Part 16: “How to Taste the True Beauty of Salah”
Where True Happiness Really Lies :
We have just finished the Rukuu’ and the stand after it. This stand serves to prepare us for the
greatest pillar of Salah! This pillar will be the sweet seal to the Rik’a (unit of Salah). All that came before it were merely lead-ins to it.. Preludes to the grand finale…
The Sujood! (Prostration)… What is sujood really about? Many of us have been performing the sujood robotically over the years, out of a mechanical routine, and thus have not felt its powerful effect. We will not be able to taste the true sweetness of any part of Salah until we get our heart into it! Sujood, as we have mentioned before, is the ultimate symbol of complete submission to our Creator…it is as if we are saying: “O Allah, what do You ask of me? I give You the most precious thing I own!.. The most dignified and honored part of me.. My face.. And onto the lowest, most degraded spot around me, I place it… The ground. For You alone, My Lord.. I give You all that I am.” Sujood is the real secret to true happiness. How? Ask yourself this: Where does Jannah (Paradise) lie- the place of ultimate bliss? Up above in the seventh heaven,
close to Allah. Where does Hell lie- the place of ultimate misery? Down below, furthest from Allah, as the gateways of Heaven do not open up for the wrong-doers. What is the highest rank that can be reached in Jannah- the point of ultimate bliss? It is a place called “Al Firdous Al A’la”, that’s where the Prophet is! Its ceiling/upper limits is Allah’s Throne! It is the highest place in Heaven, the closest one can evercome to Allah! In other words, for those who reside there, their neighbor is Allah Himself!
Let’s keep asking.. When the Prophet pbuh was facing his toughest time in Mecca, feeling the deepest sadness, how did Allah console him and lift his spirits? He raised the Prophet to Him during the most momentous event of all time- Al Israa and Mi’raaj! Till he reached the closest a man can ever reach in nearness to his Lord! Even the things that are the source of happiness in this life- a good word, a good deed rise to Him where they belong for Allah says,
“Unto Him ascend all good words, and the righteous deed- He exalts/raises..” (Faatir:10)
So, where does happiness lie? It lies high above with Allah. So the secret formula goes like this: the closer you become to Allah ( The King!), the higher your spirits will rise, and thus the happier you will be! But how do we reach the levels of this great happiness? We must rise closer to that elevation. How do we do that? By lowering ourselves down! Recall the hadeeth.. “He who humbles himself to Allah, Allah raises him. ”- raises him in honor, raises him to the place of true happiness! And recall this hadeeth, “The closest a servant ever is to His Lord, is when he is prostrating (in sujood)” And what does Allah say at the end of Surat Al Alaq? “..Prostrate and draw near (to Allah)”
Do you realize now what you have been doing all these years? You were trying to draw nearer to Your Lord with every prostration. Your body is down firm to the ground, but your spirits are rising, trying to draw nearer to the Creator of the heavens and the earth! The Prophet pbuh tells us, “ Perform much sujood, for there is not a Muslim who performs a prostration but is raised by Allah a rank in Heaven, and disburdened of a sin .” .. all the way till he reaches the highest ranks!..The Firdous Al- A’la- where Allah’s Throne bounds it from above and in it abides, our beloved Prophet! Need more proof? Rabi’a Ibn Ka’eb was once
helping out the Prophet with water for his wudu’ (ablution) when the Prophet said to him, “Ask me.” Rabi’a replied, “I ask to be with you in Paradise.” “Anything else?” The Prophet asked. “Only that”, Rabi’a said. To that the Prophet replied, “ Then help me to help you (get there), by performing much sujood. ” So you see now.. In order for your spirits to be lifted up higher and higher, you must bring your body down, lower. And just as your body does its sujood, make sure your heart is in sujood as well… in sujood to The One, Who above the Throne is established, every day, directing new affairs.. To Him rise the needs and deeds of everyone. Everyone needs Him and He needs no one- Forgiving a sin here, easing a difficulty there. Strengthening someone weak, mending a broken heart. Bringing into life, taking a life. Guiding to Him whom He wills, leading astray whom He wills. Providing for and blessing a people, taking away a blessing
from another. Honoring a people, degrading and humiliating another. Bringing joy and happiness to some, taking it away from others. When your heart performs a prostration, you will know it. For you will rise from it with a special glow,
“On their faces is their sign from the effect of their prostration..” (Al Fath:29).
It is that sign of the grace and light of Allah- that gentleness and kindness, that blessed peace and calmness that can come from no other source. Sujood is the most special part of prayer. Sujood is very precious! How many a worry has sujood relieved. How many a difficulty and trial has sujood resolved. How many a need has sujood fulfilled. How many a duaa went unanswered, till it was made.. in sujood! Bring yourself down to the ground, to bring yourself closer to The Lord. Prostrate with body, heart and soul.. and taste the sweetest feeling in the world.. Taste the real happiness of this world!
Where True Happiness Really Lies :
We have just finished the Rukuu’ and the stand after it. This stand serves to prepare us for the
greatest pillar of Salah! This pillar will be the sweet seal to the Rik’a (unit of Salah). All that came before it were merely lead-ins to it.. Preludes to the grand finale…
The Sujood! (Prostration)… What is sujood really about? Many of us have been performing the sujood robotically over the years, out of a mechanical routine, and thus have not felt its powerful effect. We will not be able to taste the true sweetness of any part of Salah until we get our heart into it! Sujood, as we have mentioned before, is the ultimate symbol of complete submission to our Creator…it is as if we are saying: “O Allah, what do You ask of me? I give You the most precious thing I own!.. The most dignified and honored part of me.. My face.. And onto the lowest, most degraded spot around me, I place it… The ground. For You alone, My Lord.. I give You all that I am.” Sujood is the real secret to true happiness. How? Ask yourself this: Where does Jannah (Paradise) lie- the place of ultimate bliss? Up above in the seventh heaven,
close to Allah. Where does Hell lie- the place of ultimate misery? Down below, furthest from Allah, as the gateways of Heaven do not open up for the wrong-doers. What is the highest rank that can be reached in Jannah- the point of ultimate bliss? It is a place called “Al Firdous Al A’la”, that’s where the Prophet is! Its ceiling/upper limits is Allah’s Throne! It is the highest place in Heaven, the closest one can evercome to Allah! In other words, for those who reside there, their neighbor is Allah Himself!
Let’s keep asking.. When the Prophet pbuh was facing his toughest time in Mecca, feeling the deepest sadness, how did Allah console him and lift his spirits? He raised the Prophet to Him during the most momentous event of all time- Al Israa and Mi’raaj! Till he reached the closest a man can ever reach in nearness to his Lord! Even the things that are the source of happiness in this life- a good word, a good deed rise to Him where they belong for Allah says,
“Unto Him ascend all good words, and the righteous deed- He exalts/raises..” (Faatir:10)
So, where does happiness lie? It lies high above with Allah. So the secret formula goes like this: the closer you become to Allah ( The King!), the higher your spirits will rise, and thus the happier you will be! But how do we reach the levels of this great happiness? We must rise closer to that elevation. How do we do that? By lowering ourselves down! Recall the hadeeth.. “He who humbles himself to Allah, Allah raises him. ”- raises him in honor, raises him to the place of true happiness! And recall this hadeeth, “The closest a servant ever is to His Lord, is when he is prostrating (in sujood)” And what does Allah say at the end of Surat Al Alaq? “..Prostrate and draw near (to Allah)”
Do you realize now what you have been doing all these years? You were trying to draw nearer to Your Lord with every prostration. Your body is down firm to the ground, but your spirits are rising, trying to draw nearer to the Creator of the heavens and the earth! The Prophet pbuh tells us, “ Perform much sujood, for there is not a Muslim who performs a prostration but is raised by Allah a rank in Heaven, and disburdened of a sin .” .. all the way till he reaches the highest ranks!..The Firdous Al- A’la- where Allah’s Throne bounds it from above and in it abides, our beloved Prophet! Need more proof? Rabi’a Ibn Ka’eb was once
helping out the Prophet with water for his wudu’ (ablution) when the Prophet said to him, “Ask me.” Rabi’a replied, “I ask to be with you in Paradise.” “Anything else?” The Prophet asked. “Only that”, Rabi’a said. To that the Prophet replied, “ Then help me to help you (get there), by performing much sujood. ” So you see now.. In order for your spirits to be lifted up higher and higher, you must bring your body down, lower. And just as your body does its sujood, make sure your heart is in sujood as well… in sujood to The One, Who above the Throne is established, every day, directing new affairs.. To Him rise the needs and deeds of everyone. Everyone needs Him and He needs no one- Forgiving a sin here, easing a difficulty there. Strengthening someone weak, mending a broken heart. Bringing into life, taking a life. Guiding to Him whom He wills, leading astray whom He wills. Providing for and blessing a people, taking away a blessing
from another. Honoring a people, degrading and humiliating another. Bringing joy and happiness to some, taking it away from others. When your heart performs a prostration, you will know it. For you will rise from it with a special glow,
“On their faces is their sign from the effect of their prostration..” (Al Fath:29).
It is that sign of the grace and light of Allah- that gentleness and kindness, that blessed peace and calmness that can come from no other source. Sujood is the most special part of prayer. Sujood is very precious! How many a worry has sujood relieved. How many a difficulty and trial has sujood resolved. How many a need has sujood fulfilled. How many a duaa went unanswered, till it was made.. in sujood! Bring yourself down to the ground, to bring yourself closer to The Lord. Prostrate with body, heart and soul.. and taste the sweetest feeling in the world.. Taste the real happiness of this world!
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