Thursday, May 29, 2014

Real Success

Photo: The most tiresome part of one's year, is during exam season. Everyone is busy preparing for their exams. There are those who are  trying to cram in their revision at the last minute. Whilst there are others who spend months in advance preparing for their examination. It is such an exhausting task and during the months leading up to this, the thought of exams is daunting! 
Yet somehow we all manage to try our best to prepare and when the day comes we give it our all. We go in to the exam and try our very best, simply because we want good results! Because we don't want our year's worth of efforts to go in vain. 

After all the exams are over, that feeling of relief is indescribable! Everyone longs for the first night's sleep without the worry of exams on their heads! Everyone feels free and like they are no longer shackled to worry, isn't that how we all feel?

SubhanAllãh such is the life of a believer. He spends his life preparing for the hereafter, exerting himself in worship, spending what he can in charity, striving to attain the pleasure of Allãh, all of this he does, but why does he do it?
He does it because he wants to be successful in the Hereafter. Because he wants to be pleased when he receives his record of deeds. Because he doesn't want to have any regrets. 

Can you imagine, on that day when there is no return, that day when everyone will be occupied with their own selves and won't give a second thought about anyone else, can you imagine receiving your book and being told to enter Jannah? Being told that you have succeeded,  that your efforts have been accepted and that for you there is nothing but ease and contentment? Can you imagine being amongst those whom Allãh calls out to and says: O contented soul! Enter in to My Jannah? 

Or on the other hand, can you imagine being of those whose lives have been wasted, spent in amusement and play, seeking nothing but worldly pleasure without giving a thought to the consequences of such heedlessness? And then being dragged to Jahannam? 

SubhanAllah we must reflect and ask ourselves what we are striving for in this life and where it will take us. For truly this world is but a moment and it is only our efforts for deen which will assist us in the hereafter. 
Be like he who prepares for the exams months in advanced, the successful believer. Not like he who crams in all his revision at the last minute - for he is like the one who says he will start practicing when he is older. Yet sometimes he never reaches the 'older' stage of life.

The most tiresome part of one's year, is during exam season. Everyone is busy preparing for their exams. There are those who are trying to cram in their revision at the last minute. Whilst there are others who spend months in advance preparing for their examination. It is such an exhausting task and during the months leading up to this, the thought of exams is daunting!
Yet somehow we all manage to try our best to prepare and when the day comes we give it our all. We go in to the exam and try our very best, simply because we want good results! Because we don't want our year's worth of efforts to go in vain.

After all the exams are over, that feeling of relief is indescribable! Everyone longs for the first night's sleep without the worry of exams on their heads! Everyone feels free and like they are no longer shackled to worry, isn't that how we all feel?

SubhanAllãh such is the life of a believer. He spends his life preparing for the hereafter, exerting himself in worship, spending what he can in charity, striving to attain the pleasure of Allãh, all of this he does, but why does he do it?
He does it because he wants to be successful in the Hereafter. Because he wants to be pleased when he receives his record of deeds. Because he doesn't want to have any regrets.

Can you imagine, on that day when there is no return, that day when everyone will be occupied with their own selves and won't give a second thought about anyone else, can you imagine receiving your book and being told to enter Jannah? Being told that you have succeeded, that your efforts have been accepted and that for you there is nothing but ease and contentment? Can you imagine being amongst those whom Allãh calls out to and says: O contented soul! Enter in to My Jannah?

Or on the other hand, can you imagine being of those whose lives have been wasted, spent in amusement and play, seeking nothing but worldly pleasure without giving a thought to the consequences of such heedlessness? And then being dragged to Jahannam?

SubhanAllah we must reflect and ask ourselves what we are striving for in this life and where it will take us. For truly this world is but a moment and it is only our efforts for deen which will assist us in the hereafter.
Be like he who prepares for the exams months in advanced, the successful believer. Not like he who crams in all his revision at the last minute - for he is like the one who says he will start practicing when he is older. Yet sometimes he never reaches the 'older' stage of life.

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