Sunday, August 17, 2014



Allah Almighty forbids His believing servants from consuming Khamr and Maysir [i.e. intoxicants and gambling]. 

In this ayah, Allah Almighty Says: "O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, sacrificing on stone alters to other than Allah , and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful."

We learned earlier, the prohibition of alcohol came in different stages. Ahmad ibn Hanbal recorded in his Musnad from Abu Huraira (May Allah Pleased with him) that he said, “There were three stages to prohibit intoxicants.”

When the Messenger of Allah  (ﷺ) migrated to Madina the people were consuming alcohol and gambling including the Muslims. So they asked the Messenger about these things. They are following: 

1. A person who is a believer knows that these things are morally wrong. So although there was no prohibition regarding their consumption yet they asked the Messenger. It is then when ayah 219 of Surah Al-Baqarah was revealed stating, “In them is great sin and yet, some benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.” 

2. People said there is no sin it for us. They are not haram. They went on drinking alcohol until one day the person who was leading the Salah mixed the ayat in his recitation because at that time he was intoxicated. It was then that Allah Almighty sent down a tougher command than the previous one in Surah An-Nisa ayah 43. HE said, “O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying.”

3. People continued to drink alcohol but would avoid it when the Salah time was near. It was then when this ayah of Surah al-Ma’idah was revealed. They replied, “We abstain O Lord.”

☛ Literally, Khamr خَمْرُ  is that which covers the intellect. It includes every kind of intoxicant whether it is a drink, something a person smokes, smells or put in his mouth; anything that overcomes the mind of a person is an intoxicant.  When a person is intoxicated he cannot distinguish between right and wrong. He’s harming himself and other people. Therefore, there’s a law against drunk driving. A true believer will not fall for intoxicants. He cannot appreciate the fact that a part of his life has gone. That’s a wasted time.

☛ The word Maysir مَيْسِر  in the ayah has been used for gambling but literally it means any game of chance or betting through which people acquire some wealth. It includes lottery as well. A person who is involved in maysir cannot be generous. We have been taught to do ehsan with others, be considerate and be extra nice; display excellence of conduct. In maysir, we are looking for ways to acquire someone else’s money. We win by hurting someone else.

☛ The word Ansab اٌّنصَاب means a stone altar. This is where the mushrikeen used to offer their sacrifices to their idols.

☛ The word Azlam اٌّزْلاَمُ  is the plural of zulm. It means using arrow to find out your fortune. When people were not sure about a matter, they will take three arrows. One said, “Do it”. The other said, “Don’t do it”. And the third didn’t say anything, it means, “Try again”. These arrows were used to take decisions. This is similar to using dice or cards, today.

☛ " Khamr, Maysir, Ansab and Azlam " are the works of Shaytan. He has beautified them for the people. He incites them to do. Therefore, we have been instructed to stay away from them and be successful. "May Allah Almighty Guide & Protect us .. Ameen!"

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Allah Almighty forbids His believing servants from consuming Khamr and Maysir [i.e. intoxicants and gambling]. 

In this ayah, Allah Almighty Says: "O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, sacrificing on stone alters to other than Allah , and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful."

We learned earlier, the prohibition of alcohol came in different stages. Ahmad ibn Hanbal recorded in his Musnad from Abu Huraira (May Allah Pleased with him) that he said, “There were three stages to prohibit intoxicants.”

When the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) migrated to Madina the people were consuming alcohol and gambling including the Muslims. So they asked the Messenger about these things. They are following:

1. A person who is a believer knows that these things are morally wrong. So although there was no prohibition regarding their consumption yet they asked the Messenger. It is then when ayah 219 of Surah Al-Baqarah was revealed stating, “In them is great sin and yet, some benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.”

2. People said there is no sin it for us. They are not haram. They went on drinking alcohol until one day the person who was leading the Salah mixed the ayat in his recitation because at that time he was intoxicated. It was then that Allah Almighty sent down a tougher command than the previous one in Surah An-Nisa ayah 43. HE said, “O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying.”

3. People continued to drink alcohol but would avoid it when the Salah time was near. It was then when this ayah of Surah al-Ma’idah was revealed. They replied, “We abstain O Lord.”

☛ Literally, Khamr خَمْرُ is that which covers the intellect. It includes every kind of intoxicant whether it is a drink, something a person smokes, smells or put in his mouth; anything that overcomes the mind of a person is an intoxicant. When a person is intoxicated he cannot distinguish between right and wrong. He’s harming himself and other people. Therefore, there’s a law against drunk driving. A true believer will not fall for intoxicants. He cannot appreciate the fact that a part of his life has gone. That’s a wasted time.

☛ The word Maysir مَيْسِر in the ayah has been used for gambling but literally it means any game of chance or betting through which people acquire some wealth. It includes lottery as well. A person who is involved in maysir cannot be generous. We have been taught to do ehsan with others, be considerate and be extra nice; display excellence of conduct. In maysir, we are looking for ways to acquire someone else’s money. We win by hurting someone else.

☛ The word Ansab اٌّنصَاب means a stone altar. This is where the mushrikeen used to offer their sacrifices to their idols.

☛ The word Azlam اٌّزْلاَمُ is the plural of zulm. It means using arrow to find out your fortune. When people were not sure about a matter, they will take three arrows. One said, “Do it”. The other said, “Don’t do it”. And the third didn’t say anything, it means, “Try again”. These arrows were used to take decisions. This is similar to using dice or cards, today.

☛ " Khamr, Maysir, Ansab and Azlam " are the works of Shaytan. He has beautified them for the people. He incites them to do. Therefore, we have been instructed to stay away from them and be successful. "May Allah Almighty Guide & Protect us .. Ameen!"

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