Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Science of Vinegar according to the Sunnah

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We know Vinegar is mentioned in the Sunnah and we’ve all seen a million posts with long lists of the benefits of Vinegar but there is a real hikmah (wisdom) behind this hadith. The Prophet ﷺ ate bread with vinegar. But did you know that in a study research indicated a blood sugar reduction of more than one-third when consuming apple cider vinegar before, during or after eating white bread? Amazing right?
Using Apple Cider Vinegar as an example there are scientifically backed benefits of having it with our meals just as the Prophet ﷺ did.
Regardless of if you drink it or put it on as a dressing, apple cider vinegar can help the body absorb more nutrients from the food. It can stop sugar spikes after meals which aids in curbing food cravings and can prevent us from developing type 2 diabetes. In fact, one study found that consuming apple cider vinegar before meals reduced the blood glucose levels of patients with prediabetes by nearly half. It works great as a mild laxative and I’d highly recommend it for those with constipation and digestive issues (with or after meals).
Countless people inbox me on how to lose weight etc and its so simple. Adopt the way of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ instead of thinking there is some magic herb that will magic it all away in one dose. 

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