Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Please read slowly - it will give ur salaah c∕̴Ɩ whole new understanding & enthusiasm to read.
Sajdah is the last part in each cycle of salāah ; it is the part where u prostrate in such a way that ur forehead, both palms, both knees & the big toes of both feet are touching the ground.
Sajdah is to be done twice in each cycle: one should go into the first sajdah, then sit upright for a moment, & then go into the 2nd sajdah.
U have been created from the earth/dust.
By going into the first sajdah u are remembering ur origin & this will not allow u to be arrogant & proud on the basis of race or wealth.
Getting up from the 1st sajdah is like our birth, (we are being raised ƒrσм the dust)
Going down into the 2nd sajdah is like death &
Getting up from the 2nd sajdah is like resurrection.
This symbolic meaning will never let us forget the day of judgment & the life hereafter.
It also shows that this worldly life is symbolically nothing more than a few moments that u sit between the 2 sajdahs.
This insight into the philosophy of sajdah will surely transform ur salāah from a mere ritual to a practical reminder about ur origin, the transient nature of this world & ur ultimate destination in the hereafter.~

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