Sunday, September 4, 2016

What about Writing 'PBUH' 'SAWS' 'SWT' ..etc

Let us see what the scholars of the past said about this issue? 
✔️ Ibn Al-Salah said: 
Ninth: A person must keep writing the form of sending Salat and taslim i.e. " salla-Allah-u-`alaihi-wa-sallam صلى الله عليه وسلم" in full form upon mentioning him. A person must not be weary of repeating it, because it is one of the greatest benefits which the Hadith students and writers may overlook. Whoever disregards this, he will be deprived of a great reward. We have seen good visions for the people who write the form in full, because it is a form that a person writes as a Du`a' (supplication), not a part of the narration to make it dependent on the source of narration

[From his book: "`Ulum al-Hadith" i.e. The sciences of Hadith, known as "Muqadimat Ibn Al-Salah" in the twenty fifth type of his book: (Al-Hadith wa Kayfiyat Dabt-ul-kitab wa Taqyiduh)]
✔️ Hamzah Al-Kinany (may Allah be merciful to him) said: I used to record the Hadith and I used to write down upon mentioning the name of the Prophet (salla-Allah-u-`alaihi i.e. May Allah's peace be upon him) without writing (wa sallam). Thereupon, I saw the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) in a vision saying to me: Why do you not complete the form of invoking peace and blessing on me? 
He continued: Ever since, I did not write it in short form like this (salla-Allah-u-`alaihi) but in this form (salla-Allah-u-`alaihi-wa-sallam i.e. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). Ibn Al-Salah added: I said: it is also reprehensible to write (`alaihi-s-salam i.e. peace upon him) and Allah knows best. End of quote.

✔️ His authority, the encyclopedic scholar Al-Sakhawy (May Allah be merciful with him) said: O writer, avoid (referring to it) i.e. peace and blessings upon the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) by writing only two letters or the like as done by Al-Kattany and the ignorant of the non-Arabs and ignorant students. They write instead of (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), (p) or (pb) or (pbuh) and that entails decrease in reward, because it is unlike the proper manner. 
(Fath-ul-Mughith Sharh Alfiyat Al-Hadith by Al-`Iraqy)

✔️ Al-Suyuty (May Allah be merciful with him) said in his book (Tadrib Al-Rawy Fi Sharh Taqrib Al-Nawawy): It is reprehensible to write the short form of peace and blessings here and in every position where invoking peace and blessings is required as mentioned in the commentary of Sahih Muslim and others because of Allah's saying:
Send your Salât on (ask Allâh to bless) him (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islâmic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salâmu ‘Alaikum).
Until he says: It is reprehensible to refer to it with one or two letters as those people who write (pbuh), he must write it in full form.
[ End of quote]

Source of the above quotations taken from the link of the full Fatwa of ibn bazz (Rahimahul'Allah): [Please do read it..]

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