Saturday, April 4, 2015

Countering Jewish Propaganda and Hateful Campaign Against Islam

Countering Jewish Propaganda and Hateful Campaign Against Islam
(In the Reply Of an Article based on the Jewish propaganda)
Jewish Zionist lobbies In America Nowadays launched a new propaganda war against Islam and Muslims, they started a anti Islamic campaign in may 2014 targeting Muslims using ad stickers on the US Metro Buses with evil propaganda and hatred speech. according to that plan they had decided to bring Hitler's face on side of 20 buses for a month in Washington D.C. as part of controversial anti-Islamic ad campaign, it was to use D.C. bus ads to feature Anti Islamic slogans with Hitler as a part of that-Islam campaign, the hatred campaign still continues in various forms from Israel to America. the most popular ongoing campaign presents Islam a religion of terrorism, they are doing all that because they get themselves worried with the current developments on the international stage. Today,really they find themselves defeated and humiliated on diplomatic front against Palestinians, and at last the world of course ,came to know Israel's dangerous ethnic cleansing plan against Palestinians by occupying most of its lands and removing the Palestinians from their homeland; In this bitter but real condition, Israel gets no option except using the said hatred propaganda against Islam and Palestinians as a bid to change the present mood of international community which stands by the freedom of Palestine approving it as state.
You can also say it's a new kind of Islamophobia which is being created by Jews among American and Israeli people instigating them for more attacks on Muslim community in the days to come. It is all about Islam with fabricated and manipulated materials with wrong or out of context reference to Quran and other Islamic sources.One of those Zionist groups who are actively involved behind this campaign is US based American Freedom Defence Initiative (AFDI), the organizers of the group say: they are concerned by the "global jihad and Islamic supremacism", they are also campaigning through add for an end to U.S. foreign aid to Islamic countries including Palestine. They also try to tarnish Hamas image among Western people using a misconception of the Gaza conflict, it's  a lie which has been made by Israel as a Eye catching line in their Anti Palestinian propaganda;that reads as: "Israel protect their people by using their Missiles and Iron domes whereas Hamas protect their weapons by using their Children" see how disgusting it is? Sons of Satan you are really "great", but there are some historic facts ,which can never be denied, I want to present these facts today to those Zionist propagandists, who.blame Qur,an for their own problems.
--- Yes Qur'an........ is Book of God/Allah, who is the Designer of the Planet and the universe, He knows the facts about any individual or community more than anyone in the universe, we believe on His words........... He also made us aware about the real character of the Jews and other communities to make us informed whether they follow the right path or they have been deviated from it with the course of time developing in themselves evil behaviors,as Quran informs us the ill characteristics of Jews along with their history and whatever they have built up in themselves in past,which does not match to the Religion of God. by showing the mirror of history to the Jews it ,in fact warned Jews of that time to the bitter consequences of their inhuman and arrogant attitudes , it remind them you are the people who had tried to kill ,even prophet Mohammad as they had done in the past with the Prophet Jesus and other prophets. There is also a lesson for Muslims not to go on the evil path ,the Jews went upon inviting their disaster by themselves. Then...........................tell me my friends what is wrong with this awareness given by the Book of Allah.
--- Here I quote some verses from Quran as as some examples from the history which guide us to the right perceptions on historic facts about the misguided or misled Jewish community during the Prophecy of prophet Mohammad(PBUH) and the periods of other prophet as well. Qur,an reminds us the history of their ill doings in the following verses of the chapter 2:
Example: 1--
" Surely we gave Moses the scripture(Commandments) and caused a train of messengers to follow him and then sent Jesus,the son of Mary,with clear proofs and supported him with spirit of holiness.But Is It NOT TRUE,that every time a messenger brought to you something that was not to you liking,you acted arrogantly:you called some messengers liars AND KILLED OTHERS?-They( you Jews) say our hearts are blocked,,Not the fact is that Allah has cursed them because of their Kufr( disbelief or denying the truth)..So,scarcely do they believe-And Now that there has come to them a book from Allah,how are they treating it? Even though it confirms the truth already in their possession, and even though they had prayed before for victory against the unbelievers(All these thing have been deleted by the Jewish religious saints and Rabbis,when prophecy of an Arab prophet appeared in the Arabia denying the truth arrogantly to hide the facts from the world and Jewish community itself as well ,so that they could not know the predictions revealed in their Book about the last prophet) and yet when that Book came to them and they recognized it too,they refused to acknowledge its truth.Allah's curse be upon the unbelievers - Evil indeed is what they console themselves with.They deny the guidance revealed by Allah/God,grudging that He chose to bestow His gracious bounty (of prophethood) n some of His servants whom He willed.Thus THEY HAVE BROUGHT ON THEMSELVES WRATH AFTER WRATH (You are suggested to refer the history of Jews),and A HUMILIATING CHASTISEMENT IS IN STORE FOR SUCH UNBELIEVERS". (Al Baqra:87-90).
---You people look me crazy to attack on Quran, Islam and other religions to hide your own crimes and sins committed by you throughout the history you Zionist Jews are of sick mentality as you abuse other communities and their religions when the devil of your own sins haunt you every where in the world,that's why Qur,an has declared you people "people of diseased hearts" who suffer from the disease of hypocrisy (Quran:2/10). Here comes Quran with some other historic reminders for you which are well known to you but you would never like to accept it:
"And recall when we made a covenant with you, and caused the mount Sinai to tower above you(saying),hold fast the book and what we have given you and remember the directives and commandments that you be pious-Then you turned away from your covenant,..........and you know the case of those of you who broke the Sabath,how we said to them "become apse despised and hated" and thus we made their end a warning for the people of their own time and for the succeeding generations and an admonition to the God fearing people......and then recall when Moses said to his people:behold Allah's commands you to slaughter a cow" they said: "Are you Jesting with us"? Moses answered " I seek refuge in Allah that I should behave in the manner of the ignorant.And recall when you killed a man and then began to remonstrate and cast the blame (of the murder) upon one another,even though Allah was determined to bring to light what you were hiding.-Then We ordered : smile the corpse with a part of it, thus does Allah bring the dead to life and thus does he shows His signs that you might understand-Then( even after observing all this) YOU HEARTS HEARTENED AND BECAME LIKE STONES<OR EVEN HARDER for surely there are some stones from which streams burst forth and some that split asunder and water issues out,and some that crash down for fear of Allah. Allah IS NOT HEEDLESS OF THE THINGS YOU DO .................And recall when we made a convent with the children of Israel: " you shall serve non but Allah and do good to parents,kinsmen,orphans and the needy;you shall speak kindly to the people,and establish prayer and give Zakah (donation),and yet except for a few of you,YOU TURNED BACK ON THIS CONVENT,and you are still backsliders.And recall when WE made a convent with you ,that you shall not shed one another's blood, and shall not turn out one another from your homelands; you confirmed it and you yourselves witnessed to it-And but rather here YOU KILL ONE ANOTHER, YOU TURN OUT A PARTY of your own FROM THEIR HOMELANDS, YOU AID ONE ANOTHER AGAINST THEM IN SIN AND ENMITY; and if they come to you As CAPTIVES YOU RANSOM THEM ,although the very act of expelling them(from their homes) unlawful.Do you believe in a part of the Book and reject the rest;what else,then the ,could be the retribution of those among you who do this than that they should live in degradation in the present life,and that on the of Resurrection they would be sent to the severest Chastisement? Allah is not heedless what you do" (2/63-85).
--- Here is another part of Jewish history revealed by Allah in Quran exposing their real face to the people of Arabia and the world as well. in the following verses they have been declared the worst enemy of Muslims and believers in the world,why? it is due their evil deeds-not due to racial approach or any other reason as described by them, and , description of the history and making the people aware about a particular disease of a particular group should not be taken in a bad taste.Now see Quran says about this characteristics of misled Jews in Chapter Al Ma,ida as follows:
" Those of the Children of the Israel who took to the unbelief(as they do today) have been cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus-the son of Mary,for they rebelled and exceeded the bounds of right-hey did not forbid each other from committing abominable;e deeds they committed;Evil indeed was what they did.,And now you can see many of them taking Unbelievers(instead of the Delivers) for their allies.God is angry with them ,and they shall abide in Chastisement......... OF ALL PEOPLE YOU WILL FIND THE JEWS AND HOSE WHO ASSOCIATE OTHERS WITH ALLAH IN HIS DIVINITY TO BE THE MOST HOSTILE TO THOSE WHO ARE BELIEVERS;AND YOU WILL SURELY FIND THAT OF ALL PEOPLE THEY WHO SAY: "WE ARE CHRISTIANS" ARE CLOSEST TO FEELING AFFECTION FOR THOSE WHO ARE BELIEVERS;this because there are worshipful priests and monks among them,and because they are not arrogant"( Qur,an-Al Ma,ida:5/78-82 .

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