Sunday, June 22, 2014

Let's prepare for Ramadan now !

Let's prepare for Ramadan now !
It was from the traditions of the sahaba(companions of prophet Muhammed(sallallahu alaihi wa salaam)) that they would prepare for Ramadan six months in advance. They would pray to Allah for forgiveness, and pray that Ramadan would arrive in a time where they were at the peak of iman(faith). For five months after the completion of Ramadan, the sahaba would ask Allah to accept their deeds.So if we really want to make the best of this Ramadan then we need to prepare for it now!
Basically,what ramadan is all about ?
It is narrated by Abu Huraira(radhi Allahu anhu):
Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened." Sahih al-Bukhari 1898.
Allah – the Most High – has favored us with countless blessings, the greatest of them being Islam itself. Within the religion of Islam there are many favors; one is the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. However, many of us overlook this bounty and are thus left with an incomplete depiction of Ramadan, often viewing it as a month to get oneself into shape!! Or rigidly describing it as a training program teaching self-restraint for the rest of the year to be followed.
Most importantly Ramadan is an act of ‘Ibaadah (worship), the fulfillment of Allah’s commandments and one of the great mercies of Allah to His believers for both this world and the next. lbn al-Qayyim(rahimahullah) wrote in his famous book ‘Zaadul-Ma’aad 2/8587 :’From the Mercy of the Mighty and Most Merciful is that He prescribed for them fasting which will cut off the excesses of eating and drinking and empties the hearts of its desires which divert it on its journey to Allah -the Most High. He prescribed it in due proportion as will be appropriate and will benefit the servant with regard to this world and to the Hereafter; and it will not harm him, nor damage what is beneficial for him.”
Ramadan gives us the opportunity to seek Allah's mercy and His blessings.
May Allah(the most superior) allow us to make the most of Ramadan. Oh Allah, let us meet you with a clean heart, with all our sins erased. Oh Allah grant us mercy, and make us from those that you have freed from hell fire. Oh Allah allow us to be from those that you enter in heaven. Ameen !

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