Monday, August 18, 2014

Surah 103: The Declining Day (al-‘Asr)

Surah 103: The Declining Day (al-‘Asr)

And of the surah in which the Declining Day is mentioned, which is all Meccan, and consists of 3 verses, 14 words and 68 letters:

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
[103:1]. By time,
[103:2]. Indeed, mankind is in loss,
[103:3]. Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.

[103:1] And from his narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said about the interpretation of Allah's saying (By the declining day): (By the declining day) Allah swears by the 'Asr prayer; and it is also said by the hardships of time,

[103:2] (Lo! Man) i.e. the disbelieving man (is in a state of loss) and torment because of losing his family and position in Paradise; it is also said this means: he is in a state of loss because of decrease in his works in old age and its cessation after death,

[103:3] (Save those who believe) in Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur'an (and do good works) and do acts of obedience privately between them and their Lord, (and exhort one another to truth) to belief in Allah's divine Oneness; and it is said to the Qur'an (and exhort one another to endurance) in performing the obligations imposed by Allah and in avoiding transgressions and also in enduring misfortunes and calamities, because the believers are unlike the disbelievers'.
__Tafsīr Ibn 'Abbās

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