Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Arrogant will not accept the truth at any cost.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): A People Never Went Astray After Being Upon Guidance Except through Disputation
Imam Al-Laalikaa`ee (d. 418H, rahimahullaah) said: "So there has been no crime committed against the Muslims more henious than debating with the Innovators. And there is no way to subjugate and humiliate the Innovators greater than what the Salaf left the Muslims upon from abandoning the Innovators so that they die heartsick from anger." [Sharh Usool-ul-I'tiqaad (1/19) of Laalikaa`ee]
The 12th Point of Sharh-us-Sunnah is: Censure of Debating and Arguing. Debating, arguing and disputing are innovations which throw doubt into the heart, even if the person reaches the truth and the Sunnah.[1]
Allaah, the Most High, says (what means): None dispute about the signs of Allaah, except those who disbelieve. (Ghaafir, ayah 4)
At-Tirmidhee (rahimahullaah) reported a hasan hadeeth from Abu Umaamah (radiallaahu 'anhu), who said:
"Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: A people never went astray after being upon guidance except through disputation. Then Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) recited this Ayah (which means): This they set forth to you, only by way of argument. Nay, but they are a contentious people. (az-Zukhruf, ayah 58)
Al-Aajurree (rahimahullaah) reported in ash-Sharee'ah (p.57) that a man came to al-Hasan (al-Basree, rahimahullah) and said, "O Abu Sa'eed! Let me debate with you about the Religion." Al-Hasan replied: "As for me, I know my religion. If you have lost your Religion, then go and look for it."
'Umar ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez (d. 101H, rahimahullaah) said: "He who allows his Religion to be open to disputing will frequently change over." (Jaami' Bayaanil 'Ilm, 2/113)
Shaykh 'Ubaid ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah) said (http://www.markazmuaadh.com/questions.asp): "Do no put yourself in the situation of arguing with the people of desires for that sickens the heart and wastes time and allows the innovators to mention their doubts."
Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ramzaan al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah) said in his explanation of Sharh-us-Sunnah: "These are from the reasons of the appearance of bid'ah: arguing, debating, an innovated way of debating. What is the end result of these? The person will actually defame the Religion, or he poses doubts to the people, and these doubts enter the hearts of the people. Beware of people like this. Beware of people like this.
The beginning of fitan is Qeela wa Qaal (this person said, that person said), and the people who don't clarify their position on things, and they don't clarify where they get this information from. They don't check their sources. So then the person will begin to debate and argue; the person wants to show that he is upon the correct opinion, and argumentation. Each person wants to show himself in the argumentation, to show that he is either a stronger arguer or has a stronger opinion. And he wants to gather the people around him, and wants to instigate the people against those who oppose him."[2]
While showing the wickedly lying ways of the Qutbi Muhammad Al-Arifi and his deceptive comrade Asim Al-Hakim, student Abu 'Iyaad (hafidhahullaah) said (http://maktabah-alfawaaid.blogspot.com/…/muhammad-al-arifi-…):
"How Does a Person Become Misguided? Because we see people like this all the time. Someone is upon the Sunnah, and then he becomes from the people of Bid'ah, Hizbiyah and Dalaala (misguidance). How does this happen?
The answer is: in this very statement of Imam Malik (rahimahullaah) when approached by a man who said to him, 'I want to debate with you.' He (Imam Malik) said (http://twitter.com/abuiya…/status/286583009023504384/photo/1): 'I know my religion. (I understand my Religion.) I don't doubt like you do. So go find someone who doubts like you do, and you two debate.' (Hilyat al-Awliyaa of al-Haafidh Abu Nu'aym al-Asfahani 9/112)
So the answer is here, that the majority of the people didn't become misguided except through the route of debate and argumentation and...having debates. And that's why when you reflect upon the book of Imam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) Usool-us-Sunnah, you will see that he mentioned four great, mighty principles. You know the text: Usool-us-Sunnah 'Inn`dana (The foundation of the Sunnah with us are):
1- Holding fast (firmly) to what the Sahaaba were upon
2- To abandon all bid'ah
3-To not sit with the people of desires
4- To abandon all argumentation and debating in the Religion
Why is this, because we know historically that everyone who got misguided became misguided because he began to debate and argue."
Abu 'Iyaad gave well-known examples of the past and also gave a contemporary example of the Qutbi Mubtadi' (Innovator) 'Adnaan 'Aroor who, by engaging in these unlegislated debates broadcast via satellite with the wicked Raafidah and the Soofees, opens up the door for these people of bid'ah and Shirk to spread their filth and evil to millions of people.
Keep in mind the tremendous aforementioned advice of Shaykh 'Ubaid al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah), who said (http://www.markazmuaadh.com/questions.asp): "Do no put yourself in the situation of arguing with the people of desires for that sickens the heart and wastes time and allows the innovators to mention their doubts."
[1] This debating that is warned against here is different than the arguing in the way that is best that Allaah Ta'aala commands with in the Qur`an. This kind of debating that is a bid'ah is with someone who doesn't want to benefit and has already pre-determined that he wants to defend his falsehood. Qur`an and Sunnah have already reached him, and he still wants to argue.*

In this case here, all the person (who agrees to debate with him) is doing is giving this obstinate person a platform by which to spread his poison. This obstinate person doesn't desire what was revealed, and the refutation of his falsehood is already known, so the benefit is cut off. This kind of debate is not legislated and may even lead to ar-riyya` (showing off).
The Salaf never ever used to engage in this unlegislated type of debate - ever. The Salaf never ever used to give Ahlul-Bid'ah this platform.
In the time of the Salaf, Ahlul-Bid'ah used to die in their fury - boycotted, abandoned and punished, and thus unable to spread their poison. Then ignoramuses came and began debating, giving Ahlul-Bid'ah a means of spreading their bid'ah.
This is why Imam Al-Laalikaa`ee (d. 418H, rahimahullaah) said: "So there has been no crime committed against the Muslims more henious than debating with the Innovators. And there is no way to subjugate and humiliate the Innovators greater than what the Salaf left the Muslims upon from abandoning the Innovators so that they die heartsick from anger." [Sharh Usool-ul-I'tiqaad (1/19) of Laalikaa`ee.]
* The sources for our religion are the Qur`an and Sunnah (and Ijma'), and these sources are infallible, and have been preserved, and the one who follows them is guaranteed protection from misguidance. So whatever opposes the Qur`an and Sunnah is falsehood. Allaah said (what means): ...So what is after the truth except falsehood. (Yunoos, ayah 32) Allaah said (what means): Verily, We have sent down the Dhikr, and verily We will preserve it. (Al-Hijr, ayah 9)
Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: I have left amongst you that which if you hold onto you will never go astray: the Book of Allaah and my Sunnah. [Al-Haakim; Hasan hadeeth]
So if a person still wants to argue or debate after the Qur`an and Sunnah (with the correct understanding) reach him, leave this person! Walk away! Ask yourself: 'Are my words better than Allaah's Words? Is my argument better than the Prophet's ahadeeth and guidance? Is it possible to get nearer to Allaah with something opposing His revelation?' No! No! No! So leave these people! If they're not going to submit to the Qur`an and Sunnah, what makes you think they will submit to what you say? May Allaah bless you. Leave them, and protect yourself from their doubts! Walk away with your Religion in tact! May Allaah safeguard you!
[2] Shaikh Ramzaan also said:
"The people of falsehood try to conceal the truth from the people who follow them. So if a new (authentic) book comes out, they warn against it. And if a (true) scholar was to come, they warn against this particular scholar. And if a new tape comes out, they warn against it, and if there was a lesson, they would warn against it. Why?
Because they don't want their followers to listen to the truth.
What did the Quraish do with the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam)? They warned the children of their tribes to not listen to the Prophet and to not go to him. They said, 'Don't listen to the Qur`an, and make noise when it is being recited.'
Allaah said: And those who disbelieve say: 'Listen not to this Qur`an, and make noise in the midst of its (recitation) that you may overcome.' (Fussilat, ayah 26) When the Qur`an was being recited, they (the disbelievers) would send people going around, making noise. They accused the Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) - in his da'wah - of dividing the tribes, so they started to defame the Qur`an.
Even if the person was to reach the truth from this argumentation, not everything (100%) that they have is falsehood. So some people may be affected by some of the truth that the people of falsehood may have. The person may say, 'but they say this,' or 'they do this.' So if the person comes with these excuses, then tell him the point that is overwhelming, that these people are upon misgidance.
There are some trees that have spikes (thorns) and at the same time have flowers. You can't reach the flowers from this tree except after being harmed by its thorns. If the honey was mixed with poison, can you extract the honey from the poison?
I'll give you an example concerning the marketplace. There is a widespread problem in the marketplaces here and in other Muslim countries. There is some nastiness in it, and some doubtful matters. What do these people say? 'They have some good qualities, so go and mix with the good things that these people have, and leave the bad things that these people have.' Am I obligated to follow these people? I am opposed to that, I am upon the truth that is clear. Why would I leave the Sunnah and go to the people of misguidance to get the little bit of good that they may have (which the people of the Sunnah have, anyway), and leave the da'wah as-Salafiyyah? And take the little bit of good that the Raafidah and the Soofiyah may have? Or from the other innovated groups like Ikhwanul Muslimoon, the Tableeghis, or the Takfeeris?
If you go to the marketplace, would a person say, 'take this box of tomatoes or apples, wherein are some good tomatoes or apples among many spoiled ones.' Or would you say, 'I want a box of all good tomatoes or apples, and I don't want anything that is spoiled.' You would say, 'Take this away, give me a box full of good apples or tomatoes.'
This is concerning your stomach, things related to your wordly life. What about your akhira, your jannah or fire. So be aware of these people who say, 'people of bid'ah have some good in them,' so that you may be successful on the Day of Judgement. And because of this, there is danger in the people who say about Ahlul-Bid'ah, 'take the good from them and leave the bad.'
Leave them off completely. And upon you is the Al-Haqq Al-WadiH, al Mubeen (clear and manifest truth that is far away from misguidance). Na'am."

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