Sunday, November 22, 2015

That which the Muslim must abandon:

That which the Muslim must abandon:
Shaykh Fawzaan حفظه الله
1. He must abandon Shirk in all its forms. And Shirk is the worshiping other than Allah.
Eg: he must abandon the worship of the dead, sacrifices and prayers for them.
2. The abandonment of innovations in religion (Al-Bid’ah). And innovations, it is the worship that the Messenger Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) did not legislate. Because the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
“Whoever does an action that is not part of our religion, then it will be rejected. “That is to say that this action will not be accepted.
3. He must leave off the Riba (interest on loans or other), the Qimar (games of chance, lotteries etc.). Rishwah the (corruption, bribery, wine …) and lies in the interactions with others, and the sale or purchase of goods or merchandise prohibited by Islam.
4. He must abandon the Zina (adultery or fornication), that is to say, to have sexual intercourse with someone other than his legal wife. As he must abandon sodomy, that is to say the practice of homosexuality.
5. He should stop drinking alcohol (and drugs) and eating pork and eating meat that has been sacrificed for other than Allah or eating dead meat (that is, say that has not been slaughtered Islamically).
6. He must cease to marry unbelieving women whose religion other than that of the people of the book (that is to say, other than a Jew or a Christian).
7. He must separate from his unbelieving wife (if she) is a religion other than the people of the book (that is to say, other than a Jew or a Christian), unless she converted with him or that it is converted divorce duration period (period of ‘Iddah).
8. If circumcision does not cause harm, he must be circumcised by a Muslim doctor.
9. If he is able to move from country to country (from the) land of the Kufaar (to the land of) Islam, then he must move. But if he is not able, then he can stay in his country while clinging to his religion.
Translated by: Abdur-Rahmaan

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