Sunday, December 28, 2014


___The Bible is divided into two parts, the 0ld Testament and the New Testament. The 0ld Testament is the Holy scripture of the Jews and contains records of all the prophets of the Jews that came before Jesus.
The compleate Bible, i.e the 0ld Testament and the New Testament put together, contains 73 books.
However, the Protestant Bible, i.e the King James Vertion contains only 66 books as they consider 7 books of the 0ld Testament to be approcrypha, i.e of doubtful authority.
Therefore the 0ld Testanent of the Catholics contains 46 books and that of the Protestants 39 books.
However the New Testament of both these sects contains 27 books.
It seams Christians thinks Bible is one Book, but truely Bible is more than one book. It contains different or many Books. It contains the word of GOD (Jehova or Allah). It contains the words of the Prophets came before Jesus. It contains the life History before, during and after Jesus. It contains the words of Jesus. It contains the words of his disciples. It contains the words of Historians. It contains the words of Bishops etc.
The Protestants would be less familiar with the Catholic canon which consist 73 books containing 7 extra books.
Canon of 27 books? It was not until 367 years after Jesus in the late 4th century that cannon of 27 books came about.
Athanasius the Bishop of Alezandria was reponsible for this. For over centuries the Christians argued, bickered and debated over which scripture was authoritative and which wasn't. According to Baiton the Issue was resolved in the fourth century. Is this true?
The Catholic church ; canon, 73 books.
The Prostestants churci ; canon, 66 books.
The Greek 0rthodox church ; canon, 77 books.
The Copic church ; canon, 29 books in Newtestament 'NT.'
The Ethiopic church ; canon, 81 books.
Lists of Many Early versions of the New Testament [19]:
1. The Latin version.
a- The Latin version before Jerome.
b- Jerom's Latin vulgate.
2. The Syriac Version.
a- The 0ld syriac versions.
b- The peshitta syriac version.
c- The philoxenian and / or Harclean version.
d- The palestian syriac version.
3. The Copic version.
a- The sahidic version
b- The Bahairic version
c- Other copic version.
4. The Catholic version.
5. The Armenian version.
6. The Geogian version.
7. The Ethiopic version.
8. The Nubian version.
9. The 0ld Arabic version.
10. The 0ld slavic version.
It seems somes add too much and somes reduced too much!!!?
Himm! May Allah guide us all to His right path! Ameen.

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