Friday, August 25, 2017


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'Abdullah (radhi Allahu anhu) said that "I heard Sufyan being asked about Nabidh. He said: 'Make Nabidh at night and drink it in the morning.'" (An-Nasaa'i)
Nabeedh is an alkalizing tonic, having the tendency to remove acidity from the stomach and digestive system and it also helps to remove other metabolic wastes from the body. It improves digestion as it's high in soluble fibre and it strengthens the memory. It assists the spleen function, liver, throat, chest and prostate, and so is particularly good for men. Nabeedh will also benefit patients of Arthritis and elevated levels of Uric Acid (gout).
How to make Nabeedh
Soak 100g of Dates or Raisins in 1 litre of water after Isha. Keep the container covered.
After Fajr either drink the water and eat the soaked fruit or blend it and drink.

Nabeedh should never be left longer than 2-3 days as it starts turning into alcohol.

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