Saturday, November 15, 2014

Every breath you take is a step towards death.

Every breath you take is a step towards death.
Merits of the remembrance of death. Know, 0 dear readers, that the man who is grossly immersed in the world and cheated by its charming coquetries, in unmindful of the remembrance of death. He does not remember death. When he is reminded of it, he does not like it. God said regarding such man : The death from which you flee away must meet you. Thereafter you will be led to the knower of the world seen and unseen. You will then be informed of what you did-62:6.
once-asked the Prophet : 0 Prophet of God, will anybody rise with the martyrs? He said : That one will rise with them who remembers death twenty times a day.
DEATH The Prophet said: Sudden death is solace to a believer and a grief to a non-believer. He said: If the hair of a dead man is placed upon the inmates of the heaven and earth, they all will die by the pressure of its weight, as every hair is subject to death and if death falls upon anything, that thing also dies. At the time of death of Prophet Ibrahim, God said to him, 0 my friend, how do you perceive death? He said : That is just like the repeated snatching and drawing of a heated iron hook in wet wool. God said : I have made it easy for you. It has been related that when the soul of Moses was taken before God, He asked him 0 Moses, how did you find death pangs? He said : I have found my life just like a sparrow. If a living bird is roasted in a cauldron, it cannot fly, nor it can be safe from the death pangs. I suffered death pangs just as it suffered. It is reported that at the time of the death of the Prophet there was a pot of water near him. He dived his hand in it and began to wash his face and said : 0 God, make death pang easy for me.
Three terrors of death: The first terror is the terrible pangs at the time of death. The second terror is the sight of the figure of the angel of death and entry of fear and terror in mind. The third terror is that the sinner sees his place in Hell and the virtuous one sees also his place in Paradise. The first we have described above. It has been narrated that the Prophet Ibrahim said to the angel of death : Can you show me once your own figure when you take the life of a sinner? He said : You will not withstand it. Ibrahim said : Yes, I shall withstand it. The angel of death said : Turn your face from my front. Then he turned his face from his front and saw that the body of the angel of death is deep dark complexioned, having rough straight hairs, stency, covered with black dress, flames of fire coming out of his mouth and nostrils in streams. At this, Abraham fell down senseless. On regaining consciousness, he saw the angel of death in his previous form and he said : 0 angel of death: If the sinner sees nothing except your figure at the time of his death, it will be sufficient punishment for him.
The third terror at the time of death is that the dying man sees his place either in Hell or in Paradise. His life does not come out until he hears the announcement of the angels about his place either in Hell or in Paradise. The Prophet said : Nobody from among you will come out of the world till he knows his destination and till he sees his place either in Hell or in Paradise. He also said : Whose loves to meet me, God also loves to meet him. God does not desire to meet one who does not desire to meet me. The companion said : Nobody of us likes death He said The matter is not that. If the condition of the believer becomes easy regarding what will come over him, he loves to meet God and God also loves to meet him.
Once Merwan went to Abu Hurairah at the time of his death and said : 0 God, make death easy for him. Hazrat Abu Hurairah said : 0 God, make it difficult for me. Then be wept and said : By God, I don't weep because I am sorry to leave this world but I look towards two things from my Lord-Hell or Paradise. Hazrat Hasan Basari said : The believer has got no other happiness than that of meeting with God. The day of death is the day of happiness for one who feels joy at his meeting with God.
Know, 0 readers, that the conditions which are necessary for a dying man are the following-to be clam, to be peaceful, to recite with tongue the Kalema Shahadat and to have good conjecture about God in mind.
Calm attitude: The Prophet said : Look to the dying man with his three conditions. When perspiration comes out on his forehead, when his eyes shed tears and when his lips become dry, the blessings of God are poured upon him. When his throat gives out gurgling sound, his colour becomes red, his lips become mud- coloured,the punishment of God befalls on him. The Prophet said : Teach your dying man to recite "There is no deity but God" because it obliterates sins. The Prophet said; He who knows' at the time of death that there is no deity but God. will enter Paradise. Hazrat Osman said : When death comes to a man, teach him, 'there is no deity but God; as he who dies reciting this Kalema will enter paradise. Hazrat Omar said : Be present before your dying men and remind them of Allah's names, because they see what you do not see and teach them that' there is no deity but God: The Prophet said : The angel of death came to a dying man and found nothing in his heart. Then he pierced his tongue and found in a corner that it recites 'there is no deity but Allah.' God forgave him for this. The object of this utterance is that at the time of death, that there should be no thought in his mind except the thought of God, and no goal in his mind except the goal to meet with Him.
The Prophet said : God says : I am with My servant who harbour good thoughts about Me. Once the people went to a dying man and said : How are you? He said : I hope to get God's mercy and i fear sins. The Prophet said : God gives the man who harbours these two thoughts at this time what he wishes and keeps him safe from what he fears. The great saint Sabet Bonani said : A young man was addicted to pleasure. His mother used to give him advice and said: 0 my darling, remember the inevitable hour which will come to you one day. When death came to him his mother fell upon him and said : 0 my darling I warned you repeatedly of this catastrophe. He said : 0 mother, my Lord is merciful. I hope that He will show me something of His mercy
today. The saint Sabet said : Owing to his good conjecture about God, He showed him mercy. The saint Jaber said that a young man was conceited. When death came to him, his mother said to him : 0 my darling, give me some admonition. He said : I am giving, don't go with my ring as there is the name of God therein. Perchance Allah will show mercy on me for that. When he was buried. Jaber dreamt him and he said : Info?m my martyr that the Kalema has done me benefit and God has forgiven me. Once a desert Beduin fell ill He was told that he would die. He said Where shall I be taken? The said : To God. He said : I am not unwilling to go to Him. He will surely do me good.
Hazrat Sulaiman said to the angel of death: Why do I not find you to do justice among the people? You take away the life of one and give up that of another. He said : I am not more informed than you about this. It is written in a book wherein there are the names of all and it remains with me.
The great saint Wahab-bin-Monabbahg said once that a powerful king intended to visit a country. He ordered his best dress to be brought and he put on it. He ordered the best horse to be brought and he rode on it. Then he started with his followers The devil then advanced and puffed him up with pride. He looked down the ordinary men in the street. At that moment, a poor man with tattered rags on his body advanced to the emperor and saluted him, but the latter did not respond to his salutation out of extreme hatred. Then the poor man advanced forward and caught hold of the reins of his horse whereupon the emperor ordered him to give up the reign saying: You have done a most heinous act. The poor man said : I have some urgent matter with you. The emperor said : Be patient, I am getting down. The man said : That won't be He began to pullout the reign of the horse with greater force. The emperor said : Say what you have got to say. The man said : That is a secret talk. The emperor drew his ears close to him and the man said : I am the angel of death. At this, the colour of the emperor changed and his tongue stopped. He said : Give me a little time so that I may go to my family and arrange things. The angel of death said: That can't be He then drew out the life of the emperor and he fell down dead on the ground.
The angel of death advanced farther and met with a believer whom he greeted. The believer returned his greeting. He said : I have got something to tell you in secret. The believer consented to hear. At this the angel of death said : I am the angel of death. The believer said : Welcome to you. I am waiting for you for long. By God, there is nothing dearer to me than my meeting with you. The angel of death said : Fulfill your needs. The believer said There is nothing dearer to me at this moment than my meeting with the Lord. The angel said : Choose in what way I can take your life. The believer said: Let me pray after ablution and take my life while I am in prostration. The angel of death took his life in that condition.,
It is narrated that a man acquired vast wealth. He constructed many buildings and adorned them with iron gates. There were innumerable slaves and slave girls therein. Then he prepared a grand feast and brought all his beautiful wives. Then he ascended the throne and began to shake his legs placing one of his legs upon another in pride. Then he said : 0 self, enjoy it for long long years. Hardly had he finished this talk's a poor man with tattered rags on him came to the door and began to knock it. The guard at once rushed to the door and enquired of his whereabouts. He said : Take your master to me, The guard said Will our master come down to a man like you? He began to knock the door with a greater force. The guard rushed on him and he said: I am the angel of death. Go and inform him to come to me. When he came, he took his life.

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