Saturday, April 9, 2016


A headache is a means of forgiveness and reward.Abu Said al-Khudri (ra) said that theProphet (PBUH) said : "The headache that afflicts the believer, or a thorn that pricks him/her, or anything that harms him/her, Allah will raise
him/her a degree on the Day of Resurrection and expiate his/her sins due to it.- Saheeh targheeb no.3434
Also not having headaches is a bad sign because the people destined to go to the Hell-Fire do not have headaches. 

Abu Hurairah (ra) said the Prophet (PBUH) said:"Have you ever felt a headache?" The man said : "What is a
headache?" He (PBUH) said: "A vein that beats in the head of a person." The man said : "No I have not experienced that ever!"  The Prophet (PBUH) said : "Whoever would like to see a man from the People of the Hell-Fire, then look at this man!" [Reported in Ibn Hibban and graded Hasan Saheeh by al-Albani in Saheeh Mawaarid no.580]
Having headaches are a sign of the People of Imaan and the People of Jannah  Hafidh Ibn Rajab rahimahullah said : "...Andheadaches are from the signs of the People of Imaan and People of Jannah." - Lataif al-Ma'arif pg. 153
Then he brings the above hadith and others. On the authority of Abu Zayyaat al-Qushairi rahimahullah said : "We entered upon Abu Darda (ra) to visit him, when a bedouin entered upon him. So he said : "Where is your Ameer?" And Abu Darda was the Ameer then. So we said : "He is complaining of some pain." The man said: "I have not complained of anything" or he said : "I did not experience a headache ever!" Abu Darda radiallahu anhu said : "Remove him from me, so he dies from his sins. I do not love that for every pain/sickness that I feel that I am given red camels. For verily, the pain/illness of a believer is an expiation for his sins."  - Reported by Bayhaqi in Shuab al- Imaan no. 9436 and the Muhaqiq of the Book Mukhtaar Ahmad Nadwi graded Jayyid.

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