Monday, February 9, 2015

Since then the non believer used to celebrate that day !!!

It is a mistake to confuse what they call the day with what the real intentions are behind it. The love referred to on this day is romantic love, taking mistresses and lovers, boyfriends and girlfriends.
It is known to be a day of promiscuity and sex for them, with no restraints or restrictions.
They are not talking of purestrictions.
They are not talking of pure love between a man and his wife or a woman and her husband, or at least they do not distinguish between the legitimate love in the relationship between husband and wife, and the forbidden love of mistresses and lovers.
This festival for them is a means for everyone to express love.
This was in reference to Women In Islam claim that “Valentine Day Do you know what is it? Saint Valentine had loved a young girl and had sex with her before married (ZINA) and that's why UK government had hanged him on that day , 14 February and since then the non believer used to celebrate that day !!!

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