Sunday, April 5, 2015

Islam brings me personal peace and fulfillment.

"I’m a revert to Islam. All praise to Allah(God)! I began studying Islam after 9/11 because I wanted to know more about the religion and why it might cause people to do such things.
What I found was something completely different than what I had expected and something that was not so far different from the Catholicism I was raised with (minus, belief in Jesus as God).
Islam brings me personal peace and fulfillment.
I’m law abiding. I pay my taxes. I don’t advocate criminality or terrorism. I refuse to apologize for things that I didn’t do and I believe that the “condemnation” that so many people expect every muslim to constantly make is, in itself, a form of Islamophobia and bigotry.
I’m now married to a wonderful woman of Lebanese Australian heritage and we have 3 beautiful daughters. I work as an IT engineer and write and edit speculative fiction in my spare time."
By Simon ACT
Don't you want peace and fulfillment in your life? Have you ever thought about the reason why you have been put on this earth and the real purpose of your life? Islam has all the answers to these very important Questions. Read more at link below

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