Wednesday, May 20, 2015

In Islam: Public Demonstrations/protests are HARAM !

In Islam: Public Demostrations/protests are HARAM !
1. Demonstrations are not from the guidance of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wassallam) & his Companions (Radhi Allahu anhum ajma'een).
They are not from Islam..
2. Had demonstrations been from the means of rectification, the Prophet would've been informed of that, for Allah guided him completely.
3. The Prophet & his Companions were capable of demonstrating in the streets of Mecca when they being oppressed & killed, but they did not.
4. Demonstrations are not a form of Jihad, bcos Jihad is an act of worship, & every act of worship must have a text to prove it's validity.
5. Demonstrations are not acts of worship that bring you closer to Allah because worship is only that which is proven by the Quran & Sunnah.
6. Any act of worship that a person does thinking it is for Allah yet has no proof for it from the Quran & Sunnah will be rejected by Allah.
7. The Prophet said: "Whoever does a deed that is not from this affair of ours, then it is rejected." Demonstrations are therefore rejected.
8. Idols numbering 360 were erected around the Kabah, Muslims were tortured & executed, yet the Messenger did not go out "marching". Why?
9. The Messenger did not go out marching & demonstrating in the streets of Mecca because it was not from the revealed means of rectification
10. Demonstrations are actually from the means utilised by the non-Muslims against their leaders that misguided Muslim groups have imitated.
11. Demonstrations are means by utilised by Muslims who are not sufficed by the Quran, Sunnah & Companions. They think there is better way.
12. Muslim people see the suffering of the ‪#‎Palestinians‬, so they turn to the "political muslim groups" for help who in turn misguide them.
13. If you want to rectify the plight of the Ummah, then follow the guidance of the Prophet and the earliest generations of Muslims.
14. The Prophet said: "After me there will be fitnah, so cling to the affairs as they were in the beginning." Not by demonstrations.
15. Imam Malik (d. 179H) said: "The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified except by that which rectified its earliest part."
16. Demonstrations gather together many ills, from them: disorder, chaos, despair, lack of patience, abandonment of the Sunnah, free-mixing.
17. You will see at this demonstration for Gaza, as in others: Free-mixing between sexes, singing, immodesty & waving of nationalist flags.
18. For success? I advise my Muslim brothers & sisters to not despair. Return to the Quran & Sunnah as understood by the Companions & act!
19. Listen: "Turmoil in the Ummah – What is The Cure?" Listen and spread, may Allah aid the Muslims & guide them:

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