Monday, March 21, 2016

The 3rd Head of Taghut

"...Those who believe are overflowing in their love for Allah..." [2:165]
Love for Allah is the key to success that pushes the person toward righteousness. Thus obedience to Allah not only becomes easy but a delight.
When love enters the heart, a person no longer views worship and obedience to Allah as an obligation, but rather as a gift. Therefore that person derives tremendous pleasure from worship and obedience.
As a result one finds it easy to wake in the night without the need for an alarm clock, for he cherishes each opportunity to worship and remember Allah. The internal clock in the heart becomes sufficient as love wakes him and keeps him awake for long periods of the night.
"Their limbs do forsake their beds of sleep the while they call on their Lord in fear and hope." [32:16]
Madly in love with Allah, such people remain restless throughout the night and greet the dawn with longing faces.
Indeed true love knows no misconstruing, no exhaustion, no boredom, for it is the wound as well as the balm, the path as well as the destination.
A Persian poet once said: "Lovers know not the journey's exhaustion: Love itself is the path, love the destination!"

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