Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Shaitan is the Greatest Enemy of the Human Beings.....

Shaitan is the Greatest Enemy of the Human Beings.....
Did I not charge you, O children of Adam! that you should not serve the Shaitan? Surely he is your open enemy, And that you should serve Me; this is the right way. (36:60-61)
Worship and obedience illuminate the heart and make it strong and steadfast, until it becomes like a clear mirror, shining with light.
When Shaytaan draws close, he is struck by its light like those who try to eavesdrop [in the heavens] are struck by the shooting stars, and Shaytaan flees from this heart with more terror than a wolf fleeing from a lion.
The business of Satan is to rob you or destroy your deeds
This is Satan’s enmity towards Adam and his progeny means. The aim of his enmity is that, he should try his utmost so that nobody from the progeny of Adam attains nearness of the Lord of the Worlds. If he can, he wants to take away and pull out the root of faith from everyone right from the first day of creation till the Day of Judgment. If it is not possible then he would do something whereby he may weaken one’s faith. If he does not succeed in the matter of faith he tries his intrigues to spoil man’s deeds. The worship of Satan is to obey him. So, never lend your ear to the voice of Satan and oppose him. Opposing Satan is worshipping God, the Beneficent.
And that you should serve Me; this is the right way. (36:61)
The Divine Law consists of obligatory and optional duties and recommended and detestable acts. To observe these matters is the right path. Satan is he who deviates man from this path, that is, he creates doubts and misgivings etc. He leads you to the prohibited things and/or makes you miss what is obligatory. Compromising with Satan means sin, guilt or crime. Whenever you indulge in a sin, if the curtain is lifted up, you would see that you have prostrated before Satan.
So do not worship the Satan. Satan is your enemy who would love to see you should die faithless. He does not leave you unless and until he fulfils his aim. Here is a story in this connection.
May Allah save us from the whispering of Shytan
May Allah keeps us in His protection from the tricks of Shytan....
May Allah guide us nd forgive us.....

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