“Ahmad” – Gospel’s Promised Savior
One of the ways that we can identify “a Prophet” is that his prophecy proves by finality reasons by clarifying next prophet coming and deny any doubt when they want to reconciling.
Islam prophet’s prophecy has proved with certain reasons, in addition his prophecy, his name and his feature was clarified in previous prophet’s book (in the Old and New Testament).
For example God definitely tell in Quran, Surah Al-Saff, Verse 6th, from Jesus that: “I announce prophet whose name is Ahmad.” There are some evidences that show “ Faraghlit” is the prophet who comes after Christ, he is not Paraclete. For instance from some Christian history, we can find out that before Islam, it was obvious that the Islamic scientists and Gospel’s commentators believed that Paraclete is the promised prophet.
The day that this verse and its other examples revealed and the prophet announced it (them) for people there were some groups of Jews and Christians lived and if there wasn’t this annunciation in these books.
These two religions′ scientists used it as an excuse but also by history judgment they became silent and for example this annunciation wasn’t in today’s gospels.
It doesn’t mean that these facts aren’t in his gospel because by today’s gospel affirm each Apostles and non apostles wrote the gospel and according their beliefs collect Christ’s commands but they didn’t stop and add other heard, seen, and their guesses to it, too.
And published it as gospel, so non of these gospels aren’t Christ’s gospel but God will show that Quran logical reasons and reason of prophet’s prophecy shines all the time.
The annunciation of coming of prophet after Christ who called “Ahmed” is obviously in John′s gospel. Although the gospel’s commentators try to interpret these annunciation to other meaning but with a little attention the truth shows itself…
In gospels which are in Syrian language (4) “Faraghlit” is the person whom Christ announced his coming. “Faraghlit” is a Syrian word that people who lives in Syria speak with this language. Islamic scientists and gospel’s commentators agree that, this word is a Greek word which John′s gospel was written by it, but they don’t have the same idea about the root of this word that is in which language.
Islamic researchers believe that Greek root of this word “priklitus” means “Muhammad and Ahmad”. But the gospel commentators define it as “parklitus” which means “comforter”. Because most of gospel’s commentators interpret it as “Paraclete”, so the truth will define the subject according to evidences which are in verse’s text.
In John′s gospel, chapter 15th and 16th is written: “because that Faraghlit who I send him from Father is the truth sprit (Holy Sprit) that will testify about me.(5) I’m telling the truth that it’s useful for you if I go, I will send him to you and I have a lot of things to say to you but you can’t understand (stand) it now. But when he comes he will guide you to the right way. Because he doesn’t speak from his side he will say whatever he will hear and will announce you about future and will praise me because he will understand all the things about me and will let you know too. Every thing that is for father is mine too. I said this because he gives everything that is mine and announces it to you (6) and (7) if we really pay attention there are some evidence that show purpose of saying Faraghlit is the prophet who will come after Christ not Holy Sprit. For example in some Christian’s history which were before Islam the commentators believed that Faraghlit is the promised prophet. Even some groups abused this subject and introduced themselves as Faraghlit.
For instance “Mantes” who was an austere man and lived in 2nd century AD, in 177 AD, in Asia Minor, claim prophecy and said :” I’m the Faraghlit which Christ announce his coming” because of this some groups follow him.(8)
On the other hand, The privileges given to Paraclete ‘Faraqlit’ by Jesus Christ and the terms and consequences which are re-counted for his coming by him, prevent us from interpreting Paraclete as the Holly Spirit; Even it confirms that the (meaning) of Paraclete will be no one but the Promised Prophet. For instance Christ says: “Paraclete won′t come to you if I don′t leave.”
(9) Therefore he stipulates Paraclete′s coming on his own leaving (abandonment). But if the meaning of Paraclete is the Holly Spirit , then his descent on Christ and Apostles was not stipulated on Christ′s leaving (abandonment). Because according to Christians , when the Christ intended to send Apostles around to preach, Holly Spirit descented on them. (10) So descentding the Holly spirit has never been conditioned on Christ′s leaving (abandonment). But if we consider Paraclete as a prophet with “Sharia” , a universal Sharia, then his coming is conditioned on Christ′s leaving and abrogating of his religion. To be exact in these evidence can lead us to the fact that the eminent researchers of Islam have achived it. Of course the evidence are not limited to what was said, but there are also plenty of other evidence in this context. (11)
In those Bibles that are written in Syriac , the person who is ministered to by Christ, is interpreted with the word “Paraclete”. Paraclete is a Syriac word that people of Syria used it in a language to speak. Islamic researchers and Bible commentators agree on Paraclete to be a Greek word that the Bible of John is written with it, but they disagree on the main root of this word in Greek.
At the end, we′d like to show the readers a remarkable subject which is in the great French dictionary: “Muhammad is the founder of Islam and the messanger of God and the last of prophets.” The word Muhammad means “very praised” and is derived from the infinitive “Gloria” which means “glorification”. By a strange (amazing) accident, another name which has the same root as “Gloria” is a total synonyme of Muhammad and that is “Ahmad” that is likely the word which was used by Christians of Arabia to define Paraclete. Ahmad (means very praised and very glorious) is the translation of the word “Paraclitous” which is replaced with ” Periclitous” by mistake. In this way muslim religious authors have reminded repeatedly that the meaning of this word is to minister the appereance of Islam′ s Prophet. Holly Quran also points obviously to this subject in the verse of Surah Saff.
What you read in this text, is only a tiny section and a summary of the fact. We recommend you to refer to the main source if you like to know more about it.
And when prophet Jesus Christ, the son of Mary said: “Oh, Children of Israel, I am sent to you by Allah to confirm the Torah that was before me, and to give news of a messanger (the Prophet Muhammad) who will come to you after me whose name shall be “Ahmad.” Yet when he came to them with clear proofs, they said this is a clear sorcery. (Surrah Saff, Verse 6)
Assignment of these four books to their own authors is not certain. Actually the bible of Mark is a summary of Peter′′s remarks and the Bible of Luke is a succinct of Paul′s thoughts and stories. In order to learn more, refer to the main source.
Syriac ‘ seriani’ like Arabic is of the languages that have a Semitic’saami’ background. Although the Bible of Christ is in Hebrew ‘ebri’ language as his own mother tongue and the people around him, but according to the news and narratives, he was agent ( it was his mission) to interpret it ( the Bible) to people of Syria in Syriac.
The Bible of John, chapter 15, Verse 26, London Press,1837. We published the other verses in this article too and for greater certainty we matched it with other Persian translation that are translated to Persian from Syriac and Chaldean.
The Bible of John , chapter 16, verse 157.
Not only in chapter 15 and 16 but also in chapter 14, in verses 15,16, 17, 25, 26, 29, it has been talked about Paraclete and some other facts about him again that you can refer to its text.
Anis al-Alam, volume 2, page 179, quotes from “Valim Miour” history which was published in 1848.
The Bible of John, chapter 15, verse 7.
The Bible of Matthew, chapter 10, verse 29 – the Bible of Luke, chapter 10, verse 17.
Refer to “Ahmad, the Promised of Bible” or the precious book of “Anis al-Alam” that is one of its sources, for more investigation.
Muhammad, the last of prophets, first volume, page 504, quotes from the great French dictionary, volume 23, page 4174.
And when prophet Jesus Christ, the son of Mary said: “Oh, Children of Israel, I am sent to you by Allah to confirm the Torah that was before me, and to give news of a messanger (the Prophet Muhammad) who will come to you after me whose name shall be “Ahmad.” Yet when he came to them with clear proofs, they said this is a clear sorcery. (Surrah Saff, Verse 6)
Assignment of these four books to their own authors is not certain. Actually the bible of Mark is a summary of Peter′′s remarks and the Bible of Luke is a succinct of Paul′s thoughts and stories. In order to learn more, refer to the main source.
Syriac ‘ seriani’ like Arabic is of the languages that have a Semitic’saami’ background. Although the Bible of Christ is in Hebrew ‘ebri’ language as his own mother tongue and the people around him, but according to the news and narratives, he was agent ( it was his mission) to interpret it ( the Bible) to people of Syria in Syriac.
The Bible of John, chapter 15, Verse 26, London Press,1837. We published the other verses in this article too and for greater certainty we matched it with other Persian translation that are translated to Persian from Syriac and Chaldean.
The Bible of John , chapter 16, verse 157.
Not only in chapter 15 and 16 but also in chapter 14, in verses 15,16, 17, 25, 26, 29, it has been talked about Paraclete and some other facts about him again that you can refer to its text.
Anis al-Alam, volume 2, page 179, quotes from “Valim Miour” history which was published in 1848.
The Bible of John, chapter 15, verse 7.
The Bible of Matthew, chapter 10, verse 29 – the Bible of Luke, chapter 10, verse 17.
Refer to “Ahmad, the Promised of Bible” or the precious book of “Anis al-Alam” that is one of its sources, for more investigation.
Muhammad, the last of prophets, first volume, page 504, quotes from the great French dictionary, volume 23, page 4174.
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