Monday, August 10, 2015

A Awakening Advice, To My Beloved Sisters

A Awakening Advice,
To My Beloved Sisters
Fear Allaah Azza Wajal and the last day. Stop this flirting with brothers and making jokes and having private jokes and nicknames.
It's destructive behavior. This is forbidden, this could also develop in to a form of zina of the eyes or worse and in the shariah zina is a punishable offence and adultery is death.
My beloved sisters who are married. You may be bored of your life and Facebook makes you forget the pain behind closed doors but is the eternal hell fire worth such a temporary pleasure !
These brothers don't love you and are not going to run away with you into the sunset..
Do you know how many sisters have been before you ?
Your just another number !
Do you think if these brothers cared about you they would sit by and sin with you ?
The excuse "it's for dawah or knowledge" is thrown around to much!!
Did Ibn taymiyah need women to gain knowledge ? I could go on and on. NO. Any brother saying they want you for knowledge is a liar
Oh my dear Sisters this is just an excuse wallah for you to follow you desires. These brothers look at you as easy and would never seriously consider you as wives, save yourself from a blaze that will ignite your brain until there is nothing left. Where you will experience this Over and over again for eternity
May Allaah guide us all save us from this fitnah.
Please share this and make others aware.
This is Haraam and NO excuse or justifications in the SHARIAH of Allaah for this behaviour.

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