Thursday, October 9, 2014

Allah's plan will prevail over all things

Allah's plan will prevail over all things.

Bismillah Ar Rahmaan Ar Raheem

"And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "it was ALLAH Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you, but ye listened to me : then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls . I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with ALLAH. For wrongdoers there must be a Grievous Penalty."
[Surah Ibrahim 14:22 ]

After the Judgement, Evil declares itself in its true colours. Frankly it says: "I deceived you . The promise of ALLAH (Subhana As Ta' la) was true, but you believed me rather than ALLAH. I had no power to force you . I had but to call you, and you came running after me. You myst blame yourselves. Did you think I was equal with ALLAH? I know so well that I was not and never could be . If you did wrong, you must suffer the Penalty.

I reject your former act in associating me with ALLAH.
See the last note. An alternative interpretation of this sentence maybe : " I had already beforehand rebelled against ALLAH with Whom ye associated me."

"But those who believe and work righteousness will be admitted to Gardens beneath which rivers flow- to dwell therein for aye with the leave of their Lord. Their greeting therein will be "Peace!. Seest thou not how ALLAH sets forth a parable? - A goodly Word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and irs branches (reach) to the heavens- Its brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord. So ALLAH sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition"
[Surah Ibrahim 14:23-25 ]

How this contrasts with the misery and mutual self recrimination of the ungodly!

"Goodly word" is usually interpreted as the Divine Word, the Divine Message, the True Religion. It may also be interpreted in a more general sense as a word of truth, a word of goodness or kindness, which follows from a true appreciation of Religion. For Religion includes our duty to ALLAH (Subhana Wa Ta' la ) and our duty to man. The "evil word" is opposite to this false religion, blasphemy, false speech, or preaching or teaching unkindness and wrongdoing.

The goodly tree is known for: (1) its beauty: it gives pleasure to all who see it. (2) its wide compass: its branches reach high, and it catches all the sunshine from heaven, and give shade to countless birds in its branches and men and animals beneath it, and (4) its abundant fruit, which it yields at all times. So is the Good Word. It is as beautiful as it is true. It abides in all changes and chances of this life, and even beyond(see verse 27 below): it is never shaken by sorrow or what seems to us calamity; its roots are deep down in the bedrock facts of life. Its reach is universal, above, around, below: it is illuminated by the divine light from heaven, and its consolation reaches countless beings of all grades of life. Its fruit the enjoyment of its blessings- is not confined to one season or one set of circumstances; furthermore the fortunate man who is the vehicle of that word has no self-pride: he attributes all its goodness and his act in spreading it, to the Will and Leave of ALLAH(Subhana As Ta' la ).

"And the parable of an evil Word is that of any evil tree: It is torn up by the root from the surface of the earth: it has no stability. "
[Surah Ibrahim 14:26]

The evil tree is the opposite of the goodly tree. The parallelism of contrast can be followed out in all the details of the last note.

"ALLAH will establish in strength those who believe, with the Word that stands firm, in this world and in the Hereafter; but ALLAH will leave, to stray, those who do wrong; ALLAH doeth what he willeth."
[Surah Ibrahim 14:27]

His Will and Plan may be above comprehension but will prevail over all things. It is not like the will of man, who may plan good things but is not necessarily able to carry them out.

Subhana ALLAH!

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