Sunday, March 29, 2015


One day I met a Muslim brother who talked about the need to become knowledgeable. He was very smart and seemed to have all the answers about life.
He had asked me a question: Do you know what ALLAH means?
I kind of had an idea about ALLAH but I didn’t know much. I said no not really.
He said: ALLAH is the Name of the Lord, the Exalted. It is said that ALLAH is the Greatest. ALLAH = Means "The Only One to be Worshipped"
God is He, Beside Whom there is no other god;- Who knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
God is He, Beside Whom there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to God! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him.
He is God, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.(Al- Quran 59:22-24)
My eyes opened up and i was surprised. I never knew that. I thought ALLAH was a totally different God the Arabs prayed to.
He pointed out to me in the bible where God said to worship him alone and not to associate any partners with him. He then pointed out how the Christians of today have made God into three parts the son, the holy spirit, and God. Yet they claim to worship one God. He asked me how can one plus one plus one equal one. He got me there! He then asked me so who is God according to you? Jesus? He then asked me to show him in the bible where Jesus said to worship him as God. I couldn’t find anything in the bible as such. He told me just to think about that.
Every day we would talk and he would open up my eyes a little more and more.He would teach me a lot and show me many contradictions in the Bible. He told me that ALLAH is the Creator of everything in the Universe the beginning and the end. HE doesn’t die. He doesn’t have a son because to have a son would mean he would have to be part of his creation in being man and he was above this creation being the Creator. Everything this brother was telling me felt like a confirmation of what i always held to be the truth, I just could never completely find it before even tho I had come close in Christianity.
He pointed out do you really want to worship a man who people are saying is God and died. He said do you want to worship a God that died. And do you really believe a man can die for your sins. He told me no brother the only person who can forgive you for your sins is ALLAH.
"He then read a chapter of the Quran that really struck me and confirmed everything I’ve ever believed. It just made sense. It was Surah Al-Ikhlas:
Say: He is ALLAH, the One!
ALLAH, the eternally Besought of all!
He begetteth not nor was begotten.
And there is none comparable unto Him.
Then one day he gave me a biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and told me to read it. It was called Muhammad by Martin Lings. I loved the book and I was taken back by his amazing story and how everything was cited with facts. Not like the bible that was just a bunch of storys. This was actual history and facts. I thanked the brother so much and i told him this was the most amazing man I had ever read about.
He would answer the questions i had and i was amazed at how smart he was. He gave me a Quran and I read and i was humbled and filled with fear of ALLAH, hereafter and hell. I just didn’t feel right praying to Jesus (a.s) when i could pray directly to ALLAH.
After I read the Quran the Muslim brother asked me if i was ready to become a Muslim.
A few days later i ended up taking my shahadah which is saying in front of the Muslim community or group and believing in your heart that ALLAH is one and has no partners and that Muhammad is his last and final messenger. I’ve been Muslim ever since that year in 2004. Alhamdulilah (All praise do to ALLAH).

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