Friday, October 13, 2017


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► If you call for the revivalism of the
Qur'an and the Sunnah you are a extremist.
◕ If you Enjoin what is good (al-ma’roof) and forbid
what is evil (al-munkar) you are fundamentalist.
◕ If you strive and defend the Deen of
Allah from the Kuffar you are a terrorist...
◕ If you follow Al Wala' Wal Bara (Love and Hate
for Allah's Sake) you will be called salafi/ wahabi
► So, tell me my brothers and sisters wallah from your point of view and understanding of this Deen...what should we do as Muslims? Should we compromise our Deen and our way of life to fit with the none Muslims to make them love us? Should we accept the haraam and stay away from the halal? should we as Muslims accept homosexuality , free mixing , having boyfriends and girlfriends? replace the Quran with Music? Should we accept fornication and Adultery as normal?
You see , the Muslims of today have systematically adopted the ways of the enemy so much that wallah by Allah you can't even tell if this person loves Allah or NOT...Muslims have today compromised everything to please the none Muslims.
This conclusion may seem extreme, but that’s the reality.
In Our Deen there is absolutely no room for compromise.
eg. meaning our way of life and the Shari'ah of Allah.
◕ "Indeed, those who exchange the covenant
of Allah and their [own] oaths for a small price
will have no share in the Hereafter, and Allah
will not speak to them or look at them on the
Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them;
and they will have a painful punishment. [3:77]
Compromising without sound logic Nor the truth.
The weak consider it as harmless, the ignorant hold it as beneficial, and the miss-guided count it as essential. They forbid the good and enjoin the forbidden. They imitate the disbelievers and choose them as their friends and trustees. They mock believers who oppose the ways of the disbelievers and hypocrites. They help to deviate people from the Path of Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam). They have left jihad for the pleasures and pursuits of the material world. They have abandoned Shariah and adopted Jahiliyyah.
Many brothers and sisters don't like to be told the truth about the Shari'ah of Allah. Some of them say " Uff" its too much.
● The reason for this brothers and sisters is that it is well-known that some these individuals follow NOTHING but their desires that blinds their hearts who also are weak at heart and have little knowledge, become irritated when they hear lists of prohibitions. They grumble and mutter, “Everything is haraam, you haven’t left us anything that is not forbidden! You make our lives boring and miserable. You don’t talk about anything but what is haraam, but the Deen of Allah is supposed to easy, not strict, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
In response to such remarks the believers of Allah say,
► Allah, may He be glorified, rules as He wills and there is none to put back His judgement. He is All-Wise and Aware, and He allows whatever He wills and forbids whatever He wills, may He be glorified. One of the basic principles of our being His slaves is that we should accept whatever He decrees and submit fully to it. His rulings stem from His knowledge, wisdom and justice, and are not the matter of frivolity or foolish whims who blind away from the truth:
The Question is brothers and sisters;
Am i perfect off course NOT, Just like the next person I have my own short comings to deal with...Do we have the authority to judge the next brother or sister ? NO we don't.
Let me make it clear for you brothers and sisters : There appears to be three main reasons why people will willingly compromise and Islam, and those same people will choose those orders Allah has enforced us to follow, according to their own desires and substitute the rest with man-made systems.
........ NUMBER ONE .........
" Akhi as you can see we are living in hard times, in a difficult society, and thus Allah permits us to compromise, because ‘Islam is easy, not hard’". A Hadith also quoted is that narrated by Aisha (Radi Allah ‘Anha), who said that when the Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) had the choice between two actions, he chose the easiest course "
True, Islam is easy to follow, but not to the extent that we are permitted to change the rules set by Allah may He be glorified and exalted for our own convenience. When asked for proof for the statement we can compromise, they claim that our condition today is similar to that during the Makkan period of the Prophet’s mission. We should bear patiently like he did then, and act as he did in those circumstance. The fallacy brothers and sisters of this argument stands clear when we study the reasons why the beloved of Allah the Rasulullah (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) acted as he did back then, and how later on in his life he (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) acted differently. We are now living in the Madinah era, the era where the Qur’an was completed. The Makkan period could be seen as a temporary stage where the companions were trained and prepared in that special environment. But Islam was completed, finalized with the ayah:
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) says
◕ "This day, I have perfected your religion
for you, completed My Favor upon you, and
have chosen for you Islam as your religion."(5:3)
Islam was then perfected, so by retracing our steps all the way back to the Makkan era is illogical. For example = A cup full of fresh milk will be spoilt if only a drop of blood was to fall in it. Allah has never asked us to go beyond our capacity to please him, thus arguments such as "I must work in a Haram field because I have no choice" is an invalid argument.
If our women must mix with men in the workplace, Allah never asked them to go to such extents. If we eat food, which is declared Haram, don’t expect automatic forgiveness, because no excuse remains. We have transgressed the boundaries.
Where as most people use their own rationale to substantiate their weak claims, I have the Word of Allah:
◕ "Such is Allah, your Lord in truth. So after the truth
what else can there be, save error."(10:32)
◕ "It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error." ( 33:36)
Brothers and sisters - honestly do you consider our current situation to be much worse than that suffered by the beloved of Allah (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) and his companions, or the other prophets before him? Surely this is the same code enjoined upon the Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) and upon us. Yusuf ((Alayhi salaam)) went through many tortures, but never compromised, but instead turned to his Creator:
"O my Lord! Prison is more to my liking
than that to which they invite me." (12:33)
It was not in the nature of Yusuf ((Alayhi salaam)), nor in any of the Prophets, nor in any of the righteous servants of Allah, to compromise in order to gain some worldly benefit. Yusuf (Alayhi salaam) preferred jail to falling for the lusts of women.
...........NUMBER TWO...........
Another false argument is the apologetic one: "We want to show people a religion, which is easy and doesn’t require much effort, not to make people run away from Islam."
In truth brothers and sisters - Wallah people have been running towards Islam because, when shown in its real light, Islam provides the solutions people have been seeking. They do not want a mixture of Islam with the Kuffir they fled. so Showing Islam in a "moderate" or "soft" light will only give the wrong image of an already perfect religion.
...... NUMBER THREE .......
The third argument is that we must compromise in order to strengthen Islam. We must enter and join these institutions, join hands with the non-Muslims who are our partners in this life. This way, we can spread Islam, and live happily ever after.
WRONG!!! Again,
there is no proof in the Shariah for this view, but rather to the contrary. Surah al -Kafirun is a prime example of this:
◕ "Say: " Disbelievers! I do not worship
what you worship, nor do you worship what
I worship. I shall never worship what you worship,
neither will you worship what I worship. You
have your own religion and I have mine." (109)
Muhammad (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) indeed declared his religion to be that of Ibrahim (Alayhi salaam). The unbelievers thus argued that there was no reason for them to leave their own beliefs and take up that of Muhammad’s (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam ) seeing they were of the same religion.
The enemies of Islam sought to compromise with the Rasulullah (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) , proposing that he should prostrate before their gods in exchange for them prostrating before Allah, and he could demand whatever he wanted from them. Then Allah truly send down this Surah revealed in an uncompromising tone, clearly dividing Tawheed (monotheism) from shirk (polytheism), establishing a true criterion, allowing for no further wrangling.
This wasn’t the only situation my brothers and sisters. When the beloved Rasulullah (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) uncles felt that he was getting too powerful, they tried to bribe him with the gifts of this world. They offered him the leadership of Makkah, wealth if that was his purpose, the most charming wife if that was what pleased him, yet he refused all these because he only desired that the truth prevailed. Under such harsh and luring circumstances, he (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) commented that if the sun were to be given in his right hand, and the moon in his left, never would he leave this cause until Allah will elevate it, or he would die striving for this cause.
This was his prime opportunity; if it were in his nature to compromise, he could have accepted the leadership, secretly hid his true convictions, and later spread Islam after being confident and powerful enough. Rasulullah (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) was known as the Trustworthy and due to this fact he (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) was thus able to kindle the fire of Arab nationalism and would thus have united them. They would have responded gladly to his call, tired of their tribal warfare’s. Thereafter, he could free the Arab lands from the domination of the Romans and the Persians. He could have easily established an Arab state in this way, instead of bearing thirteen years of pain and torture. He could have made the people bow initially before his authority, then he could have used his position of authority to impose the belief in the unity of Allah, and bow before the True God. This was not what Allah desired though, and that is not Islam. Islam seeks the destruction of all forms of evil, through pure ways, not the manipulation of evil to reach a pure goal. This is not possible, nor permissible. Even in a life or death situation, we are told of the rewards if we persevere and bear patiently.
Ibrahim (Alayhi salaam) chose to burn in the fire prepared by his own father, rather than to hide his religion, leave the area, and spread the Word of Allah. If Allah or the Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam)have forbidden us to do something, we must believe with all our being that it is forbidden for our benefit.
For example: Music - it is Haram (except the duff on certain occasions)...don’t try to change it around to suit your desires, by saying those favourite words we hear over and over again as justification, "I know its Haram ......but..?" If the Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Salam) forbade it, that’s it, accept it, don’t try and "Islamisize" it. You can’t, unless of course you think you know better? (istufiriillah, May Allah protect us from this)
Another example is the issue of Hijab:
Many Muslim sisters have even tried to "Islamisize" this act of devotion, which has guidelines and conditions. This stance is very weak...often justified by this saying, "But, if we look more fashionable, the non-Muslims won’t find it so hard to relate to us." Wrong!!, as Allah says in the Qur’an:
◕ "Never will the Jews nor the Christians
be pleased with you till you follow their religion.
Say: "Verily, the Guidance of Allah, that is the
only Guidance. And if you were to follow their
(Jews and Christians) desires after what you
have received of knowledge (i.e. the Qur’an), then
you would have against Allah neither any "Wali"
(Protector or Guardian) nor any helper." ( 2:120)
◕ ◕ ◕ No Excuse ◕ ◕ ◕
Allhamdulillah my dear brothers and sisters (Ma Sh Allah) we are provided with all the necessities of life. We have enough money to purchase Halal products and these are available everywhere, so we need not compromise in terms of our food. We can freely wear the required clothing asked by Allah, so we have no excuse not to. Our sisters need not mix in our universities or workplaces, because Allah never requested them to compromise Islam to gain worldly knowledge. We can choose our work, our partners, our lifestyle, yet we consider ourselves fighting some imaginary "Jihad" of the nafs. Indeed, you never had an excuse, and you certainly do not now, so cling to the path chosen by Allah; to all of it, for that is the only way we can dig ourselves from this rotten trough we have fallen in. We will inevitably fall if we prefer to attribute orders to Allah, which He never asked for.
◕ "Say you (O Muhammad): ‘This is my way; I
invite unto Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever
follows me with sure knowledge. And Glorified and
Exalted be Allah. And I am not of the Mushrikun.’ "(12:108)
◕ "And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it,
and follow not other paths, for they will separate
you away from His path. This He has ordained for
you that you may become pious."( 6:153)....
May Allah keep us steadfast Amin ya rabi alamin !!!

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