Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What Every Teenager Needs to Know

What Every Teenager Needs to Know
During the teens when their is hormonal changes taking place in the body and the blood is boiling and overflowing energy present make u do crazy things you were not patience at that time you have to be patience this time.
In this climate of loose moral standards, it becomes imperative for Muslim parents elders and to be proactive in the moral bulidng education of their children.,,,and it is also imperative for teenagers to learn to control the reins of wild emotions.....here are TEN goals for the teenagers,,,,,,,
Be truthful.
Being truthful is the most difficult thing for teenagers in this competitive society. They’re often tempted to lie out of fear of parents or teachers. If, for example, you didn’t do your homework you might want to invent a lie in order to avoid punishment. If you make a mistake, you might try to conceal the truth from your parents.
But keep one thing in your mind: If you decide to be truthful, you’ll be away from sins, .
The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said, as narrated by Abdullah (ra): Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise.
2. Be trustworthy.
Do your parents rely on you? Do your teachers? What about your friends? If they can’t rely on you, how are you going to interact with them?
You need to be trustworthy in order to gain a prominent place in your society. It will help you to attain success in your life and you’ll never be deceived. Just take a glance at the biography of our Prophet (saws). He was trustworthy among His companions, among His wives, and among non-Muslims, and many relied on him when involved in business transactions.
3. Be grateful to your parents.
Teenagers usually try to avoid their parents. They don’t want their parents interfering in their lives. But no guidance is better in this world than that of your parents’. They too have dreams about you and they yearn to see these dreams come true. They might have endured a lot of difficulties that you haven’t seen. So be grateful to your parents and seek their advice in everything you do.
And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination. [Quran, 31:14]
4. Exercise patience and self-restraint.
Do you desire to have a drink with your friend? You know it is prohibited in Islam and so you control yourself for the sake of Allah (swt).
Do you happen to see a beautiful girl or boy at your school or college? You lower your gaze immediately, and though your mind tempts you to have another glance, you restrain it for the sake of Allah (swt).
One of your friend scolds you for no reason and your mind insists you to fight back, but you control yourself and hold patience.
These are some common circumstances teenagers face in this challenging world and if you exercise self-restraint and patience, you will have no regrets and will attain great heights in your life. Allah (swt) will be pleased with you and you will be rewarded with highest ranks in the hereafter.
But none is granted it except those who are patient, and none is granted it except one having a great portion [of good]. [Quran, 41:35]
5. Stay focused.
Do you daydream during class? Can you make a brief account of what you learned few minutes ago? Can you pay full attention when performing a task?
These are just a few attention problems faced by teenagers. A simple way to sole them is to focus on prayer. If you pay complete attention to your salah, you’ll be learn to grant the same concentration to your other activities.
And they who carefully maintain their prayers – Those are the inheritors Who will inherit al-Firdaus. They will abide therein eternally. [Quran, 23:9-11]
6. Be determined.
If someone asks you, ‘Why are you learning?’ Would you say, ‘I just learn as everyone do’? Does that answer sound wise to you? You will rather say it as a stupid answer. So determination is important. If you are not firm with your purpose, you will never know where you are heading and what your life is. All your activities, from your school works to the prayers, everything will be in vain. The main aspect that requires to succeed is determination.
O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination. [Quran, 31:17]
7. Avoid idle talk.
It’s a custom among teenagers involving in idle talks. Mostly they do not know what they are talking about. Engage in talking of unnecessary stuffs like movies, songs etc. This will lead you away from the correct course. Your purpose of studying will be in question. You won’t be able to concentrate on your studies and all your good intentions will be smashed. You will not only suffer in this world, but also in the hereafter. So do not involve in idle talks. Don’t be a listener too, for a listener is far more dangerous than a speaker. Listening will lead you to speak and speaking will lead you to act. So completely avoid idle talks, especially teenagers do not understand the negative effects it bring upon them.
8. Don’t be attracted by worldly things.
Teenagers tend to be unaware of the life of hereafter. They feel like that this mundane life is immortal and try their best to enjoy everything they could. They are unaware that Allah (swt) is watching them and that they will be recompensed for everything they do.
There are 7 such persons for whom Allah will provide shade from His shade on that day where there will be no other shade except His. They will be: A just ruler, a youth who was nurtured in the obedience of Allah . . . [Bukhari]
9. Don’t waste your time and money.
Spending lavishly on unnecessary things, spending your time unproductively, Watching TV, listening Music etc. All these come under waste, especially involvement of teenagers is more than 70%. So avoid wasting, even if you are to eat and drink.
10. Be pious.
If you’re a pious believer, then you’ll most probably possess all the qualities listed above. If you fear that Allah is watching you all the time; you will be in gratitude to your parents, you will be truthful and trustworthy, you will avoid idle talks, etc. Thus, try to be pious. You will observe how the above qualities come within you.
May Allah guide us all and save us from the evils and whispering of iblis( shatyan)
O children of Adam, We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness – that is best. That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember. [Quran, 7:26]

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