Sunday, November 2, 2014


We are talking you as human, have you ever asked one day the reason. Why you believe in & what you believe in? Have you ever thought about the reason for which you chose the religion you practice? Have you really read your Bible from cover to cover? If not, then now is the time to do it.
Dear Christian’s Brothers & Sisters, Our duty present the truth, accepting or rejecting is depending u brothers & sisters. Allah (SWT) clearly mentioned in the Holy Qur'an.
Christians say that "GOD LOST His only son to save us". To whom did God lose Jesus (PBUH) if he owns the whole universe?
1. If it was agreeable with God's Majesty to have sons, He could have created a million sons the like of Jesus (PBUH). So what is the big clear deal about this only son?
2. Why does the Bible say that Jesus (PBUH) wanted to die on the cross, when the one on the cross was shouting "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" according to Matthew 27:45 and Mark 15:33?
3. If God had wanted to save us, couldn't He have done that without sacrificing Jesus (PBUH)?
4. God is Just, and justice requires that nobody should be punished for the sins of others, nor should some people be saved by punishing other people. Doesn't the claim that God sacrificed Jesus (PBUH) to save us because He was just, contradict the definition of justice?
5. People sacrifice things they have to get something they don't have when they can't have both. Christians say that "God SACRIFICED His only son to save us". We know that God is Almighty; to whom did He sacrifice Jesus (PBUH)?
6. A real sacrifice is when you can't get back what you have offered, so what would be the big deal about such a sacrifice if God could recover the same offering? (According to the Christians' terminology)?
7. If all the Christians are saved through Jesus (PBUH) and are going to Heaven no matter what they do, then the teachings of Jesus (PBUH) are irrelevant and the definition of good and bad are also rendered irrelevant. If this is not so, then do Christians who believe in Jesus (PBUH) yet do not follow his teachings nor repent go to Hell?
8. How can Christians take deeds as irrelevant after becoming one when Jesus (PBUH) says in Matthew 12:36; "But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment. For by the words thou shalt be justified, by the words thou shalt be condemned"?
9. Christians say that people go to Heaven ONLY THROUGH JESUS, yet Paul says in 1 CORINTHIANS 7:8-16 that the unbelieving husband is acceptable to God because he is united with his wife and vice versa and their pagan children are also acceptable to God. So people can go to heaven without believing in Jesus (PBUH) according to this.
10. How come the Bible says that ALL Israel is saved although they don't believe in Jesus (PBUH)? Doesn't that contradict the claim in the Bible that the only way to heaven is through Jesus (PBUH)?
11. According to Christians, those who have not been baptized will go to Hell. So even the infants and babies go to Hell if not baptized, since they are born with an inherited original sin. Doesn't this contradict the definition of justice? Why would God punish people for sins they never committed?

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