Wednesday, June 1, 2016

From Darkness into light

🌹From Darkness into light🌹
🌹Before I was Muslim I was living a life that was so dark. Being drunk and high all the time. Sleeping around with both men and women. Living life where I thought I was a bad ass thinking I was on top of the world because I use to sell drugs getting into fights. Where most of the time I would be out on the streets sleeping around with drug dealers so I can get my next fix. Also being raped and beaten up by men daily. Until one night after I was drunk and wanted to kill my self had the knife in my hands ready to slit my throat. I decided to call my dad he told me to come over so I did we talked and he said to me I need to make a change. And that night I made up my mind enough is enough I need to make that change.🌹
🌹So the next day I threw all my drugs and liquor in the garbage. I went nights shivering and cold because I was coming off of drugs. But I kept strong and didn't let the addiction get a hold of me.🌹
🌹Two months later I met a Muslim brother now this is when the lightness appeared. He introduced Islam to me and took me into the masjid and I saw how the women where dressed so modest and poise. I looked at my self wearing what I was wearing and felt disgust. Also they had respect for them self they where liberated from today's society.🌹
🌹Also when I heard the Quran in the masjid I felt so peaceful that it is hard to explain. I so wanted this peace. After 1 month of studying Islam. I fell in love with it. I decided to take my Shahidah. After I took my Shahidah I cried because all the darkness in my past was over. I felt like a new born baby. All my sins where wiped out.🌹
🌹Islam saved my life it took me from Darkness into light. Alhamdulillah

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