Saturday, January 3, 2015

“Prophet’s Birthday”

Fact is that : There is no such thing in Islam as the so-called “Prophet’s birthday”. Neither the Sahaabah nor the Taabi‘een nor the imams or leading scholars of Islam who came after them acknowledged any such day, let alone celebrated it. Rather this festival was introduced by some innovators among the ignorant baatinis (followers of esoteric sects), then the common folk in many regions followed this innovation.

It is not prescribed to celebrate the birthday of anyone, whether Prophets or anyone else, because that is not narrated in sharee’ah. Rather it is something that has been taken from non-Muslims, such as the Jews, Christians and others.

We hope that Allah, may He be exalted, will guide and help you to do good deeds and increase you in guidance.

We are Ahlus Sunnah we do not Celebrate Milaad. (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)

There is no such thing in Islam as the so-called “Prophet’s birthday”. Neither the Sahaabah nor the Taabi‘een nor the imams or leading scholars of Islam who came after them acknowledged any such day, let alone celebrated it. Rather this festival was introduced by some innovators among the ignorant baatinis (followers of esoteric sects), then the common folk in many regions followed this innovation.
It is not prescribed to celebrate the birthday of anyone, whether Prophets or anyone else, because that is not narrated in sharee’ah. Rather it is something that has been taken from non-Muslims, such as the Jews, Christians and others.
We hope that Allah, may He be exalted, will guide and help you to do good deeds and increase you in guidance.
We are Ahlus Sunnah we do not Celebrate Milaad. (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)

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