Friday, March 9, 2018

The Zikr of ALLAH

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The Zikr of ALLAH
We all have very busy lifestyles and many a times we complain that 
we do not have enough time. With Zikr, you do not have to make 
any time for it. It is something that you could super impose over your regular schedule; be it while at work, whilst cooking, whilst shopping, 
and even whilst relaxing. Zikr of ALLAH is something that is extremely easy and extremely rewardable. We may think that just because an act is simple and easy it does not carry weight in it. That is not the case.

Ibnul Jawzi (Rahmatullah 'Alaihi) delivers advice in his book Sayd al Khatir. This advice is a rule for burglars. Anyone who is in the field of burglary has to learn this rule. This is the most important law and rule for burglary; you cannot graduate from it until you master this rule. What is this rule? You take whatever is very light in weight and very valuable in price. When you walk into a house to steal, you do not carry the couches and chairs, rather you will take with you the gold and jewelry.
In the same way; we need to apply this rule when dealing with the laws of Shari’ah. There are some Ibadat which are very easy to do and carry a lot of weight. One of them is the Zikr of ALLAH Azza Wajal’.
Wet your tongues by doing lots of Zikrullah (remembering ALLAH in Abundance) every moment, everyday.

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Benefits Of Zikrullah 
1) Zikr keeps away the Satan and weakens his strength.
2) It is the cause of Almighty ALLAH's pleasure.
3) It relieves the mind of anxieties and worries.
4) It produces joy and happiness in the heart.
5) it strengthens the body and mind.
6) It brightens the face and heart.
7) It attracts one's susistence.
8) It invests with awe and sweetness the Zakirs so that the seeing eye is filled with awe and pleasure at his sight.
9) It induces love for ALLAH, which in fact is the spirit of Islam and the pivot of "Deen", and the source of success and salvation in the Hereafter. He who seeks access to the love of Almighty ALLAH should do
Zikr profusely. Just as reading and repetition is the door of knowledge, so Zikr of Allah is the gateway to His love.
10) Zikr involves Muraqaba (deep meditation), through which one reaches the stage of "Ehsan", wherein a person worships Almighty ALLAH as if he is actually seeing Him. 
11) It helps realization of ALLAH so that by and by a stage is reached when he comes to regard Almighty ALLAH as his sole Cherisher, Guardian and Master, and he turns unto Him, in all afflictions.
12) It is the key to nearness to Almighty ALLAH; the greater the Zikr, 
the greater the nearness to ALLAH, and greater the indifference to Zikr, the greater the distance from him.
13) It opens the door of Ma'arfat (realization) of ALLAH.
14) It makes one realize the greatness and grandueur pf Almighty ALLAH, and strenghthens the consciousness of His Omni presence.
15) Zikr of Allah causes one's mention in the Court of ALLAH, as said in the Holy Book.
(Remember Me, and I will remember you),and as stated in the Hadith (whosoever remembers Me in his heart, i remember him in My heart). it has already been explained under other verses and Ahadith that, even if there were no other good points in Zikr, except that mentioned above, this alone would have established its superiority over others. Nevertheless, there are many more virtues and benefits of Zikr.
16) It gives life to the heart. Hafiz Ibn Tamimia says that Zikr is as necessary for the herart as water for the fish. Imagine the condition of a fish out of water.
17) It is food for the heart and the soul; depriving them of Zikr is like depriving the body of its food.
18) It cleanses the heart of its rust. It has been mentioned in an earlier Hadith; everything rusts according to its nature; and heart rust with wordly desires and indefference, to purify which Zikr is necessary.
19) It safeguards against pitfalls and lapses.
20) The heart of a neglectful person is tormented by a feeling of remotenes from ALLAH, and nothing other than Zikr can 
rid the heart of this feeling.
21) The words of Zikr keep on moving round the Arsh of Almighty ALLAH, as stated in a Hadith.
22) If one remembers ALLAH in hapiness, Almighty ALLAH remembers him in his afflictions.
23) It is a means to deliverance from ALLAH's punishment.
24) It causes ALLAH's peace and Mercy to descend while angels surrond the person engaged in Zikr.
25) It saves the tongue from indulging in backbiting, loose talk, lies and abuses. It is a common experience that a man whose tongue remains engaged in Zikr does not commit these absurdities. On the other hand the
tongue that is not used in Zikr falls an easy prey to all kinds of useless talk.
26) the gatherings of Zikr are gathering of angels, and gatherings without Zikr are gatherings of Satan.

ALLAH says in The Holy Qur'an.....
"And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and with fear without loudness in words in the mornings, and in the afternoons and be not of those who are neglectful."
[Al-Qur'an Surah Al-'A`rāf (The Heights)....7:205]
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