Monday, March 21, 2016

Ibn al-Qayyim:

We judge by the apparent actions. I don't go and say in your heart you are a disbeliever. I can't do this because only Allah knows what's in your heart.
You say:
"Ash hadu an la ilaha ila Allah, wa ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah"
And you pray your 5 daily salah and you fast Ramadan, for me you are a Muslim. I care less about what's in your heart.
Allah subhaanahu wa ta'ala informed His Messenger ﷺ of the hypocrites in his masjid yet he ﷺ still treated them according to their outward actions. He ﷺ knew very well who are the hypocrites (the hypocrisy in beliefs) but he still treated them according to their outward actions.

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