Wednesday, May 28, 2014



After the crucifixion , the different opinions about the condition of Jesus. Some regard the death on the cross . This belief is desired by Jewish rabbis and Muslims who reject Jesus . And some are of the opinion that Jesus ( peace be upon him ) has not died , but God save him as in said in the Qur'an , Surah An-Nisa verse 157 .

What kind of development people after the death of Jesus  ???

Jewish Torn

Jews are divided into three groups :

First , the Jews who believe in the mission of Jesus and then become a follower of Jesus. They are called as Christians and among them there are faithful disciples mentioned in the Qur'an as Hawariyyun ( Surah As- Shaff : 14 ) . In the writings of historians , this group is referred to as Judeo - Christianity / Jewish - Christian .

Second , the Jews who were hostile to Jesus and his followers . They are followers of the Jewish rabbis . They are the ones when Pilate gave the choice between Jesus and Barabbas , then they prefer Barabbas to be released instead of Jesus . Mayor Matthew 27:21-22 country answered and said to them : "Which of the two do you want me to release it to you ? "

And they said, " Barabbas . " Pilate said to them : " If so , what should I do with Jesus who is called Christ ? " They all said, " Crucify him ! "

Third , people who are not the children of Israel , and they also do not embrace Judaism . They are called by Goyyim / Gentile . Generally these people are from the Roman and other areas. They worshiped many idols or gods so -called pagans .

Paul Identity

In its development appears a man named Paul . It was he who changed the belief that Jesus brought a new face that is totally different from the original conviction . The irony is this belief that is followed up to this moment by Christians worldwide .

His real name is Saul , born in Tarsus ( Turkey ) approximately 2 years before Christ . Because Jesus was born about the year 6 BC , Paul aged approximately 8 years younger than Jesus. Paul's father came from the tribe of Benjamin, one of the 12 ethnic tribes of the Israelites . It was in the city of Tarsus there is a Greek college , a few temple gods , buildings comedy, and other entertainment venues are highly favored by the Greeks . Since Paul was very interested in the young of culture , especially Greek philosophy. In his collected two influences , the law and Greek philosophy .


Paul also studied formally at Gamalil , a very famous Jewish scholars in Jerusalem.

Intersection influence of Greek philosophy on Judaism in the time it was a common thing . Flow of Greek philosophy very influential when it is considered pantheistic Stoic flow of God and a creature of the same unit just different in substance and form visions . Mixing between the teachings of Stoic philosophy with the teachings of Judaism are Jewish philosopher Philo on. He regarded the Logos of the Stoics as a sort of supreme angel aka Holy Spirit . Philo lived during the life of Jesus and Paul. Paul was not a man of Bethlehem ( the hometown of Jesus ) or the Nazarene sect / Nazorite nor the people of Jerusalem . He never associated with environmental Jesus . He was not a disciple of Jesus , nor his followers also . Paul noted Biblical fact alone is the enemy of the followers of Jesus and he acts very cruel to them . Paul never married until her death due to her physical condition defects ( clubfoot leg , eye defect side , mangy bald ) .

Paul as Intruders

The apostle Paul declared himself as Jesus . He met the disciples of Jesus , to know the strengths , weaknesses and strengths influence . He started a plan to spread his message to the Gentiles .

Feeling make progress, he devoted all his ability and made ??inroads in large numbers . He put the ideas of Greek philosophy into the obtainment of the teachings of Jesus disciples.

Teachings of Jesus is specific only to the children of Israel , it is mentioned in the Qur'an, 

And ( remember ) when Jesus son Mary said : " O Children of Israel , verily I am the messenger of Allah unto you , confirming the book before me , namely the Torah , and gave happy news with ( the coming of ) an Apostle who will come after me , whose name is Ahmad ( Muhammad ). " And when the messengers came to them with tangible evidence, they said : " This is the real magic. " (Surah As- Shaff :6) .

And also mentioned in the Bible is clear that Jesus' mission only to the children of Israel ( Matthew 10:5-6 ) , the twelve disciples were sent by Jesus and He advised them :

"Do not stray to other nations or to enter the city of the Samaritans , but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel .

Greek culture is very influential in the wider community of Judea at the time, which is now Palestine . The entry of the Roman invaders brought culture . In addition to colonize , to rob the people and natural resources , they also spread their ideology to the Jewish community that is pantheism .

If we ever watch a movie series Hercules , that's where the picture of the teachings of pantheism . Teachings on the worship of many gods . Some are called to Zeus , supreme god , the father of all the gods . There Hera , wife of Zeus , the god of war Ares , god Aprodite beauty , and many others . What is interesting here , Zeus married the woman of the earth and gave birth to a boy who is super strong , named Hercules . And he is regarded as the savior of mankind .

Why is it called attractive , personalized Hercules figure is very similar to Jesus who is also regarded as the savior of mankind . Indeed, the coming of Jesus is to save the human race but not as a living god among men as well as Hercules . Prophet Jesus as only a man , a messenger of God , a prophet , a signpost on the truth that God approves . Well this false teaching that Jesus is God as well as Hercules , it is distributed by Paul . The teaching of Jesus is worshiped on the one god , monotheism . While Paul's teaching is a form derived from the teachings of pantheism . Paul taught the trinity , the three gods namely that there is God the 

Father , God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Here is how indeed differences were virtually teachings of Paul and Jesus :

10 (ten) fundamental differences in the teachings of Jesus and Paul :

1 . Teachings of Jesus : Jesus was a messenger of God ( Jesus never asked to be worshiped / deified ) .

Jesus answered, " I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel . " ( Matthew 15:24).

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God , and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent . ( John 17:3 ) , ( John 11:42 ). 
I (Jesus) say to you, a servant is not superior to his master, or a messenger of the one who sent him . I tell you :

Surely whoever accepts the one sent me , he receives Me , and whoever receives me , receives him ( the Father ) who sent me . ( John 13:16,20 ) .

You have heard , that I ( Jesus ) have told you that I go away , but I come back to you . Had you love Me , you would rejoice because I go to my Father , for the Father is greater than I am. ( John 14:28 ) .

Paul's teaching : Jesus is Lord .

But for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist , and one Lord , Jesus Christ , through whom are all things and through whom we live . ( 1 Corinthians 8:6 ) .

That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is God , and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead , thou shalt be saved . ( Romans 10:9 ).

Paul is trying to indoctrinate others that just by believing Jesus as Lord and believe Jesus rose from the dead , then he will be saved . In Paul's teaching / Christian , Jesus is promoted as God than with God / Father .

Compare the statements of Jesus which further accentuates the God / Father as the one God .

2 . Teachings of Jesus : not nullify the law , even the law continue .

" Do not think that I ( Jesus ) have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets . I am not come to destroy , but to fulfill . ( Matthew 5:17 ) .

Because I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law , till all be fulfilled . ( Matthew 5:18) .

Therefore, whoever breaks one commandment once - was the smallest , and thus teach it to others , he will occupy the lowest place in the kingdom of heaven ; but who does and teaches all the commandments of the law , he will occupy a high place in the kingdom of heaven . ( Matthew 5:19) , ( Matthew 5:20) .

Law is part of the teachings of Jesus that must be implemented by the people.

Paul's teaching : Christians condemn the law .

You know , that man is not justified by observing the law , but through faith in Christ Jesus. Therefore we - also have believed in Christ Jesus , that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law . Because : "no one will be justified " by works of the law . ( Galatians 2:16 ) , ( Galatians 3:24-25 ) , ( Galatians 5:4 ) , ( Romans 3:27-28 ) and ( Ephesians 2:15) .

3 . Teachings of Jesus : Male circumcision should

And when the eight days and he had to be circumcised , he was named Jesus , the name called by the angel before he was conceived his mother . ( Luke 2:21) .

This is my covenant , which ye shall hold , the agreement between me and you and thy seed, which every male among you shall be circumcised ; circumcision skin should be cut off and that will be a sign between me and you . ( Genesis 17:10-11 ) .

Child who is eight days old shall be circumcised , every male that is among you , from generation to generation : whether born in your house , or bought with money of any stranger, but does not include descendants . ( Genesis 17:12 ) , ( Genesis 17:13) , ( Genesis 17:14) , ( Genesis 21:4 ) .

Paul's teaching : Christians do not require circumcision

Because for those who are in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision it has no meaning something , just faith that works by love . ( Galatians 5:6 ) .

Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing . The important thing is to obey the laws of God . ( 1 Corinthians 7:19) .

4 . Teachings of Jesus : There is no inherited sin .

When Jesus saw this , he was indignant and said to them : " Let the children come to me , do not hinder them , for the people who like that is the kingdom of God . ( Mark 10:14 ) .

The person who sins , it shall die . Children will not share in the guilt of the father and the father would not share in the guilt of his son. The righteous shall be upon him the truth , and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him . ( Ezekiel 18:20 ) .

Paul's teaching : Each person inherits the sin of Adam

Therefore, just as sin entered into the world by a single person ( Adam ) , and death through sin , and thus death spread to all men , because all sinned . ( Romans 5:12 ) .

NB : Because of the original sin of Adam , according to Paul , crucified Jesus supposedly to atone for the sins of man.

5 . Teachings of Jesus : Fasting , perform ablution , teaches prostrate and pray while prostrating . But when you fast , oiled your head and wash your face  ( Matthew 6:17) .

Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and feet with water from it . When they went into the tent of meeting , and when they come near to the altar , they washed the feet and hands , as the Lord commanded Moses . ( Exodus 40:31-32 ) .

Then He ( Jesus ) went a little farther , then bowed down and prayed , saying, " O my Father, if it be possible , let this cup pass from me , but not as I delight , but as thou wilt . " ( Matthew 26:39 ) , ( Numbers 20:6 ) , ( Genesis 17:2-3 ) .

Paul's teaching : singing in church .

And speaking to one another in psalms , hymns of praise and hymns. Singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart . ( Ephesians 5:19 ) .

Let the word of Christ richly dwell among you , so that you with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another and singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs , you thank God in your heart . ( Colossians 3:16 ) .

6 . Teachings of Jesus : prohibit luxury living in the world .

"Do not lay up treasures on earth , where moth and rust earth destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal . ( Matthew 6:19-20 ) .

Teachings of Paul : No ban on luxury living in the Christian teaching . " People who steals must steal it again , but let him work hard and do a good job with his own hands , so that he can distribute to those in need . " ( Ephesians 4:28 ) .

7 . Teachings of Jesus : dead wrapped in a shroud .

And Joseph also took the body, gives shroud with a clean linen cloth , ( Matthew 27:59 ).

They took the body of Jesus , gives shroud and wrapped it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury . ( John 19:40) .

Paul's teaching : death was given clothes neatly and wrapped coffin 

8 . Teachings of Jesus : do not cancel stoning .

In the law Moses commanded us to stone such women . What then do you ( Jesus ) about it ? " ( John 8:5 ) .

And when they constantly ask Him ( Jesus ) , he got stood up and said to them : " Whoever among you without sin , let him throw the first stone at her. " ( John 8:7 ) .

Paul's teaching : There is no mention of stoning in Christianity .

Christianity rejects stoning , because he is part of the law . Refer back to Paul's statement in Galatians 2:16 ( point 2 above ) .

9 . Teachings of Jesus : Applying the law of Qisas

You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth . ( Matthew 5:38 ). 

eye for an eye , tooth for tooth , hand for hand , foot for foot ( Exodus 21:24) .

replace broken fracture , eye for eye , tooth for tooth ; like others made ?? blameless , that should be made to him . ( Leviticus 24:20 ) .

Thou shalt not pity him , because the effect : the life for life , eye for eye , tooth for tooth , hand for hand , foot for foot . " ( Deuteronomy 19:21 ) .

Paul's teaching : Cancelling Qisas law , plunges into slavery .

But I tell you : Do not fight the person harming you , but whoever slaps you on your right cheek , turn to him the left cheek . And if any man will sue you and take your tunic , give your cloak as well . And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two miles .

Give to the one who asks you , and do not reject the person who wants to borrow from you . ( Matthew 5:39-42 ) .

10 . Jesus did not create a new religion and  Paul who created Christianity

Refer back to Jesus statement in Matthew 5:17-20 ( Item 2 above ) .

>>> However , Christianity is a new religion that was born after the attempted crucifixion of Jesus . 

>>> " They lived together with the church for an entire year , and taught much people . In Antioch the disciples were first called Christian."  ( Acts 11:26 ) .

>>> Well , it is increasingly clear . that Christians today are not followers of the teachings of Jesus , but followers of the teachings of Paul . They are not Christians but are more properly called Christian.



After the crucifixion , the different opinions about the condition of Jesus. Some regard the death on the cross . This belief is desired by Jewish rabbis and Muslims who reject Jesus . And some are of the opinion that Jesus ( peace be upon him ) has not died , but God save him as in said in the Qur'an , Surah An-Nisa verse 157 .

What kind of development people after the death of Jesus ???

Jewish Torn

Jews are divided into three groups :

First , the Jews who believe in the mission of Jesus and then become a follower of Jesus. They are called as Christians and among them there are faithful disciples mentioned in the Qur'an as Hawariyyun ( Surah As- Shaff : 14 ) . In the writings of historians , this group is referred to as Judeo - Christianity / Jewish - Christian .

Second , the Jews who were hostile to Jesus and his followers . They are followers of the Jewish rabbis . They are the ones when Pilate gave the choice between Jesus and Barabbas , then they prefer Barabbas to be released instead of Jesus . Mayor Matthew 27:21-22 country answered and said to them : "Which of the two do you want me to release it to you ? "

And they said, " Barabbas . " Pilate said to them : " If so , what should I do with Jesus who is called Christ ? " They all said, " Crucify him ! "

Third , people who are not the children of Israel , and they also do not embrace Judaism . They are called by Goyyim / Gentile . Generally these people are from the Roman and other areas. They worshiped many idols or gods so -called pagans .

Paul Identity

In its development appears a man named Paul . It was he who changed the belief that Jesus brought a new face that is totally different from the original conviction . The irony is this belief that is followed up to this moment by Christians worldwide .

His real name is Saul , born in Tarsus ( Turkey ) approximately 2 years before Christ . Because Jesus was born about the year 6 BC , Paul aged approximately 8 years younger than Jesus. Paul's father came from the tribe of Benjamin, one of the 12 ethnic tribes of the Israelites . It was in the city of Tarsus there is a Greek college , a few temple gods , buildings comedy, and other entertainment venues are highly favored by the Greeks . Since Paul was very interested in the young of culture , especially Greek philosophy. In his collected two influences , the law and Greek philosophy .


Paul also studied formally at Gamalil , a very famous Jewish scholars in Jerusalem.

Intersection influence of Greek philosophy on Judaism in the time it was a common thing . Flow of Greek philosophy very influential when it is considered pantheistic Stoic flow of God and a creature of the same unit just different in substance and form visions . Mixing between the teachings of Stoic philosophy with the teachings of Judaism are Jewish philosopher Philo on. He regarded the Logos of the Stoics as a sort of supreme angel aka Holy Spirit . Philo lived during the life of Jesus and Paul. Paul was not a man of Bethlehem ( the hometown of Jesus ) or the Nazarene sect / Nazorite nor the people of Jerusalem . He never associated with environmental Jesus . He was not a disciple of Jesus , nor his followers also . Paul noted Biblical fact alone is the enemy of the followers of Jesus and he acts very cruel to them . Paul never married until her death due to her physical condition defects ( clubfoot leg , eye defect side , mangy bald ) .

Paul as Intruders

The apostle Paul declared himself as Jesus . He met the disciples of Jesus , to know the strengths , weaknesses and strengths influence . He started a plan to spread his message to the Gentiles .

Feeling make progress, he devoted all his ability and made ??inroads in large numbers . He put the ideas of Greek philosophy into the obtainment of the teachings of Jesus disciples.

Teachings of Jesus is specific only to the children of Israel , it is mentioned in the Qur'an,

And ( remember ) when Jesus son Mary said : " O Children of Israel , verily I am the messenger of Allah unto you , confirming the book before me , namely the Torah , and gave happy news with ( the coming of ) an Apostle who will come after me , whose name is Ahmad ( Muhammad ). " And when the messengers came to them with tangible evidence, they said : " This is the real magic. " (Surah As- Shaff :6) .

And also mentioned in the Bible is clear that Jesus' mission only to the children of Israel ( Matthew 10:5-6 ) , the twelve disciples were sent by Jesus and He advised them :

"Do not stray to other nations or to enter the city of the Samaritans , but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel .

Greek culture is very influential in the wider community of Judea at the time, which is now Palestine . The entry of the Roman invaders brought culture . In addition to colonize , to rob the people and natural resources , they also spread their ideology to the Jewish community that is pantheism .

If we ever watch a movie series Hercules , that's where the picture of the teachings of pantheism . Teachings on the worship of many gods . Some are called to Zeus , supreme god , the father of all the gods . There Hera , wife of Zeus , the god of war Ares , god Aprodite beauty , and many others . What is interesting here , Zeus married the woman of the earth and gave birth to a boy who is super strong , named Hercules . And he is regarded as the savior of mankind .

Why is it called attractive , personalized Hercules figure is very similar to Jesus who is also regarded as the savior of mankind . Indeed, the coming of Jesus is to save the human race but not as a living god among men as well as Hercules . Prophet Jesus as only a man , a messenger of God , a prophet , a signpost on the truth that God approves . Well this false teaching that Jesus is God as well as Hercules , it is distributed by Paul . The teaching of Jesus is worshiped on the one god , monotheism . While Paul's teaching is a form derived from the teachings of pantheism . Paul taught the trinity , the three gods namely that there is God the

Father , God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Here is how indeed differences were virtually teachings of Paul and Jesus :

10 (ten) fundamental differences in the teachings of Jesus and Paul :

1 . Teachings of Jesus : Jesus was a messenger of God ( Jesus never asked to be worshiped / deified ) .

Jesus answered, " I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel . " ( Matthew 15:24).

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God , and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent . ( John 17:3 ) , ( John 11:42 ).
I (Jesus) say to you, a servant is not superior to his master, or a messenger of the one who sent him . I tell you :

Surely whoever accepts the one sent me , he receives Me , and whoever receives me , receives him ( the Father ) who sent me . ( John 13:16,20 ) .

You have heard , that I ( Jesus ) have told you that I go away , but I come back to you . Had you love Me , you would rejoice because I go to my Father , for the Father is greater than I am. ( John 14:28 ) .

Paul's teaching : Jesus is Lord .

But for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist , and one Lord , Jesus Christ , through whom are all things and through whom we live . ( 1 Corinthians 8:6 ) .

That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is God , and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead , thou shalt be saved . ( Romans 10:9 ).

Paul is trying to indoctrinate others that just by believing Jesus as Lord and believe Jesus rose from the dead , then he will be saved . In Paul's teaching / Christian , Jesus is promoted as God than with God / Father .

Compare the statements of Jesus which further accentuates the God / Father as the one God .

2 . Teachings of Jesus : not nullify the law , even the law continue .

" Do not think that I ( Jesus ) have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets . I am not come to destroy , but to fulfill . ( Matthew 5:17 ) .

Because I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law , till all be fulfilled . ( Matthew 5:18) .

Therefore, whoever breaks one commandment once - was the smallest , and thus teach it to others , he will occupy the lowest place in the kingdom of heaven ; but who does and teaches all the commandments of the law , he will occupy a high place in the kingdom of heaven . ( Matthew 5:19) , ( Matthew 5:20) .

Law is part of the teachings of Jesus that must be implemented by the people.

Paul's teaching : Christians condemn the law .

You know , that man is not justified by observing the law , but through faith in Christ Jesus. Therefore we - also have believed in Christ Jesus , that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law . Because : "no one will be justified " by works of the law . ( Galatians 2:16 ) , ( Galatians 3:24-25 ) , ( Galatians 5:4 ) , ( Romans 3:27-28 ) and ( Ephesians 2:15) .

3 . Teachings of Jesus : Male circumcision should

And when the eight days and he had to be circumcised , he was named Jesus , the name called by the angel before he was conceived his mother . ( Luke 2:21) .

This is my covenant , which ye shall hold , the agreement between me and you and thy seed, which every male among you shall be circumcised ; circumcision skin should be cut off and that will be a sign between me and you . ( Genesis 17:10-11 ) .

Child who is eight days old shall be circumcised , every male that is among you , from generation to generation : whether born in your house , or bought with money of any stranger, but does not include descendants . ( Genesis 17:12 ) , ( Genesis 17:13) , ( Genesis 17:14) , ( Genesis 21:4 ) .

Paul's teaching : Christians do not require circumcision

Because for those who are in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision it has no meaning something , just faith that works by love . ( Galatians 5:6 ) .

Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing . The important thing is to obey the laws of God . ( 1 Corinthians 7:19) .

4 . Teachings of Jesus : There is no inherited sin .

When Jesus saw this , he was indignant and said to them : " Let the children come to me , do not hinder them , for the people who like that is the kingdom of God . ( Mark 10:14 ) .

The person who sins , it shall die . Children will not share in the guilt of the father and the father would not share in the guilt of his son. The righteous shall be upon him the truth , and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him . ( Ezekiel 18:20 ) .

Paul's teaching : Each person inherits the sin of Adam

Therefore, just as sin entered into the world by a single person ( Adam ) , and death through sin , and thus death spread to all men , because all sinned . ( Romans 5:12 ) .

NB : Because of the original sin of Adam , according to Paul , crucified Jesus supposedly to atone for the sins of man.

5 . Teachings of Jesus : Fasting , perform ablution , teaches prostrate and pray while prostrating . But when you fast , oiled your head and wash your face ( Matthew 6:17) .

Moses and Aaron and his sons washed their hands and feet with water from it . When they went into the tent of meeting , and when they come near to the altar , they washed the feet and hands , as the Lord commanded Moses . ( Exodus 40:31-32 ) .

Then He ( Jesus ) went a little farther , then bowed down and prayed , saying, " O my Father, if it be possible , let this cup pass from me , but not as I delight , but as thou wilt . " ( Matthew 26:39 ) , ( Numbers 20:6 ) , ( Genesis 17:2-3 ) .

Paul's teaching : singing in church .

And speaking to one another in psalms , hymns of praise and hymns. Singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart . ( Ephesians 5:19 ) .

Let the word of Christ richly dwell among you , so that you with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another and singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs , you thank God in your heart . ( Colossians 3:16 ) .

6 . Teachings of Jesus : prohibit luxury living in the world .

"Do not lay up treasures on earth , where moth and rust earth destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal . ( Matthew 6:19-20 ) .

Teachings of Paul : No ban on luxury living in the Christian teaching . " People who steals must steal it again , but let him work hard and do a good job with his own hands , so that he can distribute to those in need . " ( Ephesians 4:28 ) .

7 . Teachings of Jesus : dead wrapped in a shroud .

And Joseph also took the body, gives shroud with a clean linen cloth , ( Matthew 27:59 ).

They took the body of Jesus , gives shroud and wrapped it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury . ( John 19:40) .

Paul's teaching : death was given clothes neatly and wrapped coffin

8 . Teachings of Jesus : do not cancel stoning .

In the law Moses commanded us to stone such women . What then do you ( Jesus ) about it ? " ( John 8:5 ) .

And when they constantly ask Him ( Jesus ) , he got stood up and said to them : " Whoever among you without sin , let him throw the first stone at her. " ( John 8:7 ) .

Paul's teaching : There is no mention of stoning in Christianity .

Christianity rejects stoning , because he is part of the law . Refer back to Paul's statement in Galatians 2:16 ( point 2 above ) .

9 . Teachings of Jesus : Applying the law of Qisas

You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth . ( Matthew 5:38 ).

eye for an eye , tooth for tooth , hand for hand , foot for foot ( Exodus 21:24) .

replace broken fracture , eye for eye , tooth for tooth ; like others made ?? blameless , that should be made to him . ( Leviticus 24:20 ) .

Thou shalt not pity him , because the effect : the life for life , eye for eye , tooth for tooth , hand for hand , foot for foot . " ( Deuteronomy 19:21 ) .

Paul's teaching : Cancelling Qisas law , plunges into slavery .

But I tell you : Do not fight the person harming you , but whoever slaps you on your right cheek , turn to him the left cheek . And if any man will sue you and take your tunic , give your cloak as well . And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two miles .

Give to the one who asks you , and do not reject the person who wants to borrow from you . ( Matthew 5:39-42 ) .

10 . Jesus did not create a new religion and Paul who created Christianity

Refer back to Jesus statement in Matthew 5:17-20 ( Item 2 above ) .

>>> However , Christianity is a new religion that was born after the attempted crucifixion of Jesus .

>>> " They lived together with the church for an entire year , and taught much people . In Antioch the disciples were first called Christian." ( Acts 11:26 ) .

>>> Well , it is increasingly clear . that Christians today are not followers of the teachings of Jesus , but followers of the teachings of Paul . They are not Christians but are more properly called Christian.


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