debts and many worries. 
' Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, 'should I not teach you 
something if you recite it, Allah will remove your worries and fulfil your 
debts? Say every morning and evening, 'O Allah! Certainly, I seek refuge in 
you from concern and grief and I seek refuge in you from inability and 
laziness, and I seek refuge in you from cowardice and miserliness and I seek 
refuge in you from the overpowering of debts and from the subjection of man. 
' That Sahaabi says, 'I did so and Allah removed my worries and fulfilled my 
debts.' (Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith1550 vol.2 pg.308 - 309)

Al-shawkani states that 'there is no defect in its chain of narrators'. 
(Tuhfatuz zaakireen pg.110)

📌Selected Word Analysis
📮#al-Hamm: Hamm means 'to make uneasy and fill with anxiety'. It is the type of distress one feels that affects the mind, heart, and body. This #sadness worries a person, and one's sole concern is this sadness. Hamm leaves a person preoccupied with one's thoughts, going over them again and again in the mind, because it is an anxiety that one has regarding something that may or may not happen. If you have ever felt this type of sadness, that anxious and nervous feeling, you know how debilitating it can be.
📮al-Hazan: Huzn also means sadness but it is different than Hamm. Huzn is #grief arising on account of an unpleasant event that has happened, such as the #death of a #loved one or a distressing situation. In the Seerah, the year that Abu Talib and Khadija (radi Allahu anha) died is known as 'Aam al Huzn, the Year of Grief. In the Qur'an, Allāh ta'ala mentions many times that the Believers will not “yahzanoon“, have grief, this means that in the hereafter, the believers will not grieve over anything that has occurred in the past. #Huzn means 'to be full of #sorrow#mourning, #grief, and #saddened'.
📮al-'Ajaz: 'Ajaz means 'to become #weak, to lack strength, to be incapable and a failure'.
📮al-Kasali: Kasl means 'to be lazy, idle, sluggish, negligent and inactive'.
📮al-Bukhl: Bukhl is 'to be #stingy and #greedy'. In the Qur'an, Allāh uses this word to describe those who have the wealth to give, but hoard it for themselves and do not give it in #charity. Bukhl is to refuse to give something lawful (charity, your time etc) that you have in abundance. It is to prefer it for yourself and because of this greediness, this good thing (such as wealth) is never used for good. This word is the opposite of #karam, which is to be generous and give in ample amounts. One of the Names of Allāh is#AlKareem; The Most Generous who abundantly gives from his limitless bounty without seeking anything in return.
📮Al-Jubni: Jubn literally means 'to shrink'; from this the meaning of becoming #cowardly and #fearful is taken.
📮Dala'a: This is the word for rib (body part) and its linguistic roots carry two implications: curvature and weight. Therefore here “dala'a ad-dayn” can either mean the tendency for debt to sway people from #righteousness, or the weight one feels when #indebted.
📮Ghalabah: Ghalabah means 'to be #overtaken#subdued or #overpowered'.
and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

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