Saturday, June 6, 2015

Saying of Ibn Al-Qayyim (RA):

“The people of the world depart from the world without them having tasted the most beautiful thing from it.”
From Salam al-Khawaass who said:
قال مالك بن دينار خرج أهل الدنيا من الدنيا ولم يذوقوا أطيب شيء فيها قيل وما هو قال معرفة الله تعالى
Malik bin Dinar said: “The people of the world depart from the world without them having tasted the most beautiful thing from it.” It was said, “And what is it?” He replied, “The Ma’rifah of Allaah [knowledge of His names, attributes, actions and their interplay and connection to the creation].”
•[Al-Siyar of al-Dhahabi (5/363)]
The life of this world is made up of three days…
It is reported from Al-Hasan Al-Basrî – Allâh have mercy on him – that he said:
The life of this world is made up of three days: yesterdayhas gone with all that was done; tomorrow, you may never reach; but today is for you so do what you should do today.
This world is the harvest field of the hereafter…
Ibn al-Jawzi رحمه الله said:
“Know, (Allaah have mercy on you), that this world is the harvest field of the hereafter; and in it there is business, the profit of which will be visible in the hereafter.”
•[Fath al-Bari]
Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood ( رضي الله عنه) :
“It is more beloved to me to bite onto a red coal until it cools, than for me to say about something that Allaah has preordained, ‘Only if it didn’t happen.‘ “
•[Az-Zuhd, of Aboo Daawood, p. 136]
There are five signs of wretchedness :
1. The harshness in the hearts
2. The unflinching eye
3. The lack of shyness
4. The seeking of worldy pleasures.
5. Longevity in life
•[al-Waadi’iyyah – pgs 253-259]

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