Friday, May 13, 2016

Karina, Argentina

I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina and I was born Christian. During my teenage my family became to Protestantism, but my faith was already lost. At the age of 15 I started looking for the truth and I found Islam in my searching. A year later I found myself wearing hijab, the next year I turned to Islam. Hijab was never a compulsion for me. Since the first day, it made me feel safe and beautiful. It gives the message I want to give: "I am a woman and not an object to be stared at like a piece of meat. I am a religious woman and you cannot play with me. I'm a social and intellectual being."
My family opposed during years until they understand what it means for me: my identity as a Muslim woman, my love to my creator. I have been discriminated but I don’t care. I strongly believe in my ideas and a few people who can't see beyond their noses can't change my mind. Fortunately, I live in a country where people have realized about the truth of Islam and they support what I do. In a country which is extremely wet and hot I was tempted to not to wear it but it's stronger than me. I love hijab and nor hot nor ignorant people could take it off from me. Now being at university I receive a great support from my teachers and mates. This February 1st I am planning to make the first World Hijab Day in Argentina. - Karina, Argentina

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