Monday, November 10, 2014

What a beautifully death...

This is final act of Shaykh AbdurRazaq Al-Halabi. He was a teacher of the Quran & it's 10 modes of recitation in ‪#‎Syria‬.
His finger remains pointing to the Words of Allah that he loved, taught & lived- inshaa'Allah.
Ya Allah Accept him into Your Mercy, forgive him & raise him high in Jannah.
O Allah increase him and do not deprive him, honour him and let him not be disgraced
O Allah grant him for every letter of the Quran, sweetness. For every word, honour. For every ayat, joy and for every Sura, Peace.
O Allah admit him to Jannah by virtue of the Quran’s intercession and let each verse be witness for him O Allah.
Ya Allah bless me with an end like his after a long life serving Your Book like him!

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