Saturday, November 15, 2014

Grand list of bidah's commonly found in Asian sub-continent Part-5 :

Grand list of bidah's commonly found in Asian sub-continent :
May Allah protect us from all types of innovations :: Ameen !!!!!!!
31. Reciting naats(nasheeds/praises) of the prophetﷺ by using musical instruments or techniques which resemble songs and music.This includes the field of qawwali as found in Indo-Pakistan religion.
32. Sending blessings on the prophet ﷺ out loud before making each Azan.
33. Asking someone else to do istekhara for oneself. Paying someone to do istekhara.
34. Washing limbs more than three times during wudu (ablution) .
35. Believing that only a black sheep can be given as sadqa (charity) .
36. Believing that black colour is associated with mourning bad news , and sadness.
37. Believing that the prophet ﷺ is everywhere and/or that he attends certain gatherings of 'rememberance.
38. Believing that talking during making wudu (ablution) or smiling/laughing while with wudu invalidates the ablution.
39. Believing in the altered concept of tawassul. For example, making dua to Allah that He grants you something by the name of His prophet ﷺ .

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