Monday, November 3, 2014

AL-MUGHNI Meaning: The Enricher, The Bestower of Wealth, The Fulfiller of Needs

AL-MUGHNI Meaning: The Enricher, The Bestower of Wealth, The Fulfiller of Needs
يُغني بفضله من يشاء من عباده وكل غني يرجع إليه
The One who gives wealth abundantly. The One who provides all that is needed. The One whose wealth fulfills all needs.
The One who enriches all of creation. The One who creates all appearances of independence or self-sufficiency.
The One who bestows satisfaction and contentment. The One who bestows spiritual wealth.
denotes the One whose essential nature is independence, self-sufficiency and supreme wealth.
Mughnî denotes specific deeds done by the One in bestowing wealth.
The One Who makes rich, out of His graciousness, whoever He wishes of His servants, and every rich person, every person who is needless of the creation, return to Him for their needs
Reference in Quran :
9:28: " O you who believe, the idolaters are surely unclean, so they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year And if you fear poverty, then Allah will enrich you out of His grace, if He pleases . Surely Allah is Knowing, Wise. "
53:48: " And that He it is Who gives wealth (enriches ) and contentment (contenteth ) "
53:49-50It is He alone who frees from want and causes to possess;
and... it is He alone who sustains the brightest star.
Ya Allah we beg from your majesty with Your beautiful names……..
Thank you Allah swt for all the blessings ,Oh Allah Forgive all our sins,give us all that is good & keep us away from all that is bad….O our Lord, all praises be to You as it should be due to Your Might and the Greatness of Your Power.
YA Allah Protect us from all evil and Forgive us our weaknesses as well as our all sins from past to present
O Allah, we ask You for an increased faith, lifetimes filled with blessings, health in our bodies, and breadth in our provisions

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