Sunday, December 18, 2016

***Very Important Information And A Beneficial Reminder For Us All***

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“The Most Severely Punished People On the Day of Resurrection Would Be The Image-Makers.” [Bukhaari & Muslim]
Bismillah Ar Rahmaan Ar Raheem
All praise belongs to Allah alone, the Lord of all that exists. We praise Him, we seek His aid, we ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and from the evil of our deeds. To whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him and to whomsoever Allah misguides, none can guide him. I bear witness that Allah alone is worthy of worship without any partner and I bear witness that Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the slave and Messenger of Allah.
To proceed,
This article mainly aims the follower of truth i.e. (AhlusSunnahWalJamaah, Salafiyoon, AhlulHadeeth) about an important issue which they are well aware of but have taken very lightly from past few years. The Issue is “Use of photography in Da’wah” (And photography in general.)
Remember we are not talking about “videos” but about “photography”.
Allah says in the Qur’an - “And remind, for Indeed reminder help the Believers.” [51:55]
And Prophet [sallallahu alaihi wasallam] said: “Ad-Deen is sincerity “[Naseehah](Recorded by Muslim)
So, I request my brothers and sisters to take this article as a advice and reminder. May Allah reward you all.
Know that we (Referring to: Salafiyoon) are distinguished from others only because we follow truth and not desires even if we have to go against ourselves and our loved ones. We follow what is clear and leave all whatever is doubtful. Nor do we allow the difference of opinion as an excuse to follow ones desires.
Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzan said: “No one uses the difference of opinion amongst the scholars as a justification except for the people of desires who love to follow their whims. As for the one who fears Allaah azza wa jal , he does not use the difference of opinion as an excuse.”
In the age of modern technology, many things have been invented which helped the Da’wah in many ways like through Satellite Islamic channels, Internet, videos etc. When people started video recording of lectures delivered by Scholars, many questions were asked to prominent scholars about the permissibility of it. Some said if the benefit is more then there is no harm in this while others forbade it. However, regarding photography, Scholars prohibited it unanimously except in Dire needs like a photograph for passport, ID card, Criminal records.
What we are witnessing from last few years is that our brothers take unnecessary photos of themselves, Scholars, audiences, speakers etc. during conferences without any need and without any benefit. We see so many photos that they form Albums. We see photos like:
•Scholars sitting on Dais (stage)
•Scholar delivering the lecture
•The photo of scholar in the poster for lectures he will be delivering
•Scholars having chat among themselves in the guestroom
•Scholars having their meal and dinner
•Brothers shaking hands with scholars
•Audience listening to lecture
•And so many to mention here.

Hope you understood the point which I wanted to make.
And I don’t blame scholars for this because many a times they are not even aware of such things.
Like our Sheikh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah) said:
“It is not permissible to picture people whether with their consent or without their consent; and if it is with their consent then the sin is greater. And pictures with souls in them are prohibited, because the Messenger of Allah (Sal Allahu aliyhi wa sallam) cursed the picture makers”
Reference: “Fataawa Noor ala Darb” (Aqeedah) No.318
And I remember the Saying of the Muhaddith of this era, Imam Muhammad Naasiruddin al Albani (rahimahullah). He(rahimahullah) said:
“I fear that Salafiyoon one day will say- Photography isn’t picture making. You just press a button.” [Silsilat ul Huda wan Nur 393]
Subhan Allaah, Allaah had given Imam al Albani great insight in matters of deen.
Are we not witnessing the same thing? Unfortunately yes. Today we see some of our brothers even try to defend the permissibility of photography even without any dire need.
Leave this fitnah of Photography! (Fear Allaah azza wa jal) This widespread calamity of photography has impacted the ummah to the extent that many deviant individuals actually incorporate taking photos during acts of worship. This evil act of picture making is so prevelant amongst the people that Hajj & Umrah have become just a photoshoot to some. Some of the people are engaged in remembering the bounty, mercy and blessings of Allaah azza wa jal, while others have turned these great acts of worship (Hajj & Umrah) into “Hollywood”(A’udhu billah). May Allaah t’ala protect us from misguidance.
The matter of photography has also become so common among our brothers that they no longer feel it to be from the major sins. And therefore we see our brothers proudly posting these photos of living beings on social networking sites and elsewhere and feel very comfortable with it.. And the reason is very simple- they have taken this matter very lightly and they try to defend “by giving the excuse of Da’wah” even though there is no benefit of these things in Da’wah.
I ask such brothers,
What benefit you and people get by clicking and posting such pictures?
How the Photo of Scholar helps the Da’wah? Isn’t his speech which is important?
Are you not the one who debates with Sufis and others for introducing new thing in Islam?
Are you not the one who gives up his desires just to be saved from major sins and to remain in saved sect?
Are you not the one who is always ready to accept the verdicts of Scholars without trying to find and search fatwas which suits your desires?l
Are you not the one who takes every matter of Islam sincerely and seriously?
YES, I know you are the one. But then why such leniency and carelessness in this matter which comes under major sins?
To Proceed: The most poignant ahadith are the following and will clearly highlight the severity of partaking in taking photos and worse still doing an action that is haraam and then displaying it to be seen, whether in the houses, or on any type of social media; i.e. facebook, twitter etc.
Narrations from the Prophet sallallaahu’alaihiwasallam:
Allah’s Messenger said: “Those who make these images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said to them, ‘Make alive what you have created.’”[Bukhaari and Muslim]
Narrated ’Aaishah radiyallaahu’anhaa:Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu’alaihi wasallam) returned from a journey when I had placed a curtain of mine having images over the door of a chamber of mine. When Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu’alaihi wasallam) saw it he tore it apart and said_: “The people who will receive the severest punishment on the Day of Resurrection will be those who try to make the like of Allaah’s creation.” [Bukhaari]
Ibn Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him and his father) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)said: “Every image-maker will be in the Fire, and for every image that he made a soul will be created for him, which will be punished in the Fire.” Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “If you must do that, make pictures of trees and other inanimate objects.” (Reported by Muslim, 3/1871)
The Prophet sallallaahu’ alaihi wasallam forbade taking the price of blood, the price of a dog and the earnings of a prostitute. He also cursed the one who took or gave ribaa (interest), the lady who tattooed others or got herself tattoed, and the image maker. [Bukhaari]
“The most severely punished people on the Day of Resurrection would be the image-makers”. [Bukhaari and Muslim]
“Every image-maker will be in the fire of Hell. A soul will be made for him for every image which he has made and it will punish him in the Hell-fire.” [Muslim]
Allaah the Glorious and Exalted said, “Who is more a wrongdoer than one who tries to create creation like My creation. Let him create a small ant or a grain of wheat.”[Muslim]
‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Shall I not send you on the same mission as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent me? Do not leave any built-up tomb without levelling it, and do not leave any picture in any house without erasing it.” (Reported by Muslim and al-Nisaa’i; this is the version narrated by al-Nisaa’i).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or pictures.”(Reported by al-Bukhaari, see al-Fath, 10/380).
The Rulings of Photography:
Question: What is the ruling on taking photographs, when they are for necessity and when they are for adornment?
Answer: Pictures of living (humans and animals) are unlawful except for necessity. Examples of necessity include identity photos, passport photos, or photos of criminals for the purpose of identification and then arrest when they commit a crime or attempt to flee.
Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts (Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Vol:8 page no .156)
Source: Fatwa On Pictures
Imaam Muhammad Bin Saalih Al ‘Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) 
Translator: Abu Yesmean Moslem Bin Usama

Question: May Allah reward you; the questioner, Hasan Hussein, says: I’m a young man, and I love taking pictures and preserving them. An occasion doesn’t pass-by unless I’ve photographed it for the memories, and I preserve these pictures inside of an album; however, on many occasions, months pass without me ever opening the album to look at the pictures.
What’s the ruling on these pictures that I’ve taken and preserving them?
Answer: It’s obligatory that you repent to Allah (‘Azz wa Jall) for your actions, and to burn all of the pictures that you’ve saved immediately; because it’s not permissible to preserve pictures for memory. Therefore, it’s upon you to burn the pictures after you’ve heard what I just told you, and I ask Allah to guide me and you, and for salvation from that which He hates. Source
Question: What is the ruling concerning hanging a picture on the wall? What is the ruling concerning owning pictures of people?
Answer: It is not allowed to hang a picture or keep a picture of any being that possesses a soul. It is obligatory to destroy such pictures. This is because the Prophet(sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) said,
“Do not leave any image, but [instead] efface it.” [1] It was confirmed in the hadith of Jabir radiyallaahu ‘anhu that,
“That because the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi-wasallam) prohibited having pictures in houses.” [2]
Therefore, all pictures meant for remembrance should be torn to pieces or burnt. However, pictures that are needed out of necessity, such as for official identification purposes and so forth, may be kept.
[1] Recorded by Muslim.
[2] Recorded by Tirmidhi and Ahmed. Al-Albani says it is Sahih
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women – Darussalam Pg.41-42

Question: What is the ruling concerning taking pictures using a mobile phone considering some people say that it is just capturing a shadow and there is no prohibition in that, so what is the ruling concerning that?
Answer: For HIM there is no prohibition in that, as for the Sunnah and the evidences then picture taking/making in general is Haraam (prohibited) and the picture maker is cursed. And he will receive from the most severest of punishments on the Day of Judgment. So what is it that takes the mobile phone out from this generality? The Messenger made picture making Haraam without exception by any means; (whether that be by way of ) a mobile phone, a camera, by hand(sculpting) or by drawing, he made it absolutely Haraam. So who is he that makes an exception from what the messenger sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said and attempts to redress the messenger. Apart from that the Muhaqqiqeen (verifiers) from the Scholars make an exception in the case of necessity, if a person is in need of taking a picture for a necessity then it is allowed due to this necessity due to His saying – the Most High:
while He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity? [Surah al-‘An’aam:119]
As for picture taking as a hobby or as a form of art by the use of the camera or by hand or by any object then it is Haraam and it is not allowed except in case of necessity only. In accordance to the necessity it is a concession. It is a concession due to a necessity only.
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan – Taken from the Shaykhs lecture series:(Tafseer of Surah al-Hujuraat to Surah an-Naas) Monday 15 Shawwal 1427H.
Question: When I go out on excursions with a group of friends, I take pictures to keep them as mementos. What is the ruling on taking pictures for this purpose?
Answer: The ruling is this practice is that it is unlawful, that is, if the picture is taken of something with a soul (a human or an animal), The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Judgement will be the picture-makers. [1] The Prophet(sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) also cursed those who make pictures. As for taking pictures of things without a soul – a car, a plane, a tree, etc., – there is no harm in that. And with Allaah is the facilitation to do what is right.
[1] Al-Bukhari no. 5950 and Muslim no. 2109.
Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz
Fataawa Islamiyah Vol. 8 Page 125

Question: What is the ruling on photography?
Shaykh Muhammad bin Hādī Al-Madkhalī said:
“My position on this is well known, and the speech of the scholars about this is well-known. It is not permissible except where necessity calls for it. So if there is a necessity such as a license, card, a situation, passport or any official documentation where work depends on or matters relating to your life depend on there is no problem in that because necessity makes the forbidden permissible. The origin for this is His – جلا وعلا‏ – statement: “[…] He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity.” [Al-An’am 6:119]. So if there is a necessity then there is no problem, but apart from that, then no.”
Shaykh Saalih As-Suhaymee said:
“We have warned more than once against taking pictures
Don’t take pictures, neither with your phone nor with something else
We don’t allow this, and the one who does it commits a sin
I say: The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam ) says: “May the picture-makers be cursed by Allaah.”
Cursed! Cursed! Cursed! Do you understand cursed?!
The picture-makers are cursed by Allaah! The Messenger ( sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam ) says: “May the picture-makers be cursed by Allaah.”
This is the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) cursing everyone who makes a picture of a soul.
And he (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) says: “The people with the most severe punishment on the Day of Ressurection are the picture-makers.”
Therefore I don’t allow anyone to take a picture, neither with a phone nor anything else.
So remove it, otherwise I will supplicate against you!”
Source: Video: Shaykh Saalih As Suhaymee – Ruling On Pictures
Questioner: What is the ruling on pictures ? What is the ruling on the whom photographs and on whom is photographed ?
Shaykh Al-Albani: Indeed this is a brief question, so do you want a brief answer ?
Questioner: so long we understand.
Shaykh Al-Albani: This requires a lecture, Baaraak Allaahu Feek
I also have three previous questions from a different questioner.
Be patient, I shall also try to make the answer as brief as possible in imitation to your brief question.
Questioner: Jazaak Allaah Khriaan, Shaykh
Shaykh Al-Albani: As for, in regards to the photographer. Then his account falls upon two Hadiths.
1. Allaah Has damned the picture takers (photographers). It will be said to them “bring life to what you have created”.
2. The second and last Hadith. It will be said on the Day of Resurrection, to whom ever makes a picture, blow into it its soul, and he will not be able too.
As for the ones that use pictures. They are on upon two states.
The first state: Which is the general.
• That it is impermissible to use pictures, in all of its different shapes and forms, especially the animates that have souls.
• As for what I entirely stated, whether they are handcrafted, photographic, and video graphic.
•All of these pictures, the Muslim is not permitted to use them.
•This is the first and general state.
The second state.
As for the pictures that the Muslim is forced to use falls under certain circumstances and these circumstances have different aspects.
As in regards to the general state of the people. Pictures for IDs, passports, and the likes of this.
The circumstance of specialization, like for the medical field.
For example, they may be forced to take pictures of a person to diagnose his disease – for example.
And taking pictures for the government to identify certain groups of individuals that are known to commit crimes such as theft, looting, and other negative actions or the likes of this.
Taking these pictures as a means to eliminate crime.
So using these type of pictures are permitted. Otherwise, it is not permitted.
Pictures are forbidden because it forbids the Angels to enter. As you are all aware from the Sahih Hadith, “The Angels don’t enter a house that has a picture or a dog in it”.
And I -from the favors of Allaah عز وجل- I see in front of me some pictures which I have observed to be not from the ones that are forbidden, because it seems to me that they don’t have images of animates that have souls.
Rather it portrays nature and the likes of this.
If a Muslim has the desire to make pictures, as what they call it now a days, art. Then his art has to be in according what Allaah made permissible and they are not animates that have souls.
This is what the time permits on the brief speech pertaining to this.
Advice of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Haadee to one who Tried to Take His Picture During a Class
What are you doing, Akhee? O our brother…I do not know, what do you benefit from At-Tasweer (picture taking) and taking it (the picture) with you. Na’am; Allaah is Beseeched for Help. (People) are put to trial with this Tasweer. The Fitnah of it increased when the means for it became easily accessible and it came to be within these cellular phones. Before, a person with be somewhat ashamed to carry a camera to the Masaajid. Now, it came to be within these phones so they dared to venture into this prohibited Tasweer which the Prophet ﷺ cursed the one who does it. So the people are in need of being reminded and clarification that At-Tasweer in from theMAJOR SINS; because the Prophet ﷺ cursed the picture maker, as is within the Saheeh. What could one want, beyond this explicit text? I wish I knew, what does the one who errs (in this regard) say about this authentic and explicit Hadeeth? There has preceded with us the speech of the scholars and we have mentioned it numerous times; that the authentic and explicit texts which do not have an abrogating (text) nor is there anything to contradict them, obligate that one be stern in repudiation of the one who opposes them. Not just repudiation; but sternness in doing so. This is because these texts are explicit, and do not leave room for interpretation. So as it relates to Tasweer, O assembly of brothers, if you see something from it—may Allaah reward you with good—then alert (the people) for many of them are ignorant; they are not aware of the texts and they don’t know them. Alert them and clarify to them the severe threat. And the reason for laxity regarding it now is these means which have become easy within the hands of the elders as well as the youth; even the children. So it has become easy to take pictures by way of them. We ask Allaah for safety and security.
Translated By: Raha ibn Donald Batts
Source: Advice of Shaykh Muhammad Bin Hadee
Clarifying the doubt’s for the people of desire:
Doubt #1: Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-’Uthaymeen permitted “tasweer” by camera.
Some people of desires have taken one fatwa of the Shaykh (Rahimhu Allaah) stating;“…the image-making that takes place using instant cameras, this does not appear to fall under this (tasweer), because the photographer does not draw out (create by any effort)…”without examining nor referring it back to Allaah and his messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam)
‘And if you differ in anything, then refer it back to Allaah and the messenger if you truly believe in Allaah and the last day.’[Surah An-Nisaa: 59]
Also, the people of desires failed to verify the correct position, because the Shaykh(Rahimhu Allaah) retracted and clarified the correct position during a Q&A in the following link:
Video: Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen – Forbidding Photography!
Doubt #2: Taking pictures is not from human actions.
Taking pictures with a camera involves much human actions such as focusing, pressing the shutter, developing, printing, and so on. We cannot call it anything other than “picture-making” or tasweer, which is the expression used by all Arabic-speakers to describe this action.
Shaykh Naasir al-Deen al-Albaani refutes these false statements by saying: “Some of them differentiate between hand-drawn pictures and photographic images by claiming that the latter are not products of human effort, and that no more is involved than the mere capturing of the image. This is what they claim. The tremendous energy invested the one who invented this machine that can do in few seconds what otherwise could not be done in hours does not count as human effort, according to these people! Pointing the camera, focusing it, and taking the picture, preceded by installation of the film and followed by developing and whatever else that I may not know about… none of this is the result of human effort, according to them!”
It has been summarized that there are no less than eleven different steps of action to making a picture. (Despite their false claims of no human action)
In the book Al-I’laam bi naqd kitaab al-halaal wa’l-haraam, Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzan says:“Photography is even more of an imitation of the creation of Allaah than pictures which are engraved or drawn, so it is even more deserving of being prohibited… There is nothing that could exclude photography from the general meaning of the reports.”
Doubt #3: That “tasweer” in this era cannot be compared to the tasweer of the time of the prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam).
“Those who say that photography is permitted have “frozen” the meaning of the word “tasweer,” restriciting it only to the meaning known at the time of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and not adding the meaning of photography, which is “tasweer” or “picture-making” in every sense – linguistic, legal, and in its harmful effects, and as is clear from the definition mentioned above. Years ago, I said to one of them, By the same token (way), you could allow idols which have not been carved but have been made by pressing a button on some machine that turns out idols by the dozen. What do you say to that?” (Aadaab al-Zafaaf by al-Albaani, p. 38)
Sincere Advice: My dear brothers and sisters in Islaam this life is short and it is the place of action and increasing in good deeds and staying away from sins, and the hereafter is the place of accountability, where we will be held to account for that which we have done.
Do NOT underestimate the severity of this sin or the severity of the punishment due to this action, fear Allah oh muslims and repent to your Lord who is the Oft Forgiving but also know and remind yourselves that Allah is severe in punishment to those who transgress his limits, so repent to your lord and leave off this action of photography which has such a dangerous recompense for the one who does it.

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