Friday, February 13, 2015

Who is Muhammad (pbuh)?

After being stoned and ruthlessly turned away, he turned to ALLAH ( Subhana Wa Ta'la ) and supplicated:
"O ALLAH, to You alone I complain of my weaknesses, the meagerness of my resources and my insignificance before men. O Most Merciful of the Merciful, You are the Lord of the weak and You are my Lord [Rabb,"Educator"]. Into whose hands do You entrust me? To some remote stranger who will ill-treat me? Or to an enemy to whom You have granted authority over my affairs? I harbor no fear so long as You are not angry with me. Yet Your Gracious support would open a broader way and a wider horizon for me! I seek refuge in the Light of Your face, by which all darkness is illuminated and the things of this world and the next are set aright, so that I do not incur Your anger and am not touched by Your wrath. Nevertheless, it is Your prerogative to admonish as long as You are not satisfied. There is no power nor strength but in You. "
That is Muhammad ( SalAllahu Alayhi WaSalam ).

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