Thursday, January 29, 2015

Allah loves those who love each others for His Sake

‎Assalamualaikoum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sister, love you all for the sake of Allah.

Allah loves those who love each others for His Sake, through His beloved messenger Allah says:-
►“Allah will ask on the Day of Judgment: ‘Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My glory? Today, - on a day when there is no shade but mine – I shall shade them with My shade.” Reported by Abû Hurayrah. [Sahih Muslim (2566)] 

►“Those who love each other for the sake of my glory will be upon pulpits of light and they will be envied by the prophets and the martyrs.”  Reported by Mu’adh ibn Jabal. [Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2390] 

⇨The holy prophet (peace be upon him) said: "One who loves for the sake of Allah alone and hates for the sake of Allah alone; and whatever he gives for the sake of Allah alone; and whatever he withholds, withhold for the sake of Allah alone, indeed, he perfects his eeman.” (Abu Dawood).

⇨The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said: There are three qualities for which any one who is characterised by them will relish the savour of faith:
1) that he loves man and he does not love him but for Allah's sake alone; 
2) he is to whom Allah and His Messenger are dearer than all else; 
3) he who prefers to be thrown into fire than to return to unbelief after Allah has rescued him out of it. Reported by Anas ibn Malik. [Muslim 0068]

It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man was with the Prophet (peace be upon him) when another man passed by and he said: O Messenger of Allah, I love this man. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him: “Have you told him?”  He said: No. He said: “Tell him.” So he caught up with him and said: I love you for the sake of Allah. He said: May the one for Whose sake you love me also love you. [Narrated by Abu Dawood (no. 5125) and classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi in Riyadh al-Saaliheen (183) and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.]

In some reports of the hadeeth it says: “Tell him for it will strengthen the love between you.” [Narrated by Ibn Abi’l-Dunya in al-Ikhwaan (69)]

→It is a highly recommended act to declare love to one’s brother for the sake of Allah.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged the spread of sincere brotherly feeling.
The effects of increasing this declaration of love include:
[1] gaining reward from Allah and His pleasure.
[2] elimination of grudges between persons.
[3] reinforcing love between persons.
[4] building unity among Muslims.
[5] showing the magnificent etiquette of Islam.

•►Here is a dua that we say when someone says they love you for the sake of Allah.
Invocation for someone who tells you: ‘Innee ‘uhibbuka fee-laah. 
“I love you for the sake of Allah” 
Reply: 'Ahabbakal-lathee 'ahbabtanee lahu.
أَحـَبَّـكَ  الَّلـذِي  أحـبـَبـتَـنِي لَـه
May He for Whose sake you love me, love you.
[Reference: Abu Dawud 4/333. Al-Albani graded it good in Sahih Abu Dawud 3/965]

O Allah, You are my Destination and Your good pleasure is what I seek. May All of us meet in Jannah in shaa Allah, Ameen.

All Praises are for
█▀█ █ █ █▀█ █▄█
█▀█ █ █ █▀█ █▀█; the Lord of the universe. Blessings and Peace on Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam,his Family, and his Companions.

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Assalamualaikoum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu dear brothers and sister, love you all for the sake of Allah.
Allah loves those who love each others for His Sake, through His beloved messenger Allah says:-
►“Allah will ask on the Day of Judgment: ‘Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My glory? Today, - on a day when there is no shade but mine – I shall shade them with My shade.” Reported by Abû Hurayrah. [Sahih Muslim (2566)]
►“Those who love each other for the sake of my glory will be upon pulpits of light and they will be envied by the prophets and the martyrs.” Reported by Mu’adh ibn Jabal. [Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2390]
⇨The holy prophet (peace be upon him) said: "One who loves for the sake of Allah alone and hates for the sake of Allah alone; and whatever he gives for the sake of Allah alone; and whatever he withholds, withhold for the sake of Allah alone, indeed, he perfects his eeman.” (Abu Dawood).
⇨The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said: There are three qualities for which any one who is characterised by them will relish the savour of faith:
1) that he loves man and he does not love him but for Allah's sake alone;
2) he is to whom Allah and His Messenger are dearer than all else;
3) he who prefers to be thrown into fire than to return to unbelief after Allah has rescued him out of it. Reported by Anas ibn Malik. [Muslim 0068]
It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man was with the Prophet (peace be upon him) when another man passed by and he said: O Messenger of Allah, I love this man. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him: “Have you told him?” He said: No. He said: “Tell him.” So he caught up with him and said: I love you for the sake of Allah. He said: May the one for Whose sake you love me also love you. [Narrated by Abu Dawood (no. 5125) and classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi in Riyadh al-Saaliheen (183) and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.]
In some reports of the hadeeth it says: “Tell him for it will strengthen the love between you.” [Narrated by Ibn Abi’l-Dunya in al-Ikhwaan (69)]
→It is a highly recommended act to declare love to one’s brother for the sake of Allah.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged the spread of sincere brotherly feeling.
The effects of increasing this declaration of love include:
[1] gaining reward from Allah and His pleasure.
[2] elimination of grudges between persons.
[3] reinforcing love between persons.
[4] building unity among Muslims.
[5] showing the magnificent etiquette of Islam.
•►Here is a dua that we say when someone says they love you for the sake of Allah.
Invocation for someone who tells you: ‘Innee ‘uhibbuka fee-laah.
“I love you for the sake of Allah”
Reply: 'Ahabbakal-lathee 'ahbabtanee lahu.
أَحـَبَّـكَ الَّلـذِي أحـبـَبـتَـنِي لَـه
May He for Whose sake you love me, love you.
[Reference: Abu Dawud 4/333. Al-Albani graded it good in Sahih Abu Dawud 3/965]
O Allah, You are my Destination and Your good pleasure is what I seek. May All of us meet in Jannah in shaa Allah, Ameen.

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