Saturday, June 6, 2015

Quran Corrects the Bible -5

Quran Corrects the Bible -5

God Making Mistakes?

Errancy; The Bible shows an ongoing pattern of humanizing God, stating;

"And the Lord was sorry that he made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.” (Genesis 6:6)

Excuse of Bible scholars : All humans are sinners; therefore, God is not happy with his creation.

Rebuttal: Adding injury to insult, Biblical apologetics not only insult God by claiming God was ignorant towards the future state of humans, but they also claim all humans are sinners, even though the Bible states that some humans were perfect.

Our Omniscient God knows the future and does not regret any actions taken or feel remorse for His magnificent creations. No, God does not make mistakes.

The Holy Quran corrects the notion.

The truth has come by God who clearly stated to us in the Holy Quran that we are meant to be alive.
All praise be to God.

Correction: The Quran restores the fulfillment of destiny in regards to God's creations by stating:

"My Lord Never Errs, Nor Forgets" (Quran 20:52)

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