Monday, August 4, 2014



The word religion is commonly used in a rather narrow sense, its scope
being limited to a set of dogmas, some rituals for worship, and a number
of social customs to celebrate important life-events. Deen, on the other
hand, is a system of life in which human beings consciously surrender
themselves to the sovereignty of a higher authority, and live a life of
total obedience to that higher authority.

 When the term Deen is used for
Islam, it obviously means a system of life where Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Taála)is worshipped and obeyed, not just in the narrow religious sense, but in a
manner that includes all aspects of human life.

Islam is based on, and rooted in, a well-integrated set of beliefs
describing the nature of ultimate reality, meaning of human life, and the
final destiny. In addition to this essential faith or Iman, modes of
worship (i.e., Salat, Zakat, Saum, and Hajj) and various social customs
are also indispensable and integral parts of Islam. However, in addition
to these "religious" features, we are also provided by Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Taála) all the relevant instructions regarding our social, economic, and political existence (generally considered to be the "secular" or "worldly"
elements of life), and this is what really distinguishes Islam from other
religions, say, Christianity or Buddhism.

The true way of life, Deen ul-Haq, is not meant to survive
submissively as a mere religion under the umbrella of secularism;
instead the Majestic Qur'an makes it abundantly clear that Islam is meant to
dominate all aspects of life and all man-made systems and ideologies.
This puts a tremendous responsibility on our shoulders. The Qur'anic
commands vis-a-vis human society, culture, law, economics, and politics
are not given to us so that we may admire and praise them, but they are
meant to be implemented and acted upon. This necessitates that the gulf
between Faith and Power be removed, which obviously requires a
revolution in the leadership so that - instead of fulfilling any un-Islamic
.agenda - it contributes towards the establishment of "God's Kingdom" :Khilafah
on earth. Without collective organizational power, a significant portion
of Islam remains confined to the realm of theory, and, as a result, all
. sorts of corruption, injustice, inequity, and immorality are let loose on earth.

. It's not that Islam cannot survive or support itself without political
authority, but, in fact, it is the political authority that grows more and
more corrupt unless it is subordinated to the commands of the Holy
Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). .

The struggle to establish the domination of Islam is one of our
basic, though unfortunately forgotten, duties.   True
conviction or Iman, although itself a hidden and covert reality,
necessarily manifests itself in the form of Jihad for the cause of
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Taála). This, according to the Noble Qur'an, is what
defines a true believer.

They alone are the believers who come to believe in Allah
and His messenger and aftelwards never doubt, and who
strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives.
Only they are truthful and sincere. (Al-Hujurat 49:15)

So let us passionately involve ourselves in our society to do His
will, and still more passionately let our hearts yearn for His pleasure. Let
the life of the beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam energize our ambitions and priorities. Let his message be our message, let his conduct be our conduct, and let his goals be our goals. Let nothing motivate us but an intense longing to
please our Lord in the world to come, and let this expectation and desire
give a decisive impetus to our life in this world.

The hope of meaningful future must make us bold enough to
confront the risks and endure the pains that lie in living by Allah's will.
We, as Muslims, have but one option: to strive to change ourselves and  the world to
conform to the model given to mankind by Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Any other choice will only betray our hypocrisy.

Dr. Israr Ahmed rahimahullah.


The word religion is commonly used in a rather narrow sense, its scope
being limited to a set of dogmas, some rituals for worship, and a number
of social customs to celebrate important life-events. Deen, on the other
hand, is a system of life in which human beings consciously surrender
themselves to the sovereignty of a higher authority, and live a life of
total obedience to that higher authority.

When the term Deen is used for
Islam, it obviously means a system of life where Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Taála)is worshipped and obeyed, not just in the narrow religious sense, but in a
manner that includes all aspects of human life.

Islam is based on, and rooted in, a well-integrated set of beliefs
describing the nature of ultimate reality, meaning of human life, and the
final destiny. In addition to this essential faith or Iman, modes of
worship (i.e., Salat, Zakat, Saum, and Hajj) and various social customs
are also indispensable and integral parts of Islam. However, in addition
to these "religious" features, we are also provided by Almighty Allah
(Subhanahu wa Taála) all the relevant instructions regarding our social, economic, and political existence (generally considered to be the "secular" or "worldly"
elements of life), and this is what really distinguishes Islam from other
religions, say, Christianity or Buddhism.

The true way of life, Deen ul-Haq, is not meant to survive
submissively as a mere religion under the umbrella of secularism;
instead the Majestic Qur'an makes it abundantly clear that Islam is meant to
dominate all aspects of life and all man-made systems and ideologies.
This puts a tremendous responsibility on our shoulders. The Qur'anic
commands vis-a-vis human society, culture, law, economics, and politics
are not given to us so that we may admire and praise them, but they are
meant to be implemented and acted upon. This necessitates that the gulf
between Faith and Power be removed, which obviously requires a
revolution in the leadership so that - instead of fulfilling any un-Islamic
.agenda - it contributes towards the establishment of "God's Kingdom" :Khilafah
on earth. Without collective organizational power, a significant portion
of Islam remains confined to the realm of theory, and, as a result, all
. sorts of corruption, injustice, inequity, and immorality are let loose on earth.

. It's not that Islam cannot survive or support itself without political
authority, but, in fact, it is the political authority that grows more and
more corrupt unless it is subordinated to the commands of the Holy
Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). .

The struggle to establish the domination of Islam is one of our
basic, though unfortunately forgotten, duties. True
conviction or Iman, although itself a hidden and covert reality,
necessarily manifests itself in the form of Jihad for the cause of
Almighty Allah (Subhanahu wa Taála). This, according to the Noble Qur'an, is what
defines a true believer.

They alone are the believers who come to believe in Allah
and His messenger and aftelwards never doubt, and who
strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives.
Only they are truthful and sincere. (Al-Hujurat 49:15)

So let us passionately involve ourselves in our society to do His
will, and still more passionately let our hearts yearn for His pleasure. Let
the life of the beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam energize our ambitions and priorities. Let his message be our message, let his conduct be our conduct, and let his goals be our goals. Let nothing motivate us but an intense longing to
please our Lord in the world to come, and let this expectation and desire
give a decisive impetus to our life in this world.

The hope of meaningful future must make us bold enough to
confront the risks and endure the pains that lie in living by Allah's will.
We, as Muslims, have but one option: to strive to change ourselves and the world to
conform to the model given to mankind by Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Any other choice will only betray our hypocrisy.

Dr. Israr Ahmed rahimahullah.

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