Monday, May 5, 2014

Al-Malhamah Al-Kubra (The Great War betweeen Imaan (Islam) and Kufr (Christian and Jews)) and the emerge of Imam Mahdi.

Al-Malhamah Al-Kubra (The Great War
betweeen Imaan (Islam) and Kufr
(Christian and Jews)) and the emerge of
Imam Mahdi.

In a rare hand-written book, dated around
300 years after the Hijra, in the Islamic
Library "Kitab Khana" of Istanbul, there is a
Narration reported from Abu Hurairah
(RadiAllahu Anhu) who said: "The war at
the end of time will be a World war and
will come after two previous ones in
which much will perish... In the Hijri year
1400 and count two or three decades...the
trustworthy Mahdi will appear, he will
fight the whole World and both the
Dhaalleen (The Misguided, meaning the
Christians) and the Maghdoob Alayhim
(Those who have deserved the wrath of
God, meaning the Jews) will join against
him with the hypocrites in the land of Isra
and Miraj at Megiddo (Mageddon). The
Queen of the World and deception, an
adulteress called America, who will incite
the world to deviation and in fidelity, will
come out against him... The Jews of the
World at that time will have the upper
hand and will rule the Holy Land and the
Holy City. And all nations will come to fight
by sea and air, except those in the land of
extreme cold and the land of extreme
heat. And the Mahdi will see that all the
World plots against him, but he will see
that Allah's plan is stronger than all, and he
will see that the World belongs to Allah and
to Him it will return, and that the World is
but a tree that Allah wills him to rule from
its roots to its branches.......and Allah will hit
them (unbelievers) with a disastrous
punishment and burn their land and seas
and skies and the sky will rain down a
harmful shower, the people of the Earth
will curse the infidels, and Allah shall will
the defeat of the unbelievers."
[Qalda bin Zayd bin Baraka's Asma Masalik
Li Ayyam Mahdi; Malik Li Kul id-Dunya Bi
Amr Allah El-Malik]

Abdullah bin Mas'ud said that the Prophet
(PBUH) said: "Between the Muslims and the
Romans, there will be a Hudna (truce) and
reconciliation treaty to the extent that
they will fight together an enemy for
Romans (non-Muslim nation) and they will
split the war acquisitions. Then, the
Romans with the Muslims will invade
Persia (Iran). The Romans will say: Split
with us the war booties (spoils) like we
did. So, Muslims will split with the Romans
the war booties and children of
Polytheists. The Roman will say: Split what
you got of the (Persian) Muslim children.
The Muslims will say: We cannot split with
you the children of Muslims. ... The Romans
will invade and take over all of Ash-Shaam
(Syria), except Damascus and Ma'taq
mountains near Homs (in Syria) where
Muslims will keep their children. Victory
will be withheld until one third of the
Muslims dies, one third flees and one third
remains fighting. Each of the martyrs of
the third who are killed is equal to 10 of
those martyred in Badr [at the time of
Prophet (PBUH)]. Each of Badr's martyrs
can intercede for 70 people, thus each of
the martyrs in this battle (with the
Romans) can intercede for 700 people. The
third will flee can be divided into groups:
one third join the Romans and say Allah
has anything to do with this religion
(Islam), he would have supported Muslims,
one third say we'd better go back to the
lands of our parents and they are the
Bedouins, the last third say Ash-Shaam
(Syria) is ominous like its name sounds, so
they leave Ash-Shaam (Syria). Then, the
Romans will say: The Cross has won. Allah
becomes angry and say: 'O Jibril (Gabriel),
help my worshippers! Jibril (Gabriel) will
descend with one hundred thousand
Angels. Allah will say: 'O Mikhael, help my
worshippers! Mikhael will descend with
two hundred thousand Angels. 'O Israfeel,
help my worshippers! Israfeel, will
descend with three hundred thousand
Angels. Allah will descend victory on the
believers (Muslims) and descend his wrath
on the disbelieves, so they get defeated
and killed. Muslims will reach Amoria and
the Romans there will offer to pay Jizyah
(penalty tax) in exchange for security.
Muslims will accept this offer. However,
the Romans will attack the remaining
Arabs in their lands and kill all of them, to
the extent that there will not remain in the
land of Romans any Arabs adult or child
who has not been killed. The Muslims will
be able to conquer any city or fort in no
more than 3 days. They will reach the bay
(where Constantinople is located) and the
water will expand (making it difficult to
reach the city). So, in the morning, the
people of Constantinople will say: the
Cross expanded our sea and Messiah
supported us. However, in the next
morning, they will find the bay has dried
up and the sea will recede away from
Constantinople. The Muslims will besiege
the City of Kufr (Disbelief) on a Friday
night and keep on chanting Tahmeed (Al-
Hamdu lillah, meaning All praise and thanks
are Allah's), Tahleel until the morning. At
dawn, the Muslims will say one Takbeer,
what is between the two towers collapses.
The Romans will say: We were fighting the
Arabs, but now we are fighting our God
and God has destroyed for them (Arabs or
Muslims) our city. The Muslims will grab
the booties of war and gold. The Muslims
will distribute among themselves the
progenies of the Romans to the extent
that each man will get 300 virgins to
enjoy. Then, the Dajjal actually appears..."
[Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab al-Fitan]

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