Sunday, February 22, 2015

In Islam Meaning Of True Love Is Nikkah (Marriage)

'‎In Islam Meaning Of True Love Is Nikkah (Marriage)

If you Are a Muslima ? Than Ur Role Model Should have Been Hazrat→ Fatimah zahra , khadija tul kubra , Ayesha Siddiqa (R. a)
Otherwise Shaitain have lot of Filthy , Najjis , Deviated Role Models

■ Boyfriends and Girlfriends will leave you in this Dunya, while a Righteous Spouse will be with you even in Jannah.

■ ..If Marriage isn't the goal, Then why wasting 0n a RELATIONSHIP?

■ Don't ever rush into falling in love. If they mock you because you are single, tell them :- "Allah is writing the best love story for me"

■ You're Praying, you're Fasting, you read Quran, but you have a girlfriend/boyfriend ? That shouldn't be.

■ In Islam, there is no such thing as a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. You are either married or you are not. To have a boyfriend or girlfriend, no matter the level of interaction and involvement, is completely haraam!

■ Contact between the sexes is one of the doors that lead to fitnah (temptation). Sharee’ah is filled with evidence which indicates that it is essential to beware of falling into the traps of the shaytaan in this matter.

■ When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw a young man merely looking at a young woman, he turned his head so as to make him look away, then he said:

■ “I saw a young man and a young woman, and I did not trust the shaytaan not to tempt them.”

(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (885) and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi)


Duaas For protection against the fitnah of Women
Dua of Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) against the fitnah of women

My Lord! the prison house is dearer to me than that to which they invite me; and if Thou turn not away their device from me, I will yearn towards them and become (one) of the ignorant.

رَبِّ السِّجنُ أَحَبُّ إِلَىَّ مِمّا يَدعونَنى إِلَيهِ ۖ وَإِلّا تَصرِف عَنّى كَيدَهُنَّ أَصبُ إِلَيهِنَّ وَأَكُن مِنَ الجٰهِلينَ
rabbi alssijnu ahabbu ilayya mimma yadAAoonanee ilayhi wailla tasrif AAannee 
kaydahunna asbu ilayhinna waakun mina aljahileen
(Surah Yusuf ,verse 33)

Note:▶ Brother's & Sister's " Islam is pak religion & Don't Associate Najjis thing's with it !

Najjis people have many religions like sex, haraam relationship , Adultery , Gambling, Alcohol etc etc

If U like this post share this & Earn Rewards from Almighty Allah For awareness of ur friend's and relatives !‎'

In Islam Meaning Of True Love Is Nikkah (Marriage)
If you Are a Muslima ? Than Ur Role Model Should have Been Hazrat→ Fatimah zahra , khadija tul kubra , Ayesha Siddiqa (R. a)
Otherwise Shaitain have lot of Filthy , Najjis , Deviated Role Models
■ Boyfriends and Girlfriends will leave you in this Dunya, while a Righteous Spouse will be with you even in Jannah.
■ ..If Marriage isn't the goal, Then why wasting 0n a RELATIONSHIP?
■ Don't ever rush into falling in love. If they mock you because you are single, tell them :- "Allah is writing the best love story for me"
■ You're Praying, you're Fasting, you read Quran, but you have a girlfriend/boyfriend ? That shouldn't be.
■ In Islam, there is no such thing as a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. You are either married or you are not. To have a boyfriend or girlfriend, no matter the level of interaction and involvement, is completely haraam!
■ Contact between the sexes is one of the doors that lead to fitnah (temptation). Sharee’ah is filled with evidence which indicates that it is essential to beware of falling into the traps of the shaytaan in this matter.
■ When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw a young man merely looking at a young woman, he turned his head so as to make him look away, then he said:
■ “I saw a young man and a young woman, and I did not trust the shaytaan not to tempt them.”
(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (885) and classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi)
Duaas For protection against the fitnah of Women
Dua of Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) against the fitnah of women
My Lord! the prison house is dearer to me than that to which they invite me; and if Thou turn not away their device from me, I will yearn towards them and become (one) of the ignorant.
رَبِّ السِّجنُ أَحَبُّ إِلَىَّ مِمّا يَدعونَنى إِلَيهِ ۖ وَإِلّا تَصرِف عَنّى كَيدَهُنَّ أَصبُ إِلَيهِنَّ وَأَكُن مِنَ الجٰهِلينَ
rabbi alssijnu ahabbu ilayya mimma yadAAoonanee ilayhi wailla tasrif AAannee
kaydahunna asbu ilayhinna waakun mina aljahileen
(Surah Yusuf ,verse 33)
Note:▶ Brother's & Sister's " Islam is pak religion & Don't Associate Najjis thing's with it !
Najjis people have many religions like sex, haraam relationship , Adultery , Gambling, Alcohol etc etc
If U like this post share this & Earn Rewards from Almighty Allah For awareness of ur friend's and relatives !

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