Thursday, November 20, 2014


I tell you about him(Dajal) something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed."
Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) (Sahih Bukhari Hadith 4.553).
In this report the history of the followers of Dajjal, Free Masons has been written since the French revolution and all of their known efforts have been uncovered with proven facts. Their uniting up all the super powers of the world to obtain their own goals and their usage of media through music, movies, cartoons and commercialism have all been exposed.
You must have heard much about DAJJAL, the Anti-Christ from the Christian and Jewish authorities. But what did The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say about DAJJAL (The greatest Fitnah (Evil, test)) that will ever befall mankind.
When shall DAJJAL appear? Most of the signs prevalent before the coming of DAJJAL can now be observed. One thing though is for certain, if you are fortunate enough not to witness the Anti-Christ, then your children certainly shall. Before the Anti-Christ shall appear we have been told there shall be a SYSTEM, a DAJJAL- system, that is up and running, that shall await his arrival. This DAJJAL-system, will be the most evil and most corrupt satanic force in history.
This system shall promote mass immorality (Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication), Atheism, Devil-worship, use of USURY, Intoxication (Alcohol & Drug abuse), Crime, Injustice, Oppression, Fitnah of the Pen (Pornographic magazines etc.), cause wars, Famine, Massacres, Rape and suffering on an immeasurable scale.
The people working for the promotion of this Dajjal-system are known as Free Masons. Every single position in the United Nations, The EEC and every position in the British Parliament is held by people who are Freemasons.
Freemasonry has something in the region of 700,000 members in England and Wales, yet the British public hardly know anything about them. Freemasons secretly worship a Devil-God, Dajjal.
DAJJAL will emerge from a place between Syria and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan at a place called Judea (Yahudea). He will be of Jewish origin. He will have caused his Jewish parents much distress and pain. The Jews will accept him as The Messiah and become his main followers. He will also have a great number of women followers as well. The entire secular world shall unite under the banner of the Anti-Christ against Islam. Islam will be the only force standing between him and the total world domination.
August the 2nd 1990: Sadam Hussain's forces crashed through the boundaries of oil rich Kuwait. In fear of the Iraqi invasion into Saudi Arabia, United Nations & her allies poured into Saudi Arabia to form a deterrent, a deterrent that would be known as "Desert Shield". The result was a series of diplomatic negotiations that rapidly declined into no hope situation. On August, the 17th 1991, Desert Shield became "Desert Storm". The conflict was witnessed by millions through the eyes of CNN & the BBC, showing propaganda of the systematic eradication of the Sadam's forces by a coalition, far superior in technological, political & economic power. However, what was little known, was that from the outside, the war was engineered, controlled & manipulated by an elite group, a group which had created the illusion of a man with power at the head of a million strong army on the verge of going nuclear. A man who had gained control over one-fifth of world's oil overnight. However, he was merely a marionette, in amongst many marionette, just a puppet in a grand master plan, with the Gulf-war as a well orchestrated stepping stone.
The orchestrator's of the war were by no means strangers to controlling major world events, in fact they have done so for centuries! From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution & recession. They control everything you read, everything you hear & everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populous to their way of thinking & have infiltrated key positions in place of all authorities. And it is from the shadows that they have created a new political order, a new economical order & more sinister a new religious order! Their ultimate aim is total global domination their goal that was outlined in a speech by the former president of the United States, George Bush;
"more than one small country. It is a big idea, a New World Order"
The N.W.O. was presented in 1991. However the origins of this global plan were not created in the offices of the White House, in reality their roots lay in another war. This time, year 1095, place Claremont, France
The grip of eleventh century church on hearts & minds of people lead to the crusades against Muslims ending in the recapture of Jerusalem. Muslim Jerusalem rule (1637-1099) came to a bloody sudden end with women raped, children sworded and blood running knee-high in the streets & mosques, all in the name of the Cross. Out of this land of bloodshed, a group of men arose who would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. 20 years after Jerusalem was taken, the Dome of the Rock was seized by a group of nine warrior monks calling themselves the "Knights of the Temple of Solomon", or more simply, the Knights Templars.
The nine monks announced to the monarch that it was their intention to found an order of warrior monks so that 'as far as their strength permitted, they should keep the roads and highways safe . . . with a special regard for the protection of pilgrims.' However it seemed a bit out of place that nine old monks would protect the roads and highways. The series of events that followed the incident reveals much more and leaves much more to be revealed.
In Jerusalem, the Templars started to deviate from Christianity learning the secret art of Cabala, an ancient form of Jewish magic, along with its dark rites & rituals. The Jews had learnt the art from the Pagans of ancient Egypt during the time of the enslavement to the Pharaohs & developed them into Babylon. (It is also said that they learnt these arts from the tablets that had been thrown to the sea by Moses, and which made their way to the shores of Israel through the Red Sea.) In 1307, King Philip of France arrested them for charges of denial of Christ, homosexuality & idol worship as well as magic. In 1314, Pope Clement declared all Templars as heretics ordering all their properties to be seized the leader Jacque de Moley, captured & burnt at stake. The Templars were cornered & just when it seemed they were finished forever, a glimmer of hope arose from Scotland.
For some, Scotland's hope of independence had died with the death of William Wallace. However to the king of Scotland the arrival of Knight Templars gave him a new secret weapon. Their experience gained over 200 years fighting the mighty armies of Islam had made them expert in combat & warfare. In 1314 the Templars allied with Robert the Bruce & his Army, took the fields in a long awaited showdown with the English. Robert's foresight paid-off & the 25,000 strong English army took to a humiliating defeat at the hands of only 6,500 men. The dream of an independent Scotland had finally been achieved.
The Templars had brought themselves back from destruction and a narrow escape makes you wise. The Templars this time controlled the country by controlling it's kings. & in order to preserve their secret Order, the Templars would have to die or more precisely the name would have to die. The Templars who had escaped Europe were finally laid to rest in Roslyn chapel, Scotland. Which stands to this day as a sign of their presence in Britain. Their descendant became the true power of Scotland.
In 1603, the death of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd left England without an heir to the throne. By virtue of descent, King James V of Scotland became the king of England. In doing so Scotland & England formed a new kingdom and the power that the Templars held over Scotland spread to give them a hold over the whole of Great Britain.
After concealment of their activities for over a century, however not withholding the grip on kingdom, they decided to make a reappearance. Grown both in number and strength, given credibility by monarchy & aristocracy, they were ready to coin a new identity. The name they chose was the name that would be known by many, but understood by a few. This new name: The FREEMASONS.
The new identity & the grandeur of Freemasons afforded the members with respect & dignity. The first Royal member of the Freemasons was Frederick, Prince of Wails. The latest members include Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and consort to the current queen of England, Elizabeth the 2nd, who herself is a grand patron to the Masons.
However, behind closed doors, the Freemasons were free to indulge in the secret rites & rituals handed down to them by their ancestors. & these became the basis for their levels of membership, called "Degree". The Freemasons were driven by the hunger for absolute power far greater than in Britain, & the wars to come were on the outside the effect of downtrodden people & on the inside, controlled by exclusive few. & thus we come to the base of Global domination, their home: France.
In 18th century France the majority was very poor while the aristocracy lived a life of extravagance. A wide gulf existed between two classes. The Freemasons used this to make the pledge of power resulting in the biggest upheaval in French history. Taking advantage of growing anger, Masons took hold of the media & used it to sway the public opinion. People in general & high ranking army officers in special were indoctrinated to the Masonic ideology of thinking under disguise of Liberty.
On 14th of July 1789 a group of people stormed the Bastille, a prison in Paris. This sign of rebel against the French authorities triggered off a massive response all over France. People in villages and towns expressed their hatred for this system symbolized by the monarchy. But it was not until 1793 that the French anger would be cooled. On the 21st of January of the same year, King Louis the 16th was beheaded heralding the end of French monarchy and paving the way for another Masonic controlled state in Europe. However out of nowhere a young soldier named Napoleon Bonapart refused to dance to anyone's tunes, declared himself Emperor of France and wages war against Europe. Forced to abdicate throne in 1814,the exiled Bonapart returned in 1815 with a new vengeance and war. Unable to afford war for a long time because their funds wont last, the Masons were in a dilemma. But help came from Nathan Roschald, head of a leading banking family. He in return demanded the recognition of Jews as equals to Europeans & giving them right to do open business. Masons had no choice since money would otherwise go to Napoleon. Transaction began, 1815, Dutch & British armies defeated Napoleon & he was arrested not t come back this time. France was finally under Masonic control!
Although the historians make a little mention of Masonic involvement in revolution, the Masons themselves have to reveal their shadowy movements during this important period in history. In 1904, Marquee de Rossambue, a Freemason said before a pact audience
"Freemasonry has worked in a hidden but constant manner to prepare the revolution. We are then in complete agreement that Freemasonry was the only author of the Revolution. And the applause which I received from the left and to which I am little accustomed, proves gentlemen, that you acknowledge with me that it was Masonry which made the French Revolution."
When the so-called founding fathers of the America landed on Plinth Rock, they also brought with them the Freemasonic elements of Europe. Running from injustices of British tyrannical regime & in order to gain complete dominance of the new state, the Masons used the same methods they had used to gain control of France. Although the British monarchy was run by the Masons, the American war of independence was a necessary action and the people involved in the war were expandable for the Masons to fulfill their dreams. Emotions of people manipulated into anger and just like France anger turned into war. Another lesson learned from Napoleon, the forthcoming leader must be a Mason himself and the leader who took the war to the British was none other than George Washington.
On 4th of July 1776 the declaration of independence was made. On 17th of October 1781 the British were finally defeated and surrendered the colonies to the Americans & the world's first Masonic state was born, a nation that would represent Masonry in every way. The sign of the Masonic presence in America is visible plainly the American Dollar bill, which carries the picture of George Washington, the first Freemasonic president in the world & the Freemasonic symbol of the so-called "All Seeing One Eye".
According to Encarta Encyclopedia this insignia on Dollar bill & the Great Seal of US is described as:
"A pyramid, truncated near the top, is the central figure of the reverse side.The base of the pyramid is inscribed with the date 1776 in Roman numerals: MDCCLXXVI. At the zenith of the pyramid, within a triangle surrounded by a glory, appears the all-seeing eye of Divine Providence. Above the eye is inscribed the motto Annuit Coeptis ("He has smiled on our undertakings"). Below the pyramid is a scroll bearing the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum ("New order of the ages")".
Historically the control & manipulation of political opinion has been the Freemasons main weapon in gaining control of countries and states. Once in control of the rulers and politicians of the country, laws and political structures could be changed in accordance with their agenda. However Since restricting the body does not necessarily mean restricting the mind, the Freemason recognizes that their plan for global government hinges completely on subduing the masses to their agenda & thus eliminating opposition to their cause. & the greatest threat to their plan causing more danger than any army or law is the threat of the free thinking mind. In order to eliminate this threat & to achieve their objectives the Masons have set about the boldest plan ever devised. The complete control of every aspect of human life, your life. & the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes, entertaining you and your children, and gradually indoctrinating you without even realizing.
One of the basic tactics being used by Masons to bring about a One-world govt. is through the movies representing America as a forerunner in defending the earth in case of any biological or extraterrestrial invasion. Evidences supporting this fact are present in Media section of the report. In real life they are allowing the crime rates to increase. This is a fact.
The soaring crime rate creates the fear for greater personal & national security. The drugs industry according to official estimates is, in terms of monitory values, one of the largest industries on the globe. All the countries especially United States has a huge & growing drugs problem increasing the crime rate to a dangerous level. This fact is also illustrated more & more often in the movies, T.V. serials & govt. reports alike. Coming to the real life, it compels people to back govt. for a heavy handed, overt or covert combat against drugs.
However there are a few disturbing facts about the governmental policies concerning the American drug war over the last few decades.
It is a fact that during 1960s, FBI allowed drugs trade to flourish within the African American community in order to undermine the Black uprising in American society. During the 1980s, money was urgently required to finance the rebellion movement against Communism, & to raise this FBI allowed drugs to be traded in America. Revelations by the American senator Jack Bloom, who was part of the investigatory committee into the matter confirms this. The pathetic justification by FBI:
"In the course of the counter war, the United States as a matter of policy, abandoned the drug law enforcement. Look the other way at the kind of conditions we were creating that enhanced the ability of drug traffickers to move up into the U.S. & in fact allow the drug trade to flourish all to support the counter movement & to support the war."
During the counter wars in 1980s the scapegoats used were once again communists. But now that the Communist threat no longer exists, the drugs business is still flourishing even in the presence of hair-trigger tracking devices. Why?

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